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Should I mass apply to jobs?

Job applications Sep 14, 2022

It's tempting to mass apply to jobs. You can hit the "apply" button in seconds and have your resume land on a hiring manager's desk in no time. The problem is that applying for too many jobs can actually hurt your chances at getting hired by making you look unfocused or desperate.

Here are some guidelines for deciding whether it makes sense for you to apply for every job that matches your search criteria!

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It depends.

Whether you should mass apply depends on a few factors.

First case:

If you're applying to a lot of jobs, it's important to be able to tailor your resume for each one. Make sure that the skills required for the job are ones that you actually have and can show off in your resume!

You should also make sure that each job is a good fit for you, if possible. There's no point in applying if the job doesn't match what you have been doing before, or if it asks for something entirely new from what your experience has been like so far.

Second case:

If none of these things are true, if there are only a few jobs available at any given time, and they all seem like good fits, then by all means go ahead and mass apply! Keep track of which ones get accepted first, so that after those positions have been filled up by other applicants (or as soon as they're over), then move onto another one until every offer is taken up by someone else.

What you commit if you are mass applying?

If you're applying to a lot of jobs, you have to make sure your resume is tailored to each job. Every time you apply for a position, read the job description and highlight the skills and experience that are relevant to that position.

You should also tailor your resume based on what kind of company it is. This means changing up the formatting or adding more information about your work history if necessary.

If you're applying for multiple positions at once, focus on honing in on these key points instead of worrying about how much time this takes away from writing cover letters or whatnot.

Make sure you follow up with the employer after the application.

  • Follow up with your application.

Once you've submitted your application, it's important to follow up with the employer and find out whether your application has been received. This can be done by emailing them directly (if you have their contact information), calling, or following up through one of the job boards that hosts their jobs.

  • Be sure to thank them for reviewing your resume and let them know that you are interested in learning more about the position.

If they ask when is a good time to connect, try asking if there is an upcoming interview schedule, because this gives an idea of how soon they will be interviewing candidates for this job opening.

Remember: every company will have different hiring processes and timelines, so don't assume anything!

Networking still trumps mass applying.

While mass applying is effective, it's still not as effective as networking.

Networking is the most important thing you can do to help yourself find a job. It can help you find out about jobs that aren't advertised, and it can also lead to job offers (if done right).

So while mass applying is good in its own right, don't forget that networking can lead to better results than just mass applying on your own.

Do what makes sense for you, and don't overlook the value of networking.

Finding a job is hard, and no matter how many resumes you send out, it's likely that you will have to apply for jobs through more traditional means. That said, networking is still the best way to find a job.

The best way to network is by building relationships with people who are in your industry or field of study and can help you get a job or advance your career. You should also reach out to people who aren't necessarily looking for work but might be able to recommend you when their company has an opening or offer advice based on their experience working in your field.

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There's no one right answer to this question. It all depends on your situation and what makes sense for you. If you're looking for a job in the next couple of months, then it's probably better to use a computer and apply one-by-one. If you're just starting out, networking may be more effective.

But, don't forget that it takes time! Don’t get discouraged if it takes months before you find an employer who appreciates what they see in your resume or cover letter. Eventually, someone will give you an opportunity if you really want it badly enough!

You can also read our article "Is it okay to get a job through a recruiting agency?"


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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