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Simple Guide To Create Video Resumes For Your Next Job

Resumes Feb 4, 2022

Want to get more job offers? Or are you hunting for a new job? Why are you not getting a job despite putting a lot of energy into the application procedure? Probably, you are not aware of the catch.

The catch is writing cover letters, networking on LinkedIn, and polishing your resume. Although these are the most effective techniques, adding a visual to your job search can have a powerful influence on potential employers.

It is difficult for the hiring managers to identify your resume in a sea of resumes. Well, there is one way for you to stand out of the crowd, and that is by creating a video resume. Create this resume in a way that showcases your talents and skills most appealingly.

The guide below will help you out in creating the most effective video resumes for your next job:

Work on an Outline

Since video resumes are a new thing, it is quite likely that you will not have good skills in making such resumes. The very first question will be what on earth will you be saying in such resumes.

You cannot write a script and stick to it word by word as this can feel robotic and stiff. It will not help you in showing yourself to the employers. So, before getting in front of the camera, outline the points you will be covering.

Pay attention to specific requests in the job offer and include the same in your resume. You can have a pretty loose outline, but make sure to say the basic details naturally. Ensure covering things like your name, the position you are applying for, the reason why you are applying for the job, and your career accomplishments.

Having an outline of the points you will include in the resume will help you avoid the umms and the errs. Further, this will make you sound more professional and confident.

Select a Topic

Speaking of what you must speak about in your video resume, the sky's the limit. Choose to share why you are the perfect fit for the organization. This will be something different from the usual cover letters in resumes.

Or, if there is something in your job application that you would like to expand on or clarify, use video for this purpose.

Understand Your Audience

You will be aware of your audience, but there’s a special catch to this as well. When planning your script and the location for the video recording, consider the employers who will be watching your video and calibrate accordingly.

If you are preparing a video resume for the position of a bank manager, it will surely be different from a resume made for a start-up.

Prepare the Filming Space

It is necessary to set up the right space for filming your video resume. If you are sitting and speaking right on camera, make sure the background is neutral. Also, arrange for attractive lighting.

You can also include props but make sure they are natural to the space where you are filming the video. Your props should not distract the audience in any condition.

If you include action clips, ensure the necessary equipment and props fill up the filming space. Do not include any other individual in the background or along with you in the frame.

This will make the resume appear unprofessional.

Keep Your Video Resume Short

Your video resume should not exceed the two-minute mark. The best is to keep it for less than two minutes. Otherwise, it has fair chances of getting dull and boring. Remember, the employers do not have a lot of time in hand.

They have other things to do. Therefore, you must keep your visual presentation as short as possible. Make it long enough, so it makes the right first impression but not so long that the audience loses attention.

Use Additional Visuals

Considering what you are offering in your video resume, consider including different visual elements like infographics, slides, clippings, and images. These elements can offer additional information about you engagingly and dynamically.

But when you plan to include such elements in your video, collect them quite early before the editing stage of the video. This way, you will have everything in place to give your video a great appearance without taking much time.

Be Enthusiastic and Have a Smile on Your Face

Take it as if you are sitting for an interview. Have a smile on your face right from the beginning while showing the enthusiasm to grab the position you are applying for. Having a smiling face from the beginning till the end shows your confidence and even openness.

A disengaged and bored viewer will not watch your video till the end. So, it works to practice a bright and cordial tone. This is the first time your prospective employer will see you. So, strike the right balance.

Smiling too much will make you appear insincere and nervous. So do not force a smile. Keep it natural.

Be Genuine

Your video resume will be a game-changer for you because it will help you highlight your personality in the best way possible. It will help your employer identify you more easily and find you interesting as well.

So, relax and allow your original work style and personality to shine through.

Narrate a Story

Your video resume will be one good way of showcasing something from your educational background or experiences that will surely impress employers. But make sure to tell this in the form of a story.

Make it interesting, and prospective employers will surely find something really valuable in the piece.

Be Professional

Look professional in your video resume by wearing subtle patterns and solid colors. Record the film in a well-lit and quiet area. Clear the space of clutter and make sure the viewers have their focus only on you. Sit straight and avoid crossing your fidget or arms.


There is no better way of applying for a job these days than using a video resume. It gives potential employers the scope of seeing the applicants and their dynamism and hearing them speak.

A video resume will be your secret ingredient to shine in your interview and land the job of your dreams without putting in a lot of effort.


George Lambdus

Head of Partnerships - Loopcv

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