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Script to auto-apply to jobs

job Dec 6, 2020

If you are looking for a script to automatically apply to new jobs without any effort keep reading.

While I was in university I decided that the job search is broken.

Multiple job boards, platforms tools. All requiring a lot of effort and time.

But when you are looking for a new job, there is not a lot of time to waste.

This is why we built so that you don't have to spend time on Linkedin or scanning to improve your cv with Jobscan.

We have all the tools that you need to make your job search a success

How to automate your job search and auto-apply to jobs  as a Developer?

There are a lot of ways to do that:

1) Use the API of loopcv to automatically collect jobs and apply with a single request

2) Use directly the platform to create your desired job search and find an awesome job super fast

If you are looking for a script to auto-apply on Linkedin you are in the right place

Check how developers like you use Loopcv to auto-apply on Linkedin, Indeed, Glassdoor and a lot more platforms using our automated solution

1) Use the Loopcv plugin (contact us)

2) Connect your Linkedin profile

3) Apply to hundreds of jobs automatically without any effort and find a job faster

Start today



George Avgenakis

CEO @ Loopcv

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