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A Call to Action: Why More Women are Needed in Tech

role in tech Mar 20, 2023

Despite recent improvements, women are still disproportionately lacking in the digital sector.

Only 26% of American computer workers are women, and only 5% of tech startups are headed by women, according to a McKinsey & Company study.

Because of the dearth of gender diversity in the tech industry, both people and society as a whole suffer.

The empowering guide for women in tech which explains why more women are required in tech and what can be done to promote and assist them, will be presented to you in this article.

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Advantages of gender diversity in technology

There are many advantages for people, businesses, and society in having more women in technology.

According to studies, organizations with more gender-diverse teams have higher employee engagement and retention rates, perform better financially monetarily, and are more creative.

Additionally, a more varied workforce may contribute fresh viewpoints and concepts that result in more creative goods and services. More women in tech can also help close the gender pay disparity and expand possibilities for women in other fields.

It is essential that women have a voice and can add to the creation of new technologies and goods as technology continues to change our world.

Obstacles for women in technology

Despite the advantages of gender diversity in technology, a number of obstacles keep more women from joining and thriving in the field. These consist of:

  • Lack of role models. Women may find it difficult to picture themselves in the tech sector due to the dearth of prominent female executives and role models.
  • Gender prejudice. Conscious and unconscious gender bias can result in women being passed over for chances, promotions, and salary increases.
  • Stereotypes. Girls may be discouraged from seeking STEM education and jobs by stereotypes regarding women's aptitude in math and science.
  • Lack of support. Women in the tech industry frequently experience loneliness and a lack of assistance, which can cause exhaustion and turnover.

Women's education in STEM: Promoting interest

Encouragement of women to seek STEM education is one of the most efficient methods to increase the proportion of women in the tech industry.

Girls' interest in and confidence in STEM disciplines can be sparked by early exposure to STEM topics and role models. In order to provide this experience and assistance, parents, teachers, and mentors can play a crucial part.

Additionally, businesses can collaborate with educational institutions and nonprofits to offer resources and support for STEM education.

For instance, they can fund coding camps, offer mentoring programs, and give young women internship and job shadowing opportunities.

Getting rid of gender bias in hiring

Another essential stage in boosting the proportion of women in technology is the elimination of gender bias in employment. Companies can handle prejudice in a number of ways, such as:

  • Blind résumé evaluation. Unconscious prejudice can be reduced by removing personal information from resumes, such as name and gender.
  • Various interview groups. Making sure that applicants are judged on their credentials rather than their gender can be achieved by using a diverse group of interviewers.
  • Work titles that are inclusive. Instead of making gendered judgments, job descriptions should use wording that is gender-neutral and emphasize the necessary skills and credentials.
  • Supporting female employees. In order to increase the proportion of women in technology, it is also essential to support women in the workplace. Companies can help in a number of ways, including:
  • Mentorship programs. Connecting women with teachers can offer helpful advice, support, and chances for job growth.
  • Work-life balance. By providing open work options like remote work or fluid hours, employers can assist women in juggling their obligations to both their families and their careers.
  • Leadership development. Providing women with chances for leadership development can help them acquire the knowledge and self-assurance necessary to advance in their professions.

Promotion of female leadership

Another method for growing gender variety in the sector is to encourage more women to hold executive positions in technology. Companies can help women improve their leadership abilities by offering them tools and assistance, such as:

  • Programs for leadership development. Providing programs for leadership development can assist women in gaining the knowledge and self-assurance necessary to assume leadership positions.
  • Sponsorship initiatives. Women can surmount gender bias and progress in their jobs by being paired with sponsors who will fight for their development.
  • Advancing female leaders. Highlighting and advancing female leaders in the business can provide motivation and exposure for other women.
  • Encouragement of work-life balance. Promoting work-life harmony is yet another crucial tactic for drawing in and keeping women in the digital industry. Women frequently have more familial and caring obligations, which can make balancing work and home challenging. Offering open work hours or virtual work options can help women manage their job and home obligations.

Making a training investment in diversity and inclusion

Investing in diversity and inclusion training can also aid in boosting the representation of women in tech.

All staff members can receive instruction from their employers to better comprehend unconscious prejudice, deal with it, and foster an inclusive work environment. Training on subjects like these is one possibility.

  • Unconscious bias. Recognizing how it influences judgment and learning how to lessen its effects.
  • Inclusive vocabulary. Utilizing inclusive wording and averting presumptions regarding gender.
  • Microaggressions. Recognizing and dealing with the microaggressions that can lead to a toxic and unwelcoming workplace atmosphere.

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In conclusion, growing gender diversity in tech is not only morally correct, but also necessary for building a more inventive and prosperous sector.

Companies and individuals can take several steps to encourage and support more women in tech, including promoting STEM education, eliminating gender bias in hiring, supporting women in the workplace, encouraging female leadership, promoting work-life balance, and investing in diversity and inclusion training.

Together, we can build a digital sector that benefits everyone and is more fair.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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