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The Importance of Remote Employee Recognition in Productivity

Remote working Jun 16, 2023

Although the world has pretty much gotten used to the concept of remote work, managing and motivating remote employees still presents some challenges.

One important aspect of managing a remote workforce is properly recognizing employees’ contributions.

When done right, remote employee recognition can make a huge difference in your team’s productivity levels and overall job satisfaction.

Join us as we dive deep into the transformative power of remote employee recognition and discover how to apply it in your remote workplace.

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What Is Employee Recognition?

Recognition is a fundamental human need that fuels motivation and inspires individuals to deliver their best work. This is true for any type of work arrangement.

But for remote employees, who often work in isolation, recognition becomes even more crucial.

When employees feel valued, they become more engaged and committed to their work. Recognizing their accomplishments not only enhances their overall job satisfaction but also boosts their productivity levels.

Simply put, a culture of recognition establishes a sense of belonging and drives remote employees to perform at their best.

Tips for Showing Employee Recognition

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Frequent and Timely Communication

Regular communication plays a major role in fostering productivity and engagement. Remote employees often miss out on the daily interactions that naturally occur in a physical office setting.

As a result, managers need to establish open lines of communication with their remote team members, ensuring that they feel connected, supported, and recognized.

Aside from online messaging apps, consider using an employee text messaging system. This can simplify after-hours notifications like texting in sick to work.

If you’re leading a remote team, schedule regular check-in meetings with them to address any concerns they might have and—more importantly—talk about their progress.

Check-ins are a great opportunity to recognize workers’ achievements and express appreciation for their efforts.

But remember that timely feedback is also key, and check-ins can also be used for this purpose. When a remote employee completes a task or reaches a new milestone, make it a priority to acknowledge their accomplishment on time.

Timely feedback shows that their contributions are seen, but also helps them course-correct if needed, which can positively affect their overall productivity.

Public Appreciation

If you wish to create a culture of recognition within your virtual workplace, don’t shy away from showing employee appreciation in public.

Recognizing remote employees publicly not only inspires others but also strengthens the sense of community among team members.

So, try to incorporate public recognition into all-staff meetings. You can make it a point to highlight individual achievements and express appreciation in front of everyone present.

Team meetings are a great opportunity for widespread recognition that demonstrates the value placed on individual contributions.

Company newsletters or the intranet are also great platforms to showcase people’s accomplishments to everyone.

They can be posted in the format of success stories highlighting exceptional performance, and explaining what a positive impact someone’s work has had at that time.

Personalized Recognition

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Personalized recognition involves tailoring your employee appreciation efforts to the individual strengths and preferences of individual team members. This approach shows a better understanding of each employee’s unique contributions to the team.

Personalized recognition should go beyond generic praise. As a manager, you should take the time to learn about the specific achievements of all your remote employees and understand their backgrounds and aspirations.

You won’t be able to do this overnight, but once you have this kind of knowledge, it will help you tailor your recognition efforts to everyone’s areas of excellence.

Once you get to the point of knowing your remote employees on a deeper level, you will also be able to customize the rewards and incentives you give them.

For instance, some employees may be fine with public recognition, while others may prefer private appreciation like Punchbowl's free eCards, which offer the ability to customize the look and feel of traditional greeting cards or tangible rewards like gift cards or development opportunities.

Virtual Celebrations

Remote teams thrive on virtual celebrations. Where physical gatherings may not be possible, virtual parties become an opportunity to come together as a team to celebrate achievements and foster a sense of camaraderie.

Celebrations, even virtual, contribute to a positive work environment by boosting morale and employee engagement. They create a well-deserved break from routine work and allow employees to have fun and socialize with their coworkers—even if they’re not physically in the same room together.

Therefore, you should allocate some time for virtual gatherings. They don’t always have to have a defined purpose; hosting recognitions for general achievements or milestones without a clear agenda is totally fine. Do think about proposing any fun activities to engage in together, like virtual games or trivia sessions.

Peer-to-Peer Recognition

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Recognition between peers can be a valuable complement to formal recognition from managers and team leaders, as it encourages a culture of appreciation and teamwork.

When colleagues acknowledge each other’s efforts, it creates a supportive work environment that goes a long way toward boosting collective productivity.

To encourage peer-to-peer recognition, you should regularly communicate the importance of recognizing each other’s work.

You can establish guidelines or platforms for employees to express their appreciation for one another, such as dedicated chat channels, recognition boards, or virtual suggestion boxes.

Of course, managers should lead by example and actively participate in this kind of exercise. When managers recognize the contributions of their team members, it sets a positive tone and motivates others to do the same.

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Recognizing the contributions of remote employees should not be a mere formality. When done right, it can catalyze productivity, engagement, and team success.

Remember, every remote worker is a dedicated individual who deserves to feel appreciated. If you want to drive productivity and propel your teams to new heights of success, you should make an effort to make employee recognition a cornerstone of your organizational culture.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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