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Why you should create a video job application

Job applications Nov 22, 2022

The video job application is the newest way to briefly introduce yourself and tell about yourself. Recently, this format of screening job candidates when applying for a job became viral. It lets you briefly explain and prove why you are the perfect applicant for this particular job. You have a couple of minutes to prove that you are the best and the only person your potential employer should offer you a job.

It's a brand-new format that is more often required by the large corporations that are looking through dozens of applicants, and they are looking for a person who is energized and highly motivated, that can wake them after they have already seen thousands of video curriculum vitae.

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In this post, we will figure out why video resumes have become so trendy recently and what advantages it gives both parties: job applicants and employers. Finally, you will see some helpful tips on making a job application and preparing a video curriculum vitae.

How to make job application and why you need it

The labor market is becoming more and more competitive every year. Newly grads from colleges and universities seek a job that will meet their requirements and pay them a lot to cover all the tuition fees paid for higher education. It complicates the screening process.

So, a video job application significantly simplifies the screening process. It has been proven that job applicants have just a couple of seconds to grab the potential employer's attention. Those seconds could be fateful for you, especially if you apply for your dream job. But, if you struggle to find a dream job, maybe you're looking in the wrong place?

Check out this website for more details about the job search process.

Large companies practice CV videos more often. The video curriculum vitae became one of the requirements for applying for a job in a large international corporation. The HR management has to scan a lot of applicants, and the CV in video format eases and speeds up the whole process of screening CVs and job applicants.

How to make your CV noticeable?

It's becoming more or less clear why CV videos have become so popular among different companies. The only question left on the table is how to make your potential employer notice your resume, among the others?

The first point is that your CV should be short and still informative. Video CV format is similar to rational hard copies of a CV you send via email to respond to a job ad. There, you should briefly describe your educational background and your work experience. In the meantime, this description should be outstanding and eye-catching to make your job application noticeable among other applicants.

How to prepare a video curriculum vitae?

So, to start with, look at your written CV, and highlight those parts that you think are suitable for a particular job alert requirement. If you struggle with it, check out this post.

For instance, if you are applying for a job in marketing, you need to point out that work experience where you proved your communication and creative skills. Even though you might not have a relevant job experience in marketing. You might have worked as a school teacher.

Still, you have gained social and communication skills, shown your problem-solving efficiency, and demonstrated your creativity. The main point is to check your CV and the job application requirements. Prepare some examples in advance to talk about them in your CV video.

Secondly, the video should be short but informative. No one likes to watch long and boring videos where a person talks about themselves in a boring and monotonic voice. The point is that you should check out the requirements of the job alert if they specify the particular length in the video.

If the potential employer specifies the video's particular time frame, you need to fit in those requirements. If it is up to you, then stick to the rule — a short and informative video.

The importance of your voice

Another important moment mentioned earlier is that you should NOT talk in a monotonic voice. Do you remember when you had to stay in a boring class and listen to your professor mumbling something uninteresting and unclear? Try not to repeat those mistakes.

Because back in time, you couldn't switch off your boring professor, but the HR staff could switch your video job application in one click and then watch another. It means you didn't pass the screening stage of the job application.

But it does not mean that you should scream in the video. Try to follow the style of the speech of some professional speakers. Watch their performance records and try to copy their style. You will see that they use pauses and high voices to highlight some important moments.

Those techniques help the viewer pay attention to important moments and give plenty of time to process the information. It will make your video easy to watch and memorable for the HR staff during the screening process.

Rewatching is the key to success

Finally, no one can make an impressive video resume from the first shot. Even professional actors take several doubles to make a perfect scene. Besides, they rehearse those scenes several times.

It means that you should have plenty of time to prepare a speech and rehearse it before recording a video. Then re-watch this video by yourself or ask someone to give their feedback. Then record another video until you consider it perfect.

Also, if you're skilled enough in video editing, you may try to use some visual effects from Clipchamp. They will give you an extra point and make your speech interesting and easy to process.

But try not to overload your video with unnecessary visual effects. Mainly because your audience might not see your main message and will be easily distracted. Check out the MXF converter to prepare your video resume. It has some helpful tools.

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As you can see, large companies highly demand CV videos. You can notice this requirement in many job alerts. It simplifies the screening process among the many job candidates.

To catch the potential employer's attention when applying for a job, you need to make your CV video eye-catching and impressive where you will, highlight all your achievements, and prove that you are the right candidate for this job or position.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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