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The Best Way to Write a Job Cover Letter That Stands Out

Cover Letters Aug 5, 2022

In this digitally driven era, you need some material to support your job resume. You can't fit too much information on a single resume page. Therefore, a supporting document such as a cover letter raises the value of your application.

The best way to write a job cover letter is by featuring your top skills and abilities with the company's job requirements. Express how your experience and education can contribute to the position that you are applying for.

Your cover letter is like the first impression in the form of an introduction to your employer. Therefore, you should take the suitable measures and time to create an effective one.

This article will share the best way to write a job cover letter that stands out from other applicants. These tips will help to raise your chances of getting hired.

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What is it Important to Make a Cover Letter?

A cover letter briefly introduces yourself and explains your experience and education. It portrays the first impression on the hiring manager or recruiter of the company, typically submitted with the CV.

A cover letter gives you a chance to briefly explain your skills, as they cannot be properly elaborated in a resume. This way, you get a chance to speak directly about your abilities and elaborate on how you're the right fit for the job.

But instead of pasting a block of words, you should be focused on producing quality material for your content, as it's a one-time opportunity to apply for a job. Therefore, you have to make it perfect.

Essential Functions of a Cover Letter

  • A cover letter is strictly related to your skills and experience that define how you are qualified for the job.
  • It elaborates on how your abilities fit right for the job description.
  • It shows that you have learned and understood the company and its goals.
  • A cover letter should always finish with a call to action in a humble sense to reach you regarding that job.

Best Way to Write a Job Cover Letter

The ideal cover letter should contain these elements to become a standout piece of document that supports your resume. Therefore, make sure to follow these tips while writing a cover letter.

1. Concise Format

Just like the resume, it is best to keep the cover letter on a single page for better readability. Therefore, keep it short and concise by breaking the information into various paragraphs.

Concise information is easy to read and gives the hiring managers a quick overview of your abilities. Featuring lengthy paragraphs by making a story from your experience may seem time-consuming. It's recommended to follow a three-paragraph format to ensure these aspects.

  • Start with an attentive introduction that grab's your audience's attention. Make sure to express your enthusiasm about the job position in the company.
  • Make sure to mention the company's name and the position you are applying for. Mention your skills and accomplishments to state how you are qualified for it.
  • Finally, put an ending note by thanking the hiring manager and featuring your expectations on the response.

2. Specify Your Letter for a Specific Job

Whenever writing a cover letter, make sure that you write one for the particular job. Do not follow the one-size-fits-all approach, as it may not get you anywhere. Therefore, you must make the cover letter depending on your application job.

Target the job description and company goals to which you are applying. Following a single job template letter makes no sense. Templates may work for a resume, but cover letters should specifically target a company and the position which is being offered in it.

That is so because different jobs can require a different set of skills from you, and you’ll have to highlight a different aspect of your skillset every time.

For example, if you are applying as an application developer, then featuring abilities in the area of marketing may not be suitable.

You can also feature any certifications or talent you have acquired from any source of education. However, ensure it is all relatable to the job description and requirements.

3. Feature Your Past Experience

It is vital to mention your past work experience and achievements in the cover letter. Experience carries more weight than the academic record itself. You can discuss the projects you have worked on to introduce something innovative in the designated field.

Similarly, you can share your work experience with the previous employer and talk about what you have learned from there. Things like the work environment or organizational culture are unnecessary, so try to avoid such things.

Only highlight the areas of profession where your talent and skills have persuaded you to learn something beneficial for the post that you are applying for.

4. Address Directly

The letter should be formal yet directive as you refer personally to the hiring manager. Instead of writing something like "To whom it may concern," refer to "Respected Hiring Manager" or "Dear Employer" to address directly.

The person or post you refer to for the job may vary. Therefore, perform thorough research on the company's stakeholders and hiring department to ensure who you should refer to for the job.

5. Proofread

Before clicking the send button, give your article a final look. Proofreading may seem like an effort of hours unless you take the assistance of a grammar checker, which instantly highlights and corrects grammatical errors from your cover letter.

Proofreading also helps to make any improvements or changes in your cover letter. It is like giving a final overview to see if you have missed out on anything. You can also look at the formatting style of the letter to check its readability.

Things to Avoid While Writing a Cover Letter

Since we have shared some essential tips to write a cover letter that stands out, here are some things to avoid:

  • Avoid oversharing information in the letter and try to keep it general. Stick to the facts and avoid mentioning personal details like social life.
  • Do not brag about your abilities or achievements while referring to yourself in the cover letter. For example, "world's best software engineer" seems exaggerated and weird.
  • Strictly refrain from making demands in a cover letter. Only mention the expectations in terms of learning instead of earning aspects.
  • Do not discuss the salary expectations or the salary you received from the previous employer, as it will impose a negative impression.
  • Follow the specific instructions to submit the cover letter and resume. Follow it properly if you're asked to submit a cover letter within a particular file format. Also, know where to submit the letter (such as email, direct message, or website link).
  • Must follow above-mentioned tips as like people follow interview tips.

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In today's competitive era, organizations always look for employees who stand out to serve specifically for their organization. In order to achieve that and upskill yourself, the employee should understand the goal and requirements of the organization.

Therefore, employees can submit a cover letter with their resume to explain how they can create value for the firm by serving in a designated position. A cover letter carries equal importance as a resume, and its quality elaborates how enthusiastic an employee is about the job.

Since all the information cannot be posted on the resume, job applicants can find the right approach to write an effective cover letter by following the tips mentioned in this article. We hope our tips and guidelines will assist you in writing an outstanding job letter.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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