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How To Write Attractive Content for a Resume?

resume Dec 21, 2023

The power of an attractive resume that is well-packed with former design jobs that have creatively appealing content is enormous. Time is scarce in looking for a job and landing an interview.

It is also worth noting that writing a good attractive resume could make a lot of sense if you plan to shift to that direction of business or you are seeking improvement at work.

Ensure you present an elaborate profile that highlights relevant features of your previous experience addressing the specific position’s details.

Now, we can move to the next stage of giving you tips on writing an attractive resume.

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Tips for an Effective Resume

Here are several resume-writing tips to keep in mind when creating a resume:

Choose the Right Resume Format

Taking care of the canvas before painting your application will help you to go ahead and write a winning resume. This will aid you in organizing your document, and during interviews, the recruiters will be bidding for craftsmanship.

Additionally, make sure to think ahead about the format of your document and whether you need a Word-to-PDF converter.

There are 3 main Resume Formats:

  • The common resume– focuses on job experience and achievements from a chronological point of view. It records your employment history, which is stated in reverse order starting with the latest one. Aptitude is easily preferred by all level candidates and recruiters, and the applicant tracking systems have access to the same.
  • Skills-based or functional resume – accentuates your skills or qualities that’s why it is also called in this manner. What is more important about your resume is the so-called skills summary, whereby the job history is of less importance. For your creative portfolio, or as a military CV used in transition into civil careers.
  • A combo of the two is the combination resume. It brings forth your experience and competence level. Therefore, experienced professionals should flaunt their skill sets. However, it is also among the best options that you can consider for career change resumes and bridging employment gaps.

Provide Contact Details and Personal Information

Career Diplomats know what information should be shared and kept confidential.

Similarly, a resume should have the obligatory information listed under the heading of contact details but it is important to consider what the resume should not contain.

Here’s what to keep in mind when constructing your contact information section:

  • Start with your full name including surname first. After that, enter your current or latest job position.
  • Add your phone number as well as your e-mail address. However, do not write your second email address. It will only confuse the person reading this letter.
  • If you have a LinkedIn profile, include it. Otherwise, create a personal website; it is gaining popularity, especially among creative or IT careers.
  • Do not put unnecessary details like date of birth for instance which might result in age discrimination. In addition, never include your home address unless it is necessary.
  • Do not include any photos when applying for a job of any kind except for acting and modeling ones in the USA.
  • Make use of a resume headline when a summary or objective is not an option. They usually cover that part.

Use a Resume Summary or Resume Objective

According to human resources statistics, a hiring manager will scan your resume in 7 seconds.

It implies that the biggest gaze time will most probably be at the top of the page. That’s what a resume summary or objective statement is.

  • A resume summary is a three or two-sentence paragraph giving recruiters a glimpse of the experience they are relevant for and bragging about your achievements in the related discipline. A resume and summary should make your candidacy noticed at first glance and present an image of a suitable candidate.
  • If you have sufficient relevant experience, choose the summary and condense skills related to your position. It is easy to understand how this summarizing tool can capture all of what you have stated on your described resume and give a small summary that is intelligible but contains the original sense. The version that will incorporate some of the best sentences/points (described).
  • The statement presents your qualities and skills, which will be transferred to the firm. An objective should show a prospective employer how you may be able to contribute based on your skills.
  • Select your resume objective statement if you have no actual job experience as a minimum in connection with the job you are applying for (entry-level applicants, career changers, students, et cetera).

Key Skills, Achievements, and Relevant Work Experience

When considering your resume is the fancy dish, experience is the main dish. It encompasses the major issues one should include in their resume including relevant work history and accomplishments.

Therefore, let us examine the different elements of the experience section of a perfectly written resume.

Building a work experience section in a resume.

The following is the way you need to apply when adding your work experience:

  • Job title: It would be advisable to begin every work history on a high note with this. This way, it will be easy for employers to skim their way towards it. Increase its weight, by using a bold typeface or enlarging the point size by one or two points as compared with the rest of the entry.
  • Company, city, state: The second line should also contain the name of the previous employer’s company and the city and state where you reside.
  • Dates employed: Lastly, add the period of your work there. There is no necessity for putting the days while including the month and the year of the event.
  • Key responsibilities: Write down 5 to 6 key functions vital to the upcoming position, listing them in descending order by relevance. Discuss your current job using the present tense while describing the experience in the past tense.
  • Key achievements: Often overlooked but super important. Employers know what you did. They must understand what you did in their interests. Emphasize your credibility in saying this through action verbs.

Working Out How To Tailor Work History Sentences for Each Job Description.

One should be able to customize their resume to make it closely related to a job advertisement and then scatter these keywords around the whole resume. In a nutshell, you should be demonstrating that you’re more than capable of handling this particular position.

The company’s ATS will look for and assign you points as a result. It is more relevant with keywords that lead to higher scores. It results in viewing your application by a recruiter.

Refer to the job description and search resume keywords that match your job responsibilities to create an ATS-friendly resume.

They can touch upon the following:

  • Position (to coordinate the marketing campaigns, plan and execute promotion campaigns, etc).
  • Competencies (in project management, marketing communications, B-to-B marketing, and so on).
  • Education (with at least 5 years’ experience in marketing or a related business degree, etc.).
  • Qualities (creative mindset, etc.)

What Should One List as Work Experience When Writing a Resume?

The length of a personal history in a resume should not exceed ten to fifteen years.

However, the older and more experienced you are the less should bother you with your resumé. As a seasoned professional, it is wise not to cram all your life’s achievements and experiences into just one page of a resume document.

The length should be as short as possible and do not put irrelevant academic success into a two-page resume.

Let’s go into greater detail:

  • If you are a fresher who has never had any job before, you can put in some other gigs like school club activity, an internship, or volunteer services in the experience section.
  • The entry-level candidates should cite specific paid work and highlight the major tasks or accomplishments.
  • Mid-level job seekers should provide well-detailed job descriptions for related positions as well as others in brief.
  • Applicants in higher positions like executive and managerial positions should include up to 15 years of work experience, powering each bullet with strong action words.

Reference Your Education Correctly

Do not treat the education section as an after- though because many people do. It’s a must-have part of your resume building.

It is simply because it allows you to show your eligibility with a chance of scoring relevant points.

See how to list your credentials in the exact order:

  • Degree: Place your highest degree first. That implies you omit the section on high school if you passed in a university or college.
  • University: Add the name and location.
  • Dates attended: Give the monthly and annual dates that you attended. However, when it comes to this, the days are not necessary for that much specificity.

This inclusion comprises the fundamentals; a better fit for candidates who have spent more than a year in search of an employment opportunity.

  • All completed credits, if you are in progress or your education is not yet finished. Having some college in a resume is more beneficial than an empty one.
  • Showcasing your relevant coursework and major/minor to demonstrate what you know about the topic.
  • Showing your commitment to growth with your Latin honors or your awards (making the Dean’s List).
  • Proof of job-related skills that can be acquired through relevant extracurricular activities.

Mention Relevant Skills That Match the Job Advertisement

Your abilities are very important in making your resume relevant to the job/post and appealing to the employer.

A suitable resume writes about important qualifications needed for a job based on a job ad which proves that there are suitable candidates for a particular position.

  • The hard skills refer to the specific abilities and knowledge about particular issues such as Photoshop or the use of cash registers, among others.
  • These soft skills are not acquired but are self-developed and learned through a person’s life (for example social skills or adaptability).

They include a skill set and job seekers’ abilities and competencies. The previous time you talked about a job description, what was it? Redo it and focus on any skills it specifically includes.

So if you have any of those, that’s the best keywords to add to your resume.

  • Communication skills: This comprises people's skills, body language, passive hearing ability, and relations skills.
  • Leadership skills and management skills: The capability for a good manager, leader, and supervisor.
  • Critical thinking skills: Having the ability to think before acting, and being proactive. Analytical, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Organizational skills: An ability to plan, organize, and see things through.
  • Transferable skills: These are skills that career changers learn for their new careers.
  • Technical skills: Such information includes the knowledge required to perform certain tasks such as Computer skills, and clerical skills among others.
  • Job-specific skills: Specifically, the type of prowess required by that particular company.

Include Additional Resume Sections

Let me point out that those sections appear on any person’s job resume. However, what must a resume contain to be personalized? Include some additional information that will make your resume stand out.

Hobbies & Interests

You will not believe that your love for baseball and serving as an assistant coach in the Little League are relevant to employers.

Nevertheless, there are hidden ways to show that you cooperate with people, and if you have the necessary leadership and management skills, you may be supported by coaching.

Volunteer Work

Volunteering boosts employability, studies find. A good strategy for almost every applicant is to include your volunteer experience among your extra resume sections to demonstrate the importance you attach to certain ethical values.

This also indicates that you are not just a mere money collector and only care what’s in it for you. Volunteer work is a great option for those who are first-timers or just starters in need of experience.

Internship Experience

To include in your resume such internships is appropriate only if you’ve just graduated, did some job in a course of 1-2 positions, and weren’t employed at labor markets more than four years ago.

Certifications and Awards

Do you have anything to place in your CV such as a certificate or license? Add them if they are relevant to your job and industry! Winning the chili contest of the state fair?

It will certainly help if you want to become a cook. Similarly, you certainly will have a food safety certification or food handler’s license that will surely be in your favor.


Speak another language? Impressive! The only value this list of language skills adds to your resume is extending your usefulness as an expatriate employee or a resident in international or multinational companies and countries with a majority of speakers of that second language. Indicate your language, any of its variations (for example, Latin American Spanish), and your proficiency in it.


If you have done many of them you will also be able to write them down as a separate section, or just say one or two under each position.


Would you like your article to be written in response to a blog post, a newspaper, or a scientific journal? Then list these publications in a resume. Create a small bibliography if your published material is not online and provide it together with your letter.

If what you’ve also created includes digital graphics or any creative project or even shortening down your list of publications/projects you should make an online portfolio to record all. In addition, you can provide a reference link to it on the contact page.

Add a Cover Letter to make your Resume more attractive

You should include a cover letter. A well-written cover letter or application letter allows you to amplify matters that are supposedly short in a resume. It also enables you to talk freely in appropriate and perfect sentences!

If you find it hard to write immediately, create a mind map first by using the mind map software you prefer.

Sounds like an overkill? Think again. Employers feel that much more is required than a CV to decide on an individual. Following our guide to making a cover letter (or a cover letter without experience or a cover letter for an internship) will make work easy and quick.

In addition, you can achieve the edge by crafting a winning cover letter complementary to your resume. you can include it in our free cover letter generator.

The Appropriate Way of Sending Your Resume With Proof

But do not dispatch it until you are almost there! Following are some key points that you need to keep in your mind that will help you to make your resume attractive.

Proofread & Double-Check

What should an ideal professional CV look like and how to act professionally?

  • Through thorough proofreading of your resume before you send it out. Hence, go through the checklist below when you are done with writing to cross out all the ticks in formatting and style. Run through your resume, make sure that all your sections have everything you need to be successful and check if you included the relevant information in your resume sections.
  • Next, use a spell and grammar checking program in the review process, to ensure that there were no misspellings or grammar errors in your application.
  • Ensure that you consult a friend or family member before confirmation. Better safe than sorry!

Make Multiple Copies of Your Resume

Before applying, you inquire yourself, "Have I made it as simple as possible for this manager to see that I'm qualified?"

If you're applying for work with one-of-a-kind necessities, you will require another form of your to continue to illustrate your capabilities completely.

Choose a case-by-case premise that continues to be utilized. Once you finalize your resume, it can assist you in getting more callbacks, interviews and work offers.

You Can Send Your Resume the Correct Way

It is common practice that when an aspirant sends a resume through, the resume falls into an ocean of emails from others competing with you.

Use the name of the staff person who is looking at your resume and make your email as personalized as possible. Resumes are more appealing if you say “Dear Mike” instead of “To Whom It May Concern.”


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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