How Cloud-Based Practices Make Onboarding a Breeze for HR
Onboarding new employees has always been quite a hefty task for HR representatives. All those tools to explain, the accounts to create, facilities to introduce, and company resources to sort out; needless to say, it’s not as easy as giving a jolly tour through the office.
There are many tools out there that make finding and applying for jobs a breeze, but what happens after an offer is made and the new employee accepts? Luckily, modern cloud-based technology has enabled HRs to create a faster, more informative, and more effective onboarding process for their new hires.
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Granting Access to New Employees
Hiring a single new dev for your IT company is pretty hard as it is; imagine how difficult onboarding an offshore software development team must be.
Creating new accounts for a variety of applications and ensuring that all the new devs have the right documentation and the right tools to begin working at a company used to be a very convoluted manual task.
How Granting Access Used to Work
HR representatives used to have the time-consuming objective of giving new hires access to all the company’s documents, software, and tools one by one. This access was given by submitting tickets to tech supervisors and office managers, then waiting for them to provide all the resources the hiree would need to start working.
Consider this situation from the employee’s perspective. New employees, only a month after sending in their CV and having their first interview, have to absorb a host of new information and learn how to complete a myriad of new tasks all at once.
This inundation at the outset of their time with the company can cause some information about their job and responsibilities to be glossed over, making their first couple of months that much harder.
How It’s Done Now
Luckily, with cloud-based employee resource management, HR representatives can now give new employees access to company resources much more efficiently.
Modern offices utilize cloud registries, which store accounts, passwords, documents, software, and just about anything else that new hires would need to go through a quick and efficient onboarding process.
All the HR rep needs to do is give new employees access to the company’s cloud where all these necessities are stored. Using remote work software, entire teams can be onboarded and given access to all the tools and resources they’ll need to start working as soon as possible.
Office Surveillance and Security
Companies with big offices give a different amount of access to their various facilities.
For example, a new employee may not be allowed to enter a server room at first (if ever), as this is a part of the office designated for specific professionals. Giving access to the right areas of the office to new employees is now easier than ever before with cloud video surveillance.
Letting New Hires In
Most new hires don’t have trouble getting around the office once they’ve received their identification cards for work. In some cases, certain employees should not have access to particular areas of the office; cloud-based security systems ensure that those without the right access cannot wander into a room they shouldn’t be in.
With more traditional office security systems, HR representatives have to submit the new employee’s credentials to the security team to have an identification card printed for them. In many companies, especially ones with big offices, this was a very drawn-out process during employee onboarding that often led to roadblocks for HR.
With modern, state-of-the-art cloud security, employees can simply connect to the office’s security network using their phones and gain access to all necessary facilities within seconds.
This approach preventsHR from running around with the new employee, making sure that their keycard lets them into all the right rooms in the office. They can simply give access through the cloud and rest easy knowing that new employees won’t go where they’re not supposed to.
Area Restrictions for Offboarded Employees
After an employee leaves the workplace, HR specialists need to revoke their access to various areas in the office, if not the office in its entirety. With a surveillance system integrated into the cloud, HR representatives can secure the premises and prevent ex-employees from getting into the office.
AI face-tracking technology has also made its way into some offices. This cloud-based surveillance system can detect faces that are not allowed within the office premises and notify the building’s security. Anyone whose face is not registered on the cloud will not be permitted to enter the premises.
This method ensures that once an employee has been offboarded from the cloud security network of your office, they won’t be able to reenter the premises.
Something More Engaging
One of the biggest advantages of cloud-based onboarding is that this method of inducting a new employee into the company is more engaging.
Instead of going through the same old routine, the HR representative can provide the hire with several useful documents, videos, and tools to look through on their own terms, making for a more engaging induction.
Long gone are the days of new employees sitting in a meeting room and watching a boring video on the TV of the CEO talking about how great the company they’re about to work for is. Cloud onboarding allows for a hands-on induction for the new hires and a hands-free onboarding process for the company’s HR.
Digital Documents
One very tricky aspect of the onboarding process is filling out documents. Job application forms, contracts, tax reports, salary invoices; the list goes on and on.
It’s easy to get lost in all that paperwork, especially if you’re a new employee; making a mistake while filling out a crucial document is bound to happen. These mistakes can range from simple grammatical errors to critical oversights that may be costly for the company to fix.
Cloud-based digital documents are far easier to work with for both new employees and HRs. Incorrect or inaccurate inputs are quickly discovered by the digital document reader. It is also much easier for HR to fix mistakes digitally than to print another document, receive the necessary signatures, and ask the new hire to fill it out all over again.
Benefits for Preboarding Employees
Preboarding is the practice of onboarding employees during their CV and interview stage, before a job offer has been sent. This process allows the prospective employee to have an early understanding of what their position will entail and the employer to see if the employee is right for the role.
There is a risk that comes with this sort of method, as HR specialists might give the new hiree access to their corporate tools and software for the preboarding process, only for the hiree to decline the offer and potentially retain access to company property.
This oversight could lead to a leak of the company’s data, research, vital accounts and passwords, or employee private documents and CVs.
By incorporating the preboarding process into a cloud network with the help of preboarding software, HRs have control over what tools, company information, and software the potential hire has access to and can easily revoke it if the offer is declined, preserving security and preventing leaks.
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Onboarded and Ready to Go
Typically, most employees need at least half a year before their performance and productivity reaches its peak, as they are not familiar with their responsibilities and the tools at their disposal. Studies have shown that a proper onboarding process can improve the time it takes for a new employee to reach full efficiency by 70%.
As an HR representative, your initial guidance and introduction to the company is a major determining factor in how soon new employees can start working as efficiently as their coworkers. With all these cloud-based management tools, onboarding a new workforce has never been easier.