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How can I find someone to Apply for jobs on my behalf?

Job applications Jun 6, 2022

If you are looking for someone to apply for jobs regardless of qualifications and execute the application on your behalf, Loopcv is an excellent choice.

It is an online company that provides job hunters with access to recruiters and staffing firms.

Loopcv does not require specific skills or experience from applicants. Rather, all that is required is an internet connection and passion for employment.

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Finding work

Before heading to what you can actually do in order to find a more automated way in order to apply to jobs, take a look at the 3 most important steps you should do for your job search.

  • Use a job search portal, job website or job board to find work.
  • Network with friends, family, and people you know to find work.
  • Contact recruitment agencies and headhunters to help you find work.

Training and education opportunities

There are a number of training and education opportunities that you can consider as you look for work. There are also many that will actually help fund your education in exchange for a commitment to work once you graduate.

  • Pick a job that interests you. You'll be more likely to get hired for it and more likely to stick with it if it's something that resonates with your passions, personality, and talents.
  • Pick a job that will fit your lifestyle. If you have family obligations, don't pick a job where the hours are at odds with them. If there are certain benefits that are important to you, make sure the jobs on your list offer those benefits as well. Some examples: does the company have child care options? Is there paid maternal leave?
  • Pick a job that you can do even if you have a disability or other challenges. Something that won't cause physical or other strain (or worse). This may mean avoiding jobs such as construction worker or flight attendant and looking into careers in fields like technology or writing instead.
  • Pick a job that will give you good salary. Potential over time, especially if there is no clear path of advancement within the company where you start out!

How many jobs should I apply to at once?

Applying for jobs is a number's game, but it's important to know the right number of applications to send at once. We recommend applying to only one job at a time and making sure that you are qualified for that position (or are applying with someone who is).

Also, you should ensure that your resume is up-to-date. And check the job description to see if you have all the required skills. If you need help writing your resume, there are a number of resources online that can help you. Like this one: Free resume builder.

Find a job seeker looking for opportunities

It's easier to find someone who is currently looking for a job than it is to find someone looking for a job. The only way to find out if anyone is interested in your position is to post it on the board and let people know that you’re hiring.

LinkedIn and indeed

While we wish that it was this easy, there is no single place where you can find a person to help you with your job search. Unless, you are willing to pay for their services.

But, if you don't have the budget, then you can follow the traditional way of applying yourself and spend a lot of hours and effort for it.

Let us tell you about the two best ways to find a platform where you can find some professionals who can apply for your behalf: LinkedIn and Indeed.


This website is great for finding people who have the skills to apply for a job on your behalf. It’s free, but it takes time and effort to create a profile, which will be very useful in getting a job or hiring someone else.


This platform is another good way to find someone who has experience applying for jobs on behalf of other people.

However, unlike LinkedIn, there are no profiles of candidates. So don't expect your potential employee to have one already set up!

How can Loopcv Apply for jobs on my behalf?

If you read up until this point, you might feel a bit disappointed. But, the good news is that we have found the way towards automation of job applications!

Here's the best way to find someone to apply for jobs on your behalf:

  • Create your profile and upload your CV. Provide Loopcv with your cv and the personal details required by job applications.
  • Select your desired job titles, locations and many other optional settings. Give Loopcv the requirements of the jobs you're applying for, e.g., what industry or company you want to work in.
  • Loopcv will search for jobs and either apply on your behalf or give you total control of your applications. Tell Loopcv where to search for jobs that meet these requirements, e.g., LinkedIn. Loopcv will then automatically apply to all jobs that match your criteria.
The best job matchmaking platform - Loopcv

To signup, click here:

To conclude

LoopCV offers an alternative to the tedious, time-consuming process of applying for jobs by yourself.

Many job applications require you to submit multiple documents, and even if they don't, applying by hand can be time-consuming and in some cases, inaccurate. If you don't have access to a scanner or camera, then you are left having to take pictures of your documents with your phone or computer.

» FREE TRIAL: Get Started with LoopCV & Send Out 100s of Highly-Targeted Job Applications in <10 Minutes
Automate your search with Loopcv

You can also read relevant articles like: How to improve your job search.

And this one: 10 modern job search techniques.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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