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The 5 Best Jobs for People Who Love Writing

writing jobs Sep 28, 2022

Written communication plays a significant role in modern life. Writing is widely used in various fields of human activity: In culture, science, mass media, communication, etc. In the era of electronic technologies, written speech is gaining a particularly wide audience.

Increasingly, we exchange text messages on various social networks, participate in discussions on forums and blogs, write reviews, and correspond by e-mail. All this helps to develop and improve writing skills.

Written speech involves the use of more complex grammatical constructions. The construction of abstract concepts is more often used than in oral. Expressing thoughts through writing has certain advantages.

First of all, it is a slow process compared to oral speech, and it gives an opportunity to focus more attention on the individual stages of its implementation.

There are people who do not like writing and often have problems with it. It is difficult to complete an essay, create a resume, or fill out a cover letter. However, various writing difficulties can be easily overcome by contacting the experts of the academic essay writing service, who work quickly and efficiently.

But what should those who like to write do? How to show all the writing abilities in today's world? It is worth visiting a job search automation platform and getting a job that is related to writing. Find below the top 5 jobs for people who love writing.

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Academic Essay Writer

As it is known, educational institutions make quite serious demands on students. They have to regularly write various academic texts and adhere to the rules of academic integrity, which is a complex interdisciplinary category and combines ethical norms and rules of human behavior in the educational and scientific environment and mechanisms and tools by which they are implemented in practice.

Each written paper (an essay, research paper, capstone project, book review, practice report, etc.) is strictly checked. It must have a clear structure and meet the established requirements.

Quite often, students cannot cope with all tasks in a timely and efficient manner, so there is a need to get homework help online. Fortunately, today, custom writing services can be obtained online without any hassle. There are many websites that provide support to students online.

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If you are fond of writing, you can get a job with the academic essay writing service and perform custom papers for money. This work involves responsibility, attentiveness to the customer's requirements, and the ability to stick to the established deadline.

If you have these skills, you should be confident that you can work as an essay writer and help other people with their writing problems. As for the annual salary, it varies between $24,000 to $63,500 per year.


The profession of an editor is extremely popular today. If you like writing, then you can realize yourself in this position. The editor is a strong linguistic and socially engaged person who can participate in all organizational and creative processes related to preparing and releasing various text messages in various segments of mass and special communication.

The main professional requirements for an editor include:

  • General requirements (higher education, literacy, PC fluency, experience working in print publications, with legal and accounting documents);
  • Business qualities (perseverance, endurance, independence, purposefulness, creative potential, communication, and analytical abilities);
  • Professional requirements (ability to organize the editorial process, experience in editing and drafting documents, work with artists, contact with information agencies, layout skills, knowledge of a foreign language);
  • Generalized professional requirements for skills and abilities (in-depth humanitarian education, mastery of a complex of regulatory disciplines, high level of computer proficiency, decency, and patriotism).

A modern editor is a creative individual who is able to not formally use the own knowledge and skills, but to solve professional tasks anew every time, taking into account the uniqueness of the author's text.

This specialist is a link that unites the interests of the reader, the author, and the text itself. Such a person should combine relevant skills and abilities in four interrelated areas:

  1. The editor as a literary worker;
  2. The editor as the head of the editorial team;
  3. The editor as a manager;
  4. The editor as an organizer of a small publishing structure of a certain profile.

The activity of the editor is socially useful, multifaceted, and manifests itself simultaneously on different levels: social, psychological, linguistic, philosophical, etc. On average, an editor earns $55,830 per year.

Content Marketing Manager

According to the statistics of the job search automation platform, the profession of content marketing manager is also very popular today. It is usually chosen by those who like to write and do it skillfully. Therefore, you should pay attention to it as well.

Before understanding who a content marketing manager is and what are the professional duties of this specialist, it is worth considering the concept of content marketing. Thus, content marketing is widespread technology for attracting attention and engaging a target audience to a brand through the creation and distribution of relevant and valuable information related to it.

Today, most companies use content marketing to some extent. According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Prof in North America, 76% of B2C companies and 88% of B2B companies use content marketing. 68% of surveyed manufacturers, who use content marketing, rate its effectiveness as "moderately" or "very successful."

The primary reason for using content marketing is to upsurge brand awareness, as brand awareness plays a huge role in industry leadership.

A content marketing manager is a person who organizes the regular creation and proper distribution of any content formats that meet the needs of the target audience of the business for which this specialist works. Basic responsibilities of a content marketing manager:

  • Business and target audience analysis;
  • Analysis of competitors;
  • Organization of continuous creation of unique content;
  • Formation of a team that creates and promotes content;
  • Distribution of content;
  • Formation of a transparent system of metrics for analyzing the effectiveness of content, etc.

Thus, the content marketing manager should have a global understanding of how to achieve certain marketing purposes, how to overcome the difficulties that arise, and what strategies to apply.

If you like this field of activity, find current vacancies on the job search platform right now and get involved in an interesting workflow! The average annual salary of a content marketing manager is $82,010.


Copywriting is a promising field that has gained significant popularity and spread in recent years. It involves writing the main text, headlines, slogans, texts for mailings, content for websites, key phrases, TV and radio advertising scripts, press releases, documents, etc.

Copywriting is used in print ads, catalogs, billboards, flyers, websites, and so on. Therefore, a copywriter is a specialist involved in the creation of any custom texts in various formats.

Among the knowledge and skills necessary for the work of a copywriter, the following are distinguished:

  • Language proficiency. This includes not only literacy, but also an understanding of stylistics and the laws of syntax;
  • The ability to write concise, but exciting texts;
  • High emotional intelligence. Every advertising worker should be a bit of a psychologist. It is necessary to understand the target audience, to find its weaknesses and strengths, to be able to address it correctly;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages. It will come in handy to search for information on foreign resources and work with foreign markets;
  • Analytical mindset. It will help to quickly understand a new topic, highlight the most important things in large volumes of information, and then create a logical text.

The average annual salary of a copywriter is $54,909. If you are interested in this job, do not hesitate to search for relevant vacancies.

Technical Writer

proofread on white table hand holding red pen over proofreading paper on white table essay writer stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

The increase in knowledge production (in particular, the complication of technologies, causing an increase in the amount of knowledge) has led to the need to constantly document developments and create documents with descriptions and instructions for the operation of equipment, programs, and objects. Those people who create documentation are called technical writers.

If you love writing, you can become such a specialist. However, note that the scope of documentation is quite broad. Here are the main types of work for people in this profession:

  • Description of technically complex products;
  • Maintaining documentation according to standards;
  • Drawing up operating instructions;
  • Preparation of technical specifications;
  • Development of regulations;
  • Publication of documents;
  • Knowledge base management.

Technical writers combine the traits of techies and humanities. Usually, they are qualified specialists who can clearly express their thoughts in writing and can also look at the object of their work from the side of the one to whom the documentation is intended, i.e. the end user. As for the average salary level, technical writers receive approximately $62,362 per year.

Therefore, writing plays a significant role in the modern world. A person with well-developed writing skills can get an interesting, high-paying job without any problems. Pick one from the list above and apply for a promising writing position in the shortest possible time.

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Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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