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Best job-oriented courses for 2023

courses Jan 23, 2023

In this fast pacing and the ultra-competitive world, you need to go the extra mile to land yourself a lucrative job.

Going the extra mile doesn’t necessarily mean working harder than anyone else but working smarter to enhance your own natural inclination and strengths.

Whether you just wrapped up your 12th or you have already finished your degree and graduated, it is always to your benefit to gain an advantage over your competitors by acquiring particular skills for your dream job through job-oriented courses.

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But what are job-oriented courses?

They are nothing more than academic and training courses that are meant to prepare young professionals for a particular role or career field.

They can be shorter than a Bachelor's or Master’s degree, and they can support you in finding your desired path or ups killing yourself and emerging more to a specific field.

You might wonder, though, why take up a new course and invest my time and potentially my money?

Here are some reasons why to take up a new course

1. Unravel new opportunities

Our academic knowledge often doesn’t allow us to visualise and understand the field we are in full, or we need multiple years of working experience to find our passion fully. Taking up skills courses can open a window for you in multiple fields and allow you to switch careers.

2. Practical knowledge

Nowadays, hands-on knowledge is something most employers search for. Through these courses, you can get to practise in various projects what you learn, setting you ahead of others when it comes to experience.

3. Networking

The chances are high that you can meet influential people, grow your network and be around people who, in the future, can help you change your career and life. At the same time, interacting with like-minded people is always a plus when it comes to your own personal development.

4. Land competitive high-paying jobs

Being eligible for a job and actually having the required skills-set for a job are two different things. With most people trying to choose the easy way,  the skills that you can develop through these courses can help you land those high-paying jobs.

As mentioned in the beginning, there is a variety of courses out there depending on which point of your life you are right now.

Let’s start by checking out some examples of some of the best Job-Oriented Courses after the 12th for freshers.

Read more:

Career objective for freshers - Guide
A career objective is a statement that outlines your career goals and ambitions. Check out our analytical guide and stay ahead!

When finishing your 12th grade, you can often find yourself flooded with so many options that will define your career path. Knowing what is out there can ensure that you will make the right steps in building up your desired profession.

Some choices can be found below.

Building up your desired profession!

1. Pharmaceutical courses

If the medical field intrigues you, pharmaceutical courses can be a great option.

You can opt for roles such as:

  • Pharmacist
  • Lab Technician
  • Drug inspector
  • Clinical researcher
  • Radiation specialist and other jobs as such

Read more:

Professions Where You Can Get a Job with a Medical Education
In this article, we are going to share with you some of the medicine and medical related professions in which you can get a job with medical education.

2. Culinary Arts

Here we are talking about a profession that is rich in opportunities and ever-growing. Hotels, restaurants, private clubs, cruise ships and others are looking endlessly for new talent. In this field, there is a great opportunity for specialization in different coursing or methods and the opportunities and endless and global.

3. Forensic Sciences

Another field that keeps on growing and developing, especially with the crime rate growing on a global scale. The need for forensic services is on the rise. As a forensic investigator, you might get to work at police departments, private investigation agencies and other law enforcement agencies.

4. Graphic designing

If you are a more creative person and you enjoy sketching and drawing, then you should give a go graphic design. In this field, you can express your ideas through visual representation.

The career opportunities from this are endless; you can work for various enterprises, from digitalis’s a menu for a restaurant to working side y side with a developer and giving life to a website through your designs. With technology and the constant rise of social media, this field is on the absolute rise.

5. Nutritionists and Dieticians

We live in an era the well-being and fitness play a significant role in everyone’s lives. Some areas you might find yourself working if you chose this path are restaurants, hotels, gyms, fitness studios and clubs, food processors and dietician chains.

6. Banking

This industry goes hand in and with the technological growth, we see this profession taking different forms as online banking is slowly becoming “the new normal”.

In the banking sector, you will have the chance to develop your knowledge and abilities in many fields, such as business law, taxation and other business-related fields.

7. Digital marketing

Another fast-growing industry, if we are used to saying that digital marketing is the future, we should accept that it is the present and it’s not going anywhere. In this area, you can develop skills in digital marketing campaigns, data analytics and customer behaviour and satisfaction.

The job opportunities can be endless since we live in an era where if you are not promoting yourself online, chances are very low that you will distinguish yourself from others.

8. Fashion Technology

Another ever-growing industry since fashion has become part of our everyday lives.

You can choose courses like:

  • Foundation of Fashion
  • Textile Technology
  • Patternmaking & Sewing
  • Fashion Marketing.
  • Visual Merchandising.
  • Computer Graphics.

These are just some of the examples, of course, you can take after the 12th; the most important selection factors for you when choosing are your personal aspirations and where you want to see yourself in the future.

Of course always also keep in mind that the job industry changes very fast, so you need to keep an open eye for the latest trends at all times.

Top 10 short-term job-oriented courses after graduation.

So you managed to graduate, and you are about to hit the labour market, but you want to get this competitive edge in order to land your dream job.

The US job industry can be competitive but is also appreciative of talent and uniqueness as well as diversity. Here are some of the top job-oriented courses to take on after graduation to help you achieve just that.  

Automate your job search course with LoopCV

Even if you require the desired skill set, the job search can be a difficult process.

With our online course, you understand the value of automation in the job search, get to choose email templates and, most importantly, find relevant job roles using LinkedIn to leverage during the application process.

Overall this is a great chance to optimise and customise your job search.

2. Project management

The project management software market currently represents nearly 35% of sales in the overall business process management market.  

Having skills that include planning, strategising, coordinating people and producing effective and efficient results is essential in the market right now and provides you with vast opportunities in different industries.

3. Agile and Scrum Certification

Agile and Scrum frameworks assist companies in delivering quality projects and products and achieving their goals. This project management system relies on the incremental development of processes. This can really distinguish you from others since the skills are unique and the spots are limited.

4. Health Science

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the requirement of medical and health service managers in the USA is projected to grow up to 28 per cent from 2021 to 2031, making health sciences one the most beneficial fields of higher study for interested students.

In such a huge fast developing industry, you can opt for professions including nursing, physiotherapy, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, nutrition & dietetics, complementary & alternative medicine, midwifery, physiology, immunology, etc.

5. Machine Learning and AI Certification Program

We live in an era where many professions go extinct because we have managed to replace them with machines. The job profile should experience 28% annual growth and 11.5 million new jobs by 2026.

This course requires some skills before enrolling, such as an understanding of neural networks, software engineering and system design, programming, data modelling and evaluation and machine learning algorithms.

6. Business Analytics Certification Program

The analytics domain is huge. More and more companies are investing in data analytics. This short-term course offers a variety of interactive opportunities like workshops, and one-on-one mentoring developing skills like Statistics and Optimization, Predictive Modelling, Machine Learning, and Business Problem Solving, among other things.

7. Management Courses

Management skills are relevant for any career. This can be a great fit for more generalist profiles or profiles that have taken a diploma or degree in a specific field and want to broaden their spectres.

Interpersonal skills, decision-making, entrepreneurial skills, analytics, critical thinking, problem-solving, dispute resolution, and networking - doing a management course equips you with all these necessary skills. For some of these soft skills, you can find many courses even free of charge.

8. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing courses are booming globally, with a 95 per cent employment rate. The digital marketing sector in the USA is expected to grow at 6% annually by 2029.

As mentioned above, this s one of the most competitive fields out there. Potential career choices- Digital Marketing Manager, Social Media Manager, Online Content Developer, Business Analytics Specialist, Brand Manager, and Search Engine Optimization Specialist.

These are only some of the choices you have; there are infinite possibilities as long as you are determined to enrich your skillset and distinguish yourself in this competitive reality we live in.

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It is no secret that the job market evolves by the day; this only means that as young professionals, we should also take the lead and evolve ourselves and our skillsets.

My last piece of advice will be to always stay up to date with the market needs and, most importantly, invest in yourself in smart ways that enhance your natural skills; sometimes, we invest too much time trying to learn skills that might not be the best fit for us.

So before you decide on your ideal next course make sure you know who you are and where you want to be some years from now.

Now go out there and find the best course for you today!

Best of luck!


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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