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7 Tips For Quality And Accuracy In Data Analysis

data analysis Nov 7, 2023

Big data has seen tremendous growth in recent times, and the analytics that comes with it are easier to access and better in quality than ever. As a result, business owners are stepping up their data collection and analysis efforts.

Unsurprisingly, job positions like data analysts continue to see an increasing demand, with the market revenue expected to reach $655 billion by 2029.

However, you can also learn some strategies to assist you with analysing your business data more effectively.

Below are seven tips to ramp up your data quality and carry out more accurate analysis while saving time.

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1. Address data quality at the source

Fixing data quality issues is like patching up a leak: if you don't repair it at the source, it keeps dripping. Imagine a data scientist finding several blanks in a chosen dataset.

They fix it on their end, but if the original data stays messy, it might not yield significant results. It’s better to stop bad data from spreading than try to clean up the mess later on. Imagine another scenario where a company gathers details for a new marketing campaign.

Now, let’s say the person keying in the info gets some phone numbers or email addresses wrong. This little mistake can mess up the whole database.

2. Standardize your data

When you collect data from different sources, it’s all too common to spot inconsistencies or mistakes in how things are named or spelled. You might see the U.S. listed as the United Kingdom, UK, or U.K.

These little differences might seem minor, but they can significantly affect your data analysis. That’s why it’s crucial to set a standard for all your data, so everything matches up and stays consistent.

Meanwhile, the standardizing process may involve streamlining your data for consistency, making it more accessible and usable across different systems or departments within your organization. For this reason, it would be best to consider hiring data analysts for this function.

3. Segment your data

When your data is all sorted and looks good, but you’re not getting the answers you need, it might be time to break it down further. Consider what you want from the data and what you need to know. Segment your data into practical groups, so you can focus on specific parts.

Segmenting your data doesn't just make things easier to handle, but it also helps you zoom in on very particular trends and behaviors, making your analysis way more accurate.

4. Enhance how you collect data

When it comes to your big data, getting the right stuff is key. Begin by focusing on what’s significant for your business. If you own an ecommerce business, for instance, you can think about those shopping habits that matter.

It’s all about defining what matters most and what behaviors are crucial for your business. Meanwhile, depending on your industry or service delivery, you may consider a field service app.

It’s like your pocket-friendly assistant, helping communications between your in-office staff and field technicians while gathering essential data and service details. This way, you’re collecting only the data that’s gold.

5. Go digital

Did you know businesses spend millions on printed forms, many of which gather dust? If you’re among these statistics, it’s time to ditch the pen and paper and go digital with your note-taking.

Typing not only helps you jot down stuff faster, but it’s also much easier to read than handwriting. You’ll be surprised to know that illegible handwriting is responsible for medication mix-ups affecting several patients.

That’s a lot of people dealing with messy notes. Plus, with digital notes, you can easily add and track changes over time. It’s like an organized notebook that’s always up-to-date.

6. Merge duplicate data

Merging duplicate files is a terrific way to clean up your data. Rather than outright deleting duplicates, merging ensures that crucial information isn't lost inadvertently.

Using a digital database also enables immediate updates to the most recent versions while monitoring changes, preventing the accumulation of unnecessary duplicate records. This process streamlines your database, improving its quality and accuracy for more reliable data analysis.

7. Regularly audit your data

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Regularly checking your data is super important. These check-ups help find and fix any mistakes or odd stuff in your data, ensuring it’s all good and reliable. Think of it as giving your data a health check.

You want to ensure it’s in top shape and up to the standards. Doing these audits keeps your data solid and trustworthy, which means better analysis and smarter decisions.

In the meantime, considering the demand for data analysts for this crucial function, pursuing a data analysis career can be worthwhile. The data analyst job requirements include maintaining a high level of mathematical ability, the ability to analyze, model and interpret data, problem-solving, and so on.

This way, you can evaluate, clean, and maintain data in a way that makes it useful for organizations.

Maintaining clean data is like the secret spice for getting spot-on analysis. It’s all about those routine check-ups, tossing out those pen scribbles, eliminating the duplicates, and making your data uniform. When you keep this up, you can rely on your data for super precise and smart analysis.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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