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How to Use Video to Assess Candidates' Skills and Competencies

video interview May 12, 2023

When you're looking for the best candidates to fill a role, it's important to build a strong hiring decision. One way to do this is with video assessments.

This can help you decide whether they would be a good fit for your company's culture and values.

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What is a Video Assessment?

A video assessment is a way to demonstrate knowledge and skills through video. It can be used to evaluate a candidate's skills, competencies, and personality.

They are often used in hiring because they provide employers with an unbiased view of the candidate's ability to perform tasks required by the job description.

It is also great for remote applicants who cannot physically come into your office for an interview or skills test. This allows you access to top talent regardless of where they live or how far away they might be located from your headquarters.

Using Video Assessments in Hiring

Video assessments are a powerful tool for hiring managers to evaluate candidates beyond their resumes and initial interview. Here's how to use video assessments in hiring:

Step 1: Prepare the Candidate

  • Give the candidate a brief overview of what they will be doing. You can take a screenshot of the instructions and attach them to the email. This will make sure that the candidate knows exactly what they need to do and can focus on their application.
  • Ask them to bring a resume and any other materials that you require, such as proof of education, references, or certificates.
  • Explain how the video will be used by your organization and how long it should take to complete.
  • Tell them about how many takes you want.

Step 2: Selecting the Right Video Editing Software for Your Assessment

The next step is to choose a video editor or app that's user-friendly and supports the formats you need. For the applicant's convenience, it would be helpful if the video editor could convert videos from one format to another—a MOV converter, for example. This way, you can always get the video in the format you need.

Another factor to consider is the platform you're using to conduct the video assessment. If you're using a video conferencing platform like Zoom or Skype, you may want to consider an editor that integrates with these platforms, allowing you to easily import and edit recorded video calls.

Lastly, it's important to consider the cost of the video editor. While some editors may be free, others can be quite expensive. Consider your budget and your needs to determine which editor is the best fit for your video assessment.

Step 3: Decide on the Content and Format

Once you've decided on the content and format of your video assessment, it's time to think about how it will be delivered.

  1. How should the video be formatted?
  2. Should there be an audio track? If so, what should this sound like in terms of volume level and background noise?
  3. Should the applicant be allowed to speak freely, or should they stick to a script?
  4. How should the video be delivered? Should applicants submit a video before or after they apply for the job (or perhaps both)?

Step 4: Recording

The next step is to record the candidate. Make sure that they are in a quiet environment and that your candidate is dressed professionally, seated in front of a plain background, and facing the camera. You should also ensure that they speak clearly and slowly, so as not to make it difficult for you or your colleagues to review their responses later on.

When recording, it is imperative to use a high-quality camera and microphone to capture clear audio and video. If possible, it is also recommended to use a tripod to keep the camera steady and avoid any shaky footage.

Once they have started the recording, make sure to give the candidate enough time to answer each question. It is also important to avoid interrupting them, as this may disrupt their train of thought and affect their performance.

After the recording is complete, make sure to save the video file and label it appropriately. It is also recommended to review the footage to ensure that the audio and video quality is satisfactory and that all questions were answered fully.

Recording the candidate is a crucial step in the recruitment process, and it is important to take the time to ensure that the recording is of high quality and that the candidate is comfortable and well-prepared.

Step 5: Review and Select the Best Footage

Once you've finished reviewing all the footage, it's time to decide which video assessment are moving forward in your hiring process.

The first step is to look at each candidate and identify their strongest skills and competencies – the things that they do well, or at least better than other candidates in the same role. Then, look through your video files and find clips that show these strengths in action.

  • Don't use too little footage: This can be tempting when you have so much great data from interviews, assessments, and reference checks, but don't forget that as a hiring manager you have a sense of how someone will fit into your organization as well as whether they possess specific technical skills or knowledge. You want enough video evidence, so viewers get an accurate picture of whom this person is.
  • Don't use too much footage: In addition to not being able to see everything during an interview or assessment session (especially if there are multiple people involved), there may be some areas where candidates excel but aren't necessarily required by every employer (e.g., public speaking).

If you're including such material just because it happened during one part of your process but won't have any impact on whether someone gets hired later down the line anyway then consider cutting those bits out since they won't add value either way.

Step 6: Evaluate the Video Assessment

After reviewing the footage and selecting the best clips, it's time to evaluate the video assessment. This involves assessing the candidate's performance and analyzing their answers to the questions asked.

Some criteria to consider when evaluating the video assessment include:

  • Technical skills and knowledge relevant to the position
  • Communication skills and ability to articulate ideas clearly
  • Problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities
  • Attitude, personality, and cultural fit with the organization

It's important to have a clear evaluation process in place with defined criteria and a rubric for scoring. This ensures that the evaluation is fair and objective and that all candidates are assessed using the same standards.

Step 7: Ask for a Second Opinion

This can help to ensure that the evaluation is fair and objective and that all candidates are assessed using the same standards. It can also provide a fresh perspective and help to identify strengths and weaknesses that may have been missed during the initial review.

To do this, you can share the video assessment with a colleague or team member and ask them to review the footage and provide feedback. You can also ask them to score the candidate using the same criteria and rubric that you used during your evaluation. This can help to ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process.

Step 8: Share Feedback with the Candidate

Once the evaluation is complete, it's important to share feedback with the candidate. This can include both positive feedback and areas for improvement. Be specific and provide examples of what the candidate did well and what they could work on.

Feedback is an important part of the hiring process as it helps candidates improve their skills and learn from their experiences. It also shows that your organization values communication and transparency.

Step 9: Make a Hiring Decision

After evaluating the video assessment and sharing feedback with the candidate, it's time to make a hiring decision. Take into consideration the candidate's performance on the video assessment, as well as other factors such as their resume, references, and interview performance.

If the candidate performed well on the video assessment and meets all the other requirements for the position, they may be a strong candidate for the role. However, it's important to consider all factors and make a decision based on the needs of your organization.

Step 10: Provide Closure to Candidates

Once the hiring decision has been made, it's important to provide closure to all candidates who participated in the video assessment. This can include sending a personalized email or making a phone call to let them know the outcome of the process.

Providing closure to candidates is respectful and shows that your organization values their time and effort. It also helps to maintain a positive reputation and relationship with candidates who may apply for future roles within your organization.

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In conclusion, using video assessments is an effective way to evaluate candidates' skills and competencies during the recruitment process.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your video assessments are conducted professionally and effectively.  

This allows you to make informed decisions about the best candidates for the role. With the use of technology, it is now easier than ever to implement video assessments and streamline your recruitment process.

By incorporating this approach, you can save time, reduce bias and improve your overall recruitment outcomes. So why not give it a try today and take your hiring process to the next level?


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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