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How to find a remote side job

Remote Jobs Oct 10, 2022

If you’re looking for a remote side job, it can be challenging to find one. You might have lots of skills, but where do you start?

In this guide, we’ll cover how to find a remote side job and the steps you should take if you want to create a side business doing what you love.

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Online job by home.

Remote side jobs can be found online. I’ve found a few job listings and created a spreadsheet of all the companies in my area. I would recommend doing this for yourself, so that when you find something, it doesn’t take forever to start applying!

Here is where I found some remote jobs from home for my qualifications:

  • Remote OK – This website has hundreds of open positions, and they are constantly being updated as well. The best part is that most of these jobs are paid!
  • FlexJobs – This site has thousands of job listings, but they are not always updated very often, so make sure to check back often if you want something specific or want to stay up-to-date with what’s going on in your city/state/country!

You've been dreaming of quitting your day job and living the good life for years. But when you bring up the idea of a side hustle, you might get laughed out of the room. That's because so many people have tried to start a new gig on the side, only to find out that it takes more time than they thought or isn't as lucrative as they'd hoped.

If you want to get paid for something other than showing up at an office in between 9 am and 5 pm each day, we're here to tell you: It is possible!

4 Myths About Talking to Your Boss About a Side Job.

There are a few myths about side jobs that may be holding you back. This section will help you spot them and move past them, so you can start your search for a remote side job.

Myth #1:

I need to quit my day job if I want to find a side job.

You don’t need to quit your day job in order to earn extra income from home, but if it’s something that would make sense in terms of your skills and interests, then definitely consider it!

However, there are plenty of people who have been able to make money while working full-time at their corporate gigs. They just needed some flexibility in their schedule and permission from their bosses first.

Myth #2:

If I want to work less than 60 hours per week, then starting up my own business is the only way for me to do this on my own terms, and get paid for it.

How to start a side hustle without blowing off your day job.

If you're looking for a side job, it's important to find something that can be done on your own timeline.

For example, working as a freelance writer is an easy way to make money while still taking care of the necessities of your day job. You don't have to worry about keeping regular hours or being available at specific times because there's no physical office space or boss breathing down your neck.

This means that even if you're only able to work one hour per week in search of this kind of position, it will still be successful and profitable.

You'll also want to consider jobs that do not require constant computer time or interaction with other people. Especially bosses or coworkers who are invested in criticizing everything you do wrong!

Check out all 5 ways - steps to find a remote side job!

Advice while deciding to move on and some practical steps!

1. Take an inventory of your skills.

Capture employee expertise, attributes, and skills. A centralized skills inventory provides a point-in-time overview of employee skills. However, the inventory is a dynamic system and must be updated regularly to reflect changes in team members, skills, and professional qualifications.

When an organization has an up-to-date and reliable understanding of employee skills and talents, leaders have strategic data to inform short- and long-term planning and decision-making.

As new employees are hired and current employees develop skills that support business goals, the organization is better positioned for success.

Two steps for your inventory:

2. Break out of your comfort zone.

  • Identify what you really want to change or achieve.

Experience the benefits. Then make a plan. Use experience to find evidence of your ability to succeed and adapt and personalize it.

  • You want to make an effort, but not to the point of being completely stressed out.

So let's start with baby steps. You have to identify your fears and face them step by step. If you do this, you will find it easier to push the limits.

  • It's easy to pull yourself away from the plans you've made.

Ignore these thoughts. Recognize that you are rationalizing and resist excuses to maintain a comfortable routine. Focus on positive reasons to act instead of rationalizing.

  • Having someone to help you on your quest makes it easier to be patient.

Find someone to brainstorm with, work out with, and meet with regularly. They will evaluate your performance, give advice, encourage you to keep trying, and help you share their experiences.

  • To succeed, you must be willing to fail. If you feel like you've gone a little too far, don't be shy to admit it.

It will give you the experience to do something different next time. Tell yourself that if you don't try, you won't know if you will succeed.

3. Ask your network for help.

If you want to know the most efficient (but maybe not so comfortable for everyone) step to take in order to find your next side job, then broaden your horizons through networking. Ask your own friends, colleagues, relatives, the people you know and consist of your personal network.

Most of the time, the side projects that I am taking over, are coming from the mouth-to-mouth referrals from my friends and relatives. At the beginning, I was a bit hesitant to ask them for help and referrals, but after my first referred client, I understood the important value of it.

And imagine this is just my small example. There are many stories out there praising networking. Like this great article about the importance of it!

4. Search on Job boards.

You can make a thorough research on the following job boards:

Or you can try out our automated Job search - Job board!

Automate your job search with LoopCV

Loopcv is a platform where with very simple steps, you can find a (remote) job fast and effective. Everything is automated, so you don't have to worry about a lot of things, just to know what you like.

Its automations will make your life easier and your results much more efficient!

Let's see the steps to sign up!

Create your profile and upload your CV. Provide Loopcv with your cv and the personal details required by job applications.

  • Select your desired job titles, locations and many other optional settings. Give Loopcv the requirements of the jobs you're applying for, e.g., what industry or company you want to work in.
  • Loopcv will search for jobs and either apply on your behalf or give you total control of your applications. Tell Loopcv where to search for jobs that meet these requirements, e.g., LinkedIn. Loopcv will then automatically apply to all jobs that match your criteria.
Loopcv dashboard - How to choose a university to study


It’s not easy to find a remote side job, but with the right research and mindset, with networking, research on boards and passion for success, it is possible! Just be willing to learn new skills and put in the work!

Good luck!

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Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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