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How Introvert Recruiter Can Survive: 5 Tips From Introverts

Recruiters Dec 2, 2022

Well, well, well, are you also secretly happy when friends cancel plans for a joint trip to the cinema/store/party? Likewise, why make a phone order for food when you can get it online?

After all, if you also have trouble presenting something in front of a large group of people, you're nervous talking to someone for the first time, or you feel tired after a whole day surrounded by people, then you're probably an introvert.

To begin with, being an introvert is neither "good" nor "bad". It is simply a feature of the body, like hair color or the shape of the nose, only this feature is not about appearance, but about the way, the nervous system responds to stimuli.

It's impossible not to remember that you have strengths. Here they are: you are very thoughtful about the words you say, especially if you are addressing a group of people. And you are also very sensitive to the emotions and feelings of others - you are an empath.

Some of your qualities may get in your way, after all, your profession involves constant communication with strangers. But don't worry, you're not alone, about 30-50% of people identify themselves as introverts (and recruiters are kind of people, too). To make life easier for the HR introvert, we wrote this article with five valuable tips that should help you feel more confident in the industry.

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Always do your own mini-study before contacting a candidate

It is preferable to plan and go over the important questions in advance of a conversation with a candidate in order to feel more at ease and calm. You may make sure that you will have the appropriate words at the appropriate time by planning the conversation beforehand and mentally practicing it.

This advice is also useful for three other reasons:

  • You show the candidate that you approach the question seriously and are ready for a productive dialogue, which cannot help but attract you.
  • By talking things through in advance, you can structure your dialogue. The general organization will allow you to waste less time.
  • By gathering preliminary information, you can identify some problematic points that should be clarified with the candidate as early as possible, so as not to waste time.

Practice presentations and speech with your colleagues

As a recruiter, you probably have to give presentations from time to time. But as an introvert, you probably have an aversion to it. It's a common thing.

If you treat public speaking and presentation simply as a performance on stage, where you don't have to play yourself at all and can pretend to be anyone, then life becomes noticeably easier.

And of course, you need lots and lots of practice, to perform in front of friends, family, and colleagues until you develop your own comfortable model of behavior.

Send accompanying emails or communicate tête-à-tête after the meeting

Let's say you forgot to mention something when talking to a candidate or a colleague (it happens to all of us, but introverts face it especially often). Despite all the advantages of planning a speech in advance, introverts often realize afterward that they haven't shared everything they wanted to say, or new ideas come up after the meeting that they also want to talk about.

The solution is offered by an HR manager from the writing company that provides instant assignment help also considers herself an introvert: she approaches colleagues the next day if she forgot to convey something during the meeting, shares her thoughts one-on-one, or sends an e-mail to the candidate if a face-to-face meeting is not possible.

If the world was created for extroverts, then social media is for introverts. Here, you can create a network of contacts fasts and effectively. For instance, you can choose a person with whom it would be beneficial to develop business connections before attending a forum or conference and write to him about your intention to meet him there.

Make the most of your strengths

Introverts are known to be very empathetic people, so it is not surprising that they are more likely to be praised for making deeper personal connections than their extroverted colleagues. This trait is very useful in the workplace - a recruiter can instantly find common ground with a potential employee and make someone feel comfortable.

Therefore, don't pass up the chance to establish a positive connection with the candidate from the outset of the conversation in order to ensure that one will be fruitful. However, resist the temptation to favor a candidate with whom you seem to share more interests.

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Allow time for recharging

Finally, if you're feeling tired and overwhelmed after a long time with candidates and just need time to relax, make time for a break during the work day. Periodic pauses to recharge are essential to maintaining productivity.

Experts recommend introverts allocate 45 minutes a day for "walks" around the office and informal communication with other employees. When the desire for privacy comes, it is always better to keep your favorite playlist and headphones at the ready, this will help avoid burnout and tune in to work.

Scientists, musicians, painters, poets, filmmakers, doctors, mathematicians, writers, and philosophers would not exist in an introvert-free world.

It is unacceptable to deviate from your nature because it can shorten your life. The most crucial thing is to understand that introversion is natural and even beneficial; there is no need to strive to reinvent yourself by modeling your behavior after that of others.

Author Bio

Helen Wilson is a professional content writer. She’s also a well-known paper writing assistant in the U.S. in the writing company. Her main spheres of specialization are Marketing, Productivity, and Self-development.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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