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The Role of Literature in Career Development: Building Critical Thinking and Communication Skills

Career development Feb 23, 2023

Language is the main medium of communication. To achieve effective communication, language must be clear, complete, and concise. Reading literature is one of the best ways to build communication skills. It builds vocabulary, fluency, enhanced sentence creation, and creativity.

Teaching literature in modern society is a tough task. Students may ignore literature, but it is important in career development.

It builds memory and writing skills and stirs intellectual curiosity. It is important in building critical thinking skills necessary in the career world.

To excel in a career, people need to think differently and develop new ideas. They must change their ways of doing things, including their communication. Literature plays a critical role in career development.

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Why teaching and learning literature is important

In modern times, literature is viewed as a key component in the teaching process. Every university student must tackle literature at some point in their academic year. It does not matter the course the student is taking. It helps a learner view how language is applied in real-life contexts.

It teaches ideas, affection, and diverse experiences in various linguistic features. Reading literature builds strong student skills in micro and macro linguistics. At college, learners are required to complete a task that requires critical thinking. This is one reason why literature skills are critical.

Literature in a career cannot be avoided where success is expected. Building its skills starts in college. A student needs to read texts, as well as do reviews and authorship studies.

Various resources are available to help the student achieve more. One of the helpful resources is the write my literature review for me online service. You will benefit from the services of an experienced, native writer.

For most learners, building verbal and nonverbal communication skills is critical. The best way to do it is to adapt how the natives use language in their daily lives. The primary purpose of literature is not to teach language.

However, literary works help learners improve the way they express themselves.

It could be through spoken or written expressions. They build vocabulary, thinking, speaking, and writing skills. Such skills are important for student success in the career market.

The role of literature in building critical thinking skills

Employees who lack critical thinking skills often get stuck in their career paths. It is a crucial soft skill in the career market. Employees need to view situations in detail and get the bigger picture. They need to find solutions that will solve the problem in the long term.

Critical thinking makes workers better at their job. They stand out among many employees and get many career development opportunities. Writers share their thoughts and inspiration in their texts.

Literature teaching and learning in universities present a greater challenge today. However, it is a rich source of building language and imaginative skills.

It goes beyond learning and into building critical thinking skills. It develops learner awareness of culture and stirs an appeal in their imagination. They learn to evaluate, draw ideas, and arrive at evidence-based conclusions. Learning literature helps build critical thinking in different ways.

Build analytical skills

Building strong cognitive skills requires excellent comprehension abilities. The learner must effectively draw inferences and make logical decisions. Professional organizations require critical thinkers to stay above the competition. When analyzing texts, learners need to understand sentence arrangement.

They need to know how events occur and their chronological order. Another aspect is knowing who is involved in each event and their role. Understanding the time helps the student know how language style is used. They can then predict how the texts and language style apply in a modern context.

Organizations have discovered the importance of critical thinking in the workplace. Companies experience fast-changing economic and technological developments. Due to competition, they are exposed to greater risks and possibilities of losses.

New workers need to quickly learn their roles and help improve the company. Students who give priority to literature learning succeed better in the corporate sector. They present enhanced skills in the:

  • Problem analysis
  • Evaluation of alternatives: Find multiple solutions, and develop unique perspectives to situations.
  • Making evidence-based decisions using quantitative and qualitative data

Emotional response

Learning literature triggers the brain to react to emotions. Such feelings substantially influence people’s cognitive processes, which include:

  • Perception
  • Attention to details
  • Learning
  • Memory
  • Reasoning capacity
  • Solving problems

Emotions motivate individuals to act and behave in a certain way. The brain reacts in anticipation of rewards. Research has proved emotions impact how well an employee is committed to working.

It impacts their decision-making processes, creativity, and quality of work. Through learning literature, students build skills for understanding other people’s emotions. It is an important skill in career development and success.

Improves memory and self-reflection

Reading literature is one of the ways to exercise the brain to build enhanced memory. Through reading, the brain gets stimulated, which allows the production of new neurons. More reading improves the way the brain remembers things.

Literature students learn about how people go through different challenges. It helps trigger self-reflection, which helps develop soft skills. Memory is a cognitive process that helps individuals to store and retrieve information. It is useful in learning job procedures, roles, and processes.

Improving cognitive functioning

Literature develops the ability to think deeper about situations. It improves the part of the brain that processes sensory information. At the workplace, it matters how a person remembers and pays attention. It is crucial in the career development of individuals.

It does not matter the type of literature a student reads. It could be drama, historical, fairy tale, or fantasy.

Regardless of the type, it helps improve cognitive functioning. The student performs better in academic work but also opens career opportunities. Literature texts require learners to build imaginative and critical thinking.

The learner learns about the culture, story context, and analysis. They learn the rules of grammar, which improves the outcomes of studying literature. One of the outcomes is enhanced critical thinking useful in career development.

The role of literature in building communication skills

Literature is an excellent platform for building improved student communication skills. It builds their vocabulary skills, creativity, and fluency. Learners construct meaningful sentences with flawless structure.

Effective communication is critical to career success. Workers who communicate effectively help organizations achieve their goals fast. It leads to satisfied customers and employees. Effective career development includes factors such as:

  • Excellent storytelling abilities
  • Use of appropriate humor
  • Development of active listening abilities
  • Knowing the right questions to ask
  • Having strong non-verbal communication skills
  • Effective writing abilities
  • Understanding when to answer and when to wait

Literature is an effective strategy for teaching language. Students learn how different cultures interact. They learn how to analyze spoken and unspoken communication in different characters.

They learn various aspects of speech, literary terms, and forms. Such knowledge can be useful in a student’s future career growth. Literature builds communication skills in different ways.

Build writing skills

Written communication is important both in the academic and job fields. A student effectively demonstrates their academic ability through written communication. They express their thoughts about certain texts. It helps them provide firm evidence for their arguments.

At the workplace, employees need to provide clear and quick communication. They need to give updates and provide information on projects and daily tasks. If the written information is wrong, it affects the productivity of the entire company.

Build language vocabulary

A speech cannot be successful if the vocabulary used is out of context. Literature expands an individual’s vocabulary. A student gets exposure to a variety of text structures, voices, and style. Consistent readers are likely to speak more effectively. They develop confidence in communication and professionalism.

An extensive vocabulary is useful in career development. A worker presents himself as an intelligent person who commands respect. It is useful when there is a need to conduct work-related research or data analysis. The individual expresses themselves most clearly and directly.

Builds decision-making skills

Daily, students make various decisions that affect their learning. They decide whether to attend lessons, study, do chores, or socialize. They also make decisions when they’re given AI surveys for different occasions at their study institutions because those surveys are well-designed to identify their hidden talents or views.

Literature study is one of the ways to build information. When well-informed, the learner writes better texts and makes excellent arguments.

Decision-making in the workplace can help enhance time management. Employees can quickly decide what answer to give to a customer. It helps improve productivity and customer satisfaction. Workers who develop excellent decision-making skills succeed faster in their careers.

Improves oral communication skills

Oral communication helps Individuals transmit ideas face to face. The communication could be directed to an individual or a group of people.

The presenter should be confident enough to stand before people and communicate. It matters the choice of words, body expression, and tone. Oral communication is an integral part of student life.

Learners who do presentations regularly improve their confidence. They improve presentation skills, knowledge retention, and comprehension.

In the workplace, they might be required to do presentations in meetings. They might be asked to give a speech at seminars and conferences. When they are successful, it provides them with career growth opportunities.

Improves communication reimagination

Communication reimagination is an important skill in career development. It focuses on the future while working on current challenges. A person who reimagines, embraces uniqueness and heeds advice. In academics, students need to think and rethink new ways of writing.

They must redefine their goals to help them improve performance. They can apply the same skills to help them advance in their career. It includes upskilling, reskilling, and engaging in new challenges. A reimagining individual thinks outside of the box.

They are ready to try different ways of doing things at school and work. Creativity is a key requirement in the modern career world. Workers with great creativity skills can be excellent communicators. They can climb up their career at a faster pace than anyone else.

Developing collaboration skills

Team collaboration is important for the success of company goals. It defines the daily social activities workers do towards the achievement of goals. Quality collaboration is directly linked to quality communication. Literature in the classroom plays a crucial role in language development. Its literary forms include:

  • Prose
  • Novel
  • Stories
  • Drama
  • Poetry

Sometimes students may require collaboration when analyzing literature. They could collaborate with classmates or online student communities. It is like working on a project together to ensure it succeeds.

Collaboration skills learned in college can be brought into the workplace. It can help display a worker as an organized and a team working individual. One of its benefits is career growth.

Importance of literature in future career

Today’s career is no longer restricted to one organization. Workers have learned to be flexible and move from one job to the next. Workers mostly change careers when the next one promises a better package. Employees who succeed are those who have learned to improve their skills consistently.

They need to research often to understand what skills are currently most marketable. They analyze organizations to understand the gaps in them. With such an understanding, they can make unique proposals in their application letter. They understand what to include in their resumes so that they stand out.

Literature, especially poetry, plays a major role in building imagination. It helps a student examine all types of expressive writing.

They develop ethical awareness, intellect, and social fulfillment. Students of literature have greater career opportunities. They reveal incomparable abilities in communication, self-presentation, writing, and thinking.

Such skills are required in today’s competitive business world. Employees today are seeking workers who can propel the organization beyond limits. Graduates who show special soft skills are likely to get chances to be hired fast. Literature continues to play an important role in career development.

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Literature provides students with an excellent opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. They need to pay attention to story details to understand the theme. Students expand their critical thinking and communication skills.

They learn writing, language vocabulary, and collaboration. Learners who perform well in literature are likely to excel in career development.

These skills help them build strong business relationships. They keep reimagining themselves, which boosts their career growth.

Author’s Bio

John Marlow leaves no stone unturned when writing papers and essay samples. He uses his skills, the best tools, reference material from libraries and online and tips from other pro writers. This makes his work matches the set standards by the clients. He researches deeply and lays all the focus on writing so that he can get5 star rating constantly on his freelancer profile.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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