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The Benefits of Working Abroad: How to Find and Succeed in a Job Overseas

work Mar 22, 2023

Do you dream of exploring different lands and experiencing diverse cultures, but feel that financial limitations, limited career prospects, or other obstacles are standing in your way?

Don't despair! You don't have to abandon your desire to work and travel abroad just because of these constraints.

Though working abroad may seem like a lofty goal, it is entirely feasible and exceptionally fulfilling if approached correctly.

There are numerous employment possibilities for people with different backgrounds and skill sets as businesses expand their global operations as the world becomes more interconnected.

Many varied opportunities are accessible, whether you are interested in working in English teaching, finance, marketing, technology, or other fields.

Working abroad can be the ideal solution for those wanting international experience, whether you are a recent graduate interested in international know-how or a mid-career employee looking for a change of pace.

However, embarking on a journey to work overseas may be challenging. You may be wondering where to kickstart your search for job opportunities abroad and how to navigate the complexities of living and working in a foreign country.

But don't worry!  We have you covered. In this article, we will explore the benefits of working abroad, the wide range of job opportunities available, and offer tips to help you thrive in a new and unfamiliar environment.

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So get ready to embark on an experience of a lifetime!

Top 10 Benefits of Working Abroad: How it Can Transform Your Career

We have compiled a list of the top 10 benefits of working abroad.

In today's competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is essential, and working abroad provides invaluable experience that can set you apart.

1. Improving and Diversifying Language Skills

Working abroad is considered the best option for learning a language as you are immersed in it during work hours. Being bilingual is a highly valued skill that can improve your job prospects, especially for international companies.

2. Perfecting and Broadening Communication Skills

Clear communication is a vital skill for any career path, and working abroad allows you to practice expressing yourself to people who speak a different language.

This experience can help you become more creative and broaden your communication spectrum.

3. Understanding and Appreciating Cultural Insights

Learning a language can help you understand a culture better, and being able to interact with locals allows you to explore it fully. Exposure to foreign books, films, art, and music can also broaden your cultural horizons.

4. Motivation and Adaptability: Being a Self-Starter

Working abroad requires initiative, independence, maturity, and adaptability, all of which are highly valued by employers. It shows that you are not afraid to get out of your comfort zone and face new challenges.

5. Thinking and Selling Outside the Box: Having a Global Mind-Set

Employers seek employees who can think on a global scale, and working abroad can help you understand how people from other countries perceive the world.

This experience can also allow you to sell a product or service from a different perspective.

6. Expanding and Nurturing Network Building

Working abroad provides an opportunity to build a network with people in your field on an international level, which can be helpful even after you return to your home country.

7. Incentives and Compensation: Possible Higher Wages

Executives working overseas tend to be paid more than their counterparts back home, and they may receive additional allowances for accommodation and travel.

For example, a plumber in the United Kingdom earns £10.96 per hour on average while the average plumber salary in the United States is $22.64.

8. Exploring and Broadening Horizons: Travel Opportunities

Working abroad also provides an opportunity to travel and experience new cultures, which can broaden your horizons.

9. Challenging and Rewarding: Experience Personal Growth

Living abroad can challenge you physically and mentally, but it can also result in profound personal growth as you overcome these challenges.

10. Enhancing and Distinguishing Future Prospects

Employers highly value experience working abroad as it showcases your adaptability and capability to perform well under pressure. It can set you apart in a competitive job market.

Having gained a thorough understanding of the benefits of working abroad, it is time to explore how to secure a job overseas.

7 Best International Job Search Websites

Finding your ideal job abroad can be a difficult task, but with the aid of these websites for searching for jobs abroad, the process can be made much simpler.

Here are seven of the top websites for finding job opportunities abroad:

1. Go Abroad: A Comprehensive Resource for Work, Volunteer, and Study Abroad

Go Abroad is a website that specializes in educational and experiential international travel. With over 18,000 verified programs, you can choose from a wide range of options for work, volunteering, and studying abroad.

Their online advisor resource will help match you with programs that best suit your wants and needs.

2. Easy Expat: Created by Expats for Expats

Easy Expat is a website created by expats to help other expats. It offers tools for cross-border relocating, such as guidance on going, residing, and working overseas.

Using the forum area is helpful because you can ask questions about living abroad and receive responses from other expats.

3. Go Overseas: Finding Work Outside of Your Home Country Made Simple

Go Overseas is an excellent tool for locating employment abroad. Teaching overseas, working abroad, interning abroad, and online jobs are just a few of the groups included in the Jobs section. You can even sign up to receive a weekly email with a list of new opportunities.

4. Idealist: A Job Board That Focuses on Global Opportunities

The job board website Idealist specializes in global employment possibilities. It was founded in 1995 and is a charity with headquarters in New York.

You can look for employment, internships, volunteer work, and other things. When new jobs are listed, you can join up for email alerts.

5. Overseas Jobs: Your One-Stop Resource for International Employment

Overseas Jobs is a website that provides resources for international job seekers. The home page features a search bar to enter a job title or keyword and your desired location.

You can also browse for jobs by location to discover opportunities you may have yet to consider. The Job Seeker Resource page provides advice for writing cover letters and tips for international employment.

Indeed Worldwide is a platform for job postings from around the world. You can sign up for an account and upload your resume or CV to more easily apply to jobs in many international countries. You can search for international jobs by selecting your country from a list of 63 countries.

7. CareerBuilder: The Global Leader in Talent Acquisition Solutions

CareerBuilder is a global leader in talent acquisition solutions, with a presence in more than 60 markets worldwide.

The website provides a search bar where you can enter your desired job title and location to find international job opportunities. You can also sign up for email alerts when new jobs are posted.

Tips for Finding Your Dream Job Abroad

In today's globalized world, it's easier than ever to find job opportunities abroad, thanks to modern technology and a growing international market.

If you're considering expanding your horizons, here are some tips that can help you increase your chances of finding your dream job overseas.

Crafting an Effective Summary Sentence for Job Hunting

To start your job search, you must create a strong summary sentence that encapsulates your education, experience, and career goals. This sentence should sum up where you've been, where you are now, and where you want to go next.

A well-written summary sentence will allow you to conduct a focused job search and help people understand how they can help you. You can refine your summary sentence by getting feedback from family and friends.

Describe the Position You Want to Hold

Before you start your job search, creating a job description that outlines your dream position is essential. Instead of accepting any job posting you come across online, this will help you find the perfect work for you.

You can narrow your search for employment possibilities by creating this job description. You run the risk of blindly applying to positions that aren't a good match for you if your goals are unclear.

To better grasp what qualifies you for your dream job, this exercise also invites you to think back on your prior experiences, interests, abilities, and education.

In the end, knowing exactly what kind of work you want will enable you to be more selective in your search and improve your chances of landing the correct position.

The best method to make sure you land a job that fits your career goals and aspirations is to do this.

Stick to One Country

It's important to focus on one country (and even one city) that interests you,to increase your chances of finding a job abroad.

This allows you to build a network in that location and understand the available job opportunities. Once you've chosen your preferred destination, you can research the legal requirements for obtaining a work visa.

Picking a specific location also allows you to use LinkedIn and Google to search for relevant jobs and find companies that interest you in that city.

Put an End to Submitting Resumes

Even though sending out a ton of CVs and applications might seem like the sensible course of action, it sometimes works better.

Instead, begin compiling a list of everyone you know who might be able to lead you to employment opportunities.

Send them a personalized email outlining your ideal job description, the companies you are interested in working for, and a kind request for any suggestions or connections that could be helpful.

You can expand your business network and get quality leads using this strategy.

There are two effective ways to connect with people who can help you. Firstly, joining Facebook groups related to your industry can be a great option.

Secondly, attending international job fairs and meet-ups can also provide valuable networking opportunities.

Adopt a Mentorship Approach to Reach Out to Contacts and Leads

The mentorship approach involves reaching out to contacts and qualified leads with a brief introduction of yourself and your interests. After that, it involves asking to chat about their career.

Finally, it includes asking for any advice they might have for someone looking to follow in their footsteps.

When reaching out, avoid asking for a job immediately, and never send your unsolicited CV.

Instead, focus on building a personal connection and expressing a general interest in exploring new opportunities. Be sure to nurture any new relationships you build by keeping in touch and offering to help out.

This approach can be incredibly beneficial for career development, providing access to valuable advice, mentorship, and employment opportunities.

Be at the Right Place at the Right Time to Succeed

Being in the right place at the right moment is frequently the key to landing a job, especially when applying internationally, where knowing the right person can be crucial.

The key tactic is to constantly present yourself to people who can assist you in getting the results you want.

It's now astonishingly simple for you to schedule a 15-minute discussion with a manager in your sector on the other side of the world, thanks to modern technological tools.

The difficulty is in establishing a distinct focus on your goals and in having a thorough grasp of your credentials.

Additionally, it requires the confidence to take action and effectively build relationships with others.

Combining all these elements will allow you to understand your goals and competencies better and build a strong knowledge and support network. Most importantly, it will help you receive offers to work where and with whom you want.

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Departing Thoughts

Benefits of working abroad are abundant. It can transform your career and personal life. You can improve your language and communication skills, gain a global mindset, appreciate different cultures, and enjoy travel opportunities.

One of the most important benefits of working abroad is it enhances your adaptability and personal growth, making you more attractive to employers in a competitive job market.

The search for international jobs can be overwhelming, but there are excellent job search websites like Go Abroad, Easy Expat, and Go Overseas that can assist you in finding the right job opportunity.

So, take the plunge and embark on a journey of a lifetime to work and travel overseas!


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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