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How To Find The Right Candidates For Job Openings (Ultimate Guide in 2023)

Job search Feb 27, 2022

What are some of your top strategies to find candidates for jobs? According to several studies, hiring managers in companies all over America have shared that they have a hard time finding candidates that match their job openings. This problem affects you and your company's productivity and success.

However, it doesn't mean you should give up! In fact, with a few key steps and tips for better candidate sourcing, you can ensure that every candidate fits perfectly with your organisation.

Top 5 Strategies To Find The Great Candidate For Your Company

Here are our top strategies on how to find the right candidates for your company:

1. Write customised and detailed job posts

It's one of our tips for finding the right candidates for your company, but it has to be said that writing a clear and easy-to-understand job description is crucial if you want high-quality candidates applying.

Spend time on it! This doesn't have to be super long; no one wants to read a novel when they're looking at a job description, but spelling out what they can expect from your company makes a world of difference.

How to find the right candidates for job openings - Loopcv

2. Use job search platforms like LoopCV

On LoopCV, we connect companies and recruiters to job seekers. We've designed our platform to help users access professional opportunities right across industries. If you've written a perfect job description but aren't seeing results? Look no further than LoopCV.

Our platform offers recruiters access to thousands of top-level applicants who match your qualifications exactly. Feel free to create a profile today and let us help you find new candidates for your new job openings!

3. Think longer term than just six months

There's plenty of advice online about how to fill short-term roles by posting job openings now, but if your company is thinking about raising capital or getting investors in a year or two down the road, don't panic about filling those positions right away; look instead at your long-term growth strategy and focus on building towards that instead of trying to fill gaps immediately.

Finding the right candidates in a very short period is very hard, and it can lead to hiring the wrong people for your organisation (before making any decision you have to ensure that the candidate meets the job requirement but is also a fit for the overall culture of the company)

In order to build long term relationships start using online networking platforms, interact with potential candidates and share knowledge.

4. Be specific about who you're hiring

If your staffing situation is such that you need to put together a team ASAP, take some of these steps into consideration--but remember that more often than not, hiring a candidate too quickly means regretting it later on.

Make sure whoever comes on board is clearly a fit for what you need and matches up with your culture perfectly, especially if they'll be working closely with existing employees.

5. Have realistic expectations

The entire point of creating written job descriptions is, so you know exactly what kind of person you're hoping to hire, right? Then why do we hear so many horror stories of managers and CEOs who fired someone less than a month after their start date because they weren't a 'good fit?

No matter how talented someone may seem on paper, there are always circumstances beyond your control. Try to keep your emotions and expectations in check as much as possible.


When it comes to finding the right candidates for job openings, having a job search platform is just as important as a recruitment agency. By carefully curating and wording job listings, you can attract more high-quality resumes.

If you're still in startup mode and looking for a great recruitment agency or headhunter with access to top talent, we'd love to hear from you—drop us a line!


George Lambdus

Head of Partnerships - Loopcv

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