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5 Different Options for Becoming Self-Employed: Could One of These Be Right for You?

self-employed Nov 30, 2022

Now more than ever, employees are picking up, side hustles to supplement their income. Some like it so much that they take the leap into total self-employment. If you’re thinking of doing the same, you’ll have to come up with a business idea that’s sustainable, fulfilling, and really fun.

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5 Self-Employed Business Ideas You’ll Enjoy

Employees who want to transition into self-employment should do so slowly. It’s a good idea to perform market research, examine your niche, and test your ideas before quitting your job.

1. Starting Your Own Manufacturing Business

Most self-employed manufacturing businesses start with a single 3D printer and a few materials but eventually grow into massive companies. If you want to scale quickly, contact Revolutionary Machinery, who could take the prize for having the largest used CNC inventory on the internet.

To do well in the manufacturing industry, you need to have a strong attention to detail, analytical thinking skills, and STEM skills. Manufacturers start at $32,213 but make a killing in profits.

The best manufacturing business has to have large demand, low entrance costs, and decent room for margins. Consumer goods, like phone cases, appliances, and utensils, already have a large customer base, so they have a higher chance of being profitable if you market effectively.

2. Starting Your Own Content Creation Business

Content creation is big business, especially for blogs and videos, and people who love to write will grow quickly in this industry. Even if your medium doesn’t include the written word in your finished product, you probably had to write something to get there, like a YouTube script.

It’s common for content creators to start as freelancers or in another industry, as content marketing is a vital part of selling online. That’s good news for you, as you’ll find plenty of work.

Content creators have to write concisely and with a brand-appropriate tone while adhering to basic grammar rules. You must be able to research your topics thoroughly, adapt your content to SEO requirements, and meet your deadlines. Content creators make $52,800 a year starting.

To get started, write your own blog and guest post for high DR (domain rating) websites. When customers search for your name, they can check out your work and SEO ranking talents.

3. Starting Your Own Web Design Business

Becoming a web designer is an excellent idea if you’re creative and have coding experience. You should be familiar with JavaScript, Java, HTML, and CSS if you want to create the best custom websites, but many designers start off using templates and learning as they go.

Web designers have an average salary of $52,600, but a skilled designer can make 6-figures easily. That’s because a communicative and experienced web designer is very hard to find.

Coding is simple to learn online through eLearning websites, like Udemy or Coursera, but you’ll get more out of the experience if you pay for a coding boot camp. Web designers focus on the front end, but if you also take a back end coding course, you can become a software engineer.

4. Starting Your Own Virtual Assistant Business

Virtual assistants (VAs) come in many shapes and sizes and appear across all niches. Think of a VA as a virtual receptionist that helps manage a person's calls and messages, but also as an assistant that works closely with their clients. Some VAs are even marketers or web designers.

You don’t need a bachelor’s degree to become a VA, and most of your clients won’t care if you are college educated. They just want to know if you can take care of your regular duties.

The best virtual assistants are organized, have exceptional time management skills, and can handle key administrative tasks. It helps if they’re tech-savvy and great communicators. For VAs to stand out from their competitors, they need a special skill, such as blog or email writing.

Before you start applying for available roles, make sure your resume reflects your knowledge of basic virtual assistant skills. Start networking on social media for short and long-term clients.

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5. Starting Your Own Data Analysis Business

Data analysts are still necessary in a world with Google Analytics because businesses need to make sense of the data they have. A data analyst can describe and interpret large and complex data sets, usually for marketing purposes but sometimes for hiring or creating safety policies.

While you used to need a degree to become a data analyst, that isn’t the case now. An entry level analyst, without a degree, can make $60,000 or more per year, so 6-figures is possible.

If you’re interested in this industry, you should focus on building your credibility on your website and social media pages. Use LinkedIn to network with businesses that may be looking to hire someone with your skill set. Then, take a few online courses to learn more about data analysis.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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