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5 Reasons Recruiters Need a CRM Platform

CRM Feb 3, 2023

Attracting, sourcing, interviewing and recruiting new candidates is always difficult.

Every step matters, and you should do your best to get excellent talent at the end of the process. Doing so can, however, be difficult, especially when many candidates express interest in the position you declare vacant in your organization.

With the advancement in technology, you can automate every stage of the recruitment process, making work easy and effective.

Precisely, with a candidate relationship management system, you can make your candidate interaction a good experience. This article explains why you need a CRM platform to assist you in recruiting.

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Here’s How a CRM Platform Works for You

Undoubtedly, the hiring process can be lengthy and even complicated sometimes. With such challenges coupled with daily work, it can be hard to manage it well. Thankfully, there are technological solutions to help you these days. A CRM platform is one such solution, and you ought to consider it for all the right reasons.

In a nutshell, simple CRM software works as a tracking system when carrying out your recruitment exercise. It allows you to view and nurture your relationships with candidates interested in joining your organization. In addition, it can perform other roles that include the following:

  • Acts as a database
  • A hiring tool
  • Data management
  • Aids in tracking and screening

Note that the roles of activities you can perform with a CRM solution also vary depending on the solution you use. Some CRM software solutions have more features and functionalities than others.

It depends on where you get yours and how you also use it. So, get the best if you want to enjoy the benefits of having or using the best platform.

With the best and easy-to-use CRM, you save time for critical roles and leave most recruitment-related tasks to it. No need to spend time generating lists when you can have such lists instantly from your CRM software. That means you create more time to focus on how you will make the right recruitment decisions and get the best talent.

Here Are 5 Reasons a CRM Platform Is Desirable for You As a Recruiter


While CRM platforms have been available for some time, companies and organizations are beginning to see the need for the best. You are missing a lot if you do not have one or still use manual processes during recruitment.

Why should you use a CRM platform the next time you search for talent or someone to fill some space in your organization? Here are five reasons you need to do so:

1. Useful In Extracting Insights from Recruitment Data

Recruitment should not end once you have the person or skills you need. The process should go on, and the data you gathered should help you improve processes in your organization.

Indeed, you can get insights if you can do in-depth analyses of the data you have in your storage devices.

With your CRM, you can do some quick analyses and extract information that will be helpful in your decision-making.

For instance, you can get information on the channels that provide the best talent or candidates. Such insights are vital in other functions, such as marketing and leads. You require it to maintain relationships with candidates, clients, and other stakeholders.

2. Helpful In Building Stronger Relationships With Candidates and Other Parties

As a relationship software solution, CRM can help you establish and build stronger relationships with candidates and other parties. The most reliable way to build lasting relationships is through constant communication and trust between parties. With such interactions, you create understanding and promote a smooth flow of information.

Simple CRM solutions allow you to keep in touch with candidates and other parties you may want to involve in the recruitment process. You can use regular emails and updates to remain in touch with applicants.

Give updates about the application process, hiring updates, and information on the best resumes or applications. That way, you create a positive experience and build lasting relationships.

3. Various Components Under One Roof

Simple CRM systems have several components that allow you to perform various functions. It works like bringing various departments and functions under one roof for efficiency and smooth running of activities. With it, you have a package that enables you to perform different recruitment-related tasks in one place, including:

  • Candidates’ background checks
  • Screening of qualifications
  • Shortlisting
  • Other functions

You avoid hiring several third parties to handle your recruitment when you have several functions under one system. With such critical features under one roof, you save time and secure the whole process. Remember that recruitment involves handling vital data and candidates’ credentials.

4. Simplify Your Recruitment Process

You’ve carried out various recruitment processes. Without a doubt, the process is lengthy. So, anything that helps make it simple and brings all the functions from the receipt of resumes to the signing of contracts is useful. That is what simple CRM software does for your organization.

With a simple CRM app, you have all the recruitment steps put under one system. It thus makes the entire process hassle-free.

Various activities that would have caused delays or slowed your hiring are also simplified by the platform you use. You, therefore, complete the process as planned and get the skills or talent you want within your timelines.

5. Build a Database of Skills and Talent Network for Future Deals

After completing the hiring process, you can use your simple CRM app to build networks for future use. The database you create for hiring purposes contains helpful information for your organization at the time and in the future.

For instance, when positions arise in the future, you can reach out to the highly skilled candidates you already have in your database.

In most cases, candidates are more likely to respond to your emails when they already have information about you or have previously expressed interest in working with you. So, your hiring process gets even simpler. You will not start from zero, as when hiring or recruiting for the first time.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When Do I Know that My Company Is Ready for CRM?

The best way to determine your company’s eligibility for a CRM is to do an evaluation. A proper CRM assessment will help answer any questions you have and determine the best version for your company.

2. Who Will Use CRM In My Company?

Anyone involved in the process of hiring will find CRM useful. The software will also help management in recruitment related tasks. Management of data after hiring will also benefit from a good CRM.

3. What Is the Cost of CRM?

It depends on where you get your CRM and its version. There are low-cost options and others go for slightly higher prices. CRMs also have various features and those with the best ones tend to cost a little high.

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Irrespective of your industry, you need a great CRM to help you in recruitment and related tasks for your organization. There are many types of CRMs, and you will find what is appropriate for your company.

When weighing options, go for one compatible with your system, which is easy to use and has all the services you need.

This article has explained why you need simple CRM software for recruitment purposes. Notably, there are many good reasons to get one. As you have seen, the benefits go beyond recruitment. With the best CRM Platforms, you save time, enjoy efficiency and get the best talent!


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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