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10 Best Tips on How To Use LinkedIn for Recruitment

LinkedIn Feb 14, 2023

Whether you are a freelancer recruiter or a hiring manager, LinkedIn has become one of the primary tools to support you in finding top-notch talent.  

It is crucial to use it at its full potential since it’s a tool that can help you to network and manage your talent pipeline, so it’s essential to use it effectively.

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Why use LinkedIn to recruit the right talent?

Networking possibilities

Apart from a recruitment tool we all know that LinkedIn is the top one professional social media channel.

Through having an up-to-date profile, your network grows a lot with people from related fields, interests etc. This networking makes it a great place for top-notch talent.

Nowadays, LinkedIn is a recruitment tool and a social media platform. This means that potential candidates keep their profiles up to date, have thorough profiles and with big networks.

Time efficient

The way of recruiting is changing. Recruiters spend much less time using LinkedIn since the filtering technologies allow them to sort out candidates at the top without spending hours reviewing resumes.

Keyword-refined searches

LinkedIn uses Keyword-refined searches; this is a great advantage since this is essential when sourcing prospects. This saves recruiters time when seeking a candidate with a certain talent or classification. When you input a term, LinkedIn will provide a list of profiles that closely match the search.

Organized candidate information

With LinkedIn candidate databases, all the information is stored in a way that helps recruiters find and retrieve candidates’ files easily and fast.

The recruitment software automation allows monitoring and controlling applications, resumes and other related data that are useful for filling the available positions but also produce data that can be useful in the future.

Apart from all these there are hundreds of statistics being launched every year, putting LinkedIn at the top of recruiting tools. Check out some of them below.

  • Every Minute 8 People Are Hired on LinkedIn
  • 101 Job Seekers Submit an Application on LinkedIn Every Second
  • There Was an 88% Increase in Hires in 2022
  • 57% of Job Seekers Use LinkedIn to Find New Job Opportunities
  • 67% of recruiters say that professionals hired through LinkedIn are of higher quality

The list of statistics that prove LinkedIn is one of the most effective and efficient ways to recruit today can go on; this is why in this article, we are going to give you ten tips on How to use LinkedIn for recruitment to make sure you will cover your needs.

Before we go ahead with our tips, let’s understand how recruiters use LinkedIn to find potential candidates.

Understanding you is your main target

The first step to starting your recruitment is defining your pool of candidates. So you need to identify if your desired profiles are on LinkedIn or even if they are active to plan accordingly.

Affiliating with LinkedIn groups

Recruiters will search targeted industry or professional groups on LinkedIn for potential talent. There they will keep an eye out for profiles that are active, share relevant content and demonstrate a passion for what they do.

Checking out the competition

It is common for recruiters to supply their positions with talent from rival companies. Recruiters will search for a specific company name along with job titles and skills to find these people. That makes it all the more important that your job title and skills match what most industry firms use.

Using the right keywords

Recruiters, in a majority of cases, start with keyword searches when they are trying to fill out their positions. Analyzing similar job postings with the ones they wish to fill, find the most trending words, skills and terminologies.

Capitalizing alumni networks

Sometimes recruiters see clusters of graduates with specific skill sets they need. So often, they use those alumni networks to find people with those similar skill sets.

Checking Recommendations and Endorsements

Recruiters look for profiles that both give and receive recommendations and endorsements because both different highlight aspects of potential candidates. Giving out endorsements shows the recruiters that the candidate is a team layer, and receiving them highlights their strengths.

Above, we see some ways recruiters use LinkedIn to spot the best candidates. Let’s check out our tips to maximize your potential while recruiting with LinkedIn.

1. Make sure you set up your company page

It is very important to put effort into setting up your company page. Think of it as the first impression potential candidates will have for your company. This is where all the job postings will be available.

Ensure the brand alignment of the page and make it rich in relevant content. It would help if you had a compelling company description highlighting why your jobs are competitive, your company values, and specific events and causes you are working towards.

2. Make your employees company ambassadors

On the company’s page, people can see who is already working there, even who used to in the past. You must ensure everyone in the company has their LinkedIn up to date with proper and aligned branding to enhance the page’s image and credibility.

Also, read about: 10 Ideas to Attract the Market's Best Talent

3. Consider a LinkedIn Recruiter subscription

LinkedIn Recruiter and LinkedIn Recruiter Lite are subscription services that offer more InMails, and greater access to candidates – beyond what you get from posting paid jobs. Some of their features are:

  • View profiles in your extended network (up to 3rd-degree connections)
  • Contact members with 30 InMail messages per month
  • Place candidates into ‘Projects,’ and set reminders to follow up with them
  • View a full list of everyone who has viewed your profile in the last 90 days

4. Search active candidates by skill

While looking for the right profiles, you can use the Skills & Expertise search filter on the Advanced People Search page to narrow down by locations, industry, experience filters and other related factors.  In this way you can find talent that matches your needs.

5. Post educational or entertaining content for both active and passive candidates

You shouldn't limit yourself to job postings. Besides networking and being a great hub for job postings, LinkedIn is also a place where people go to learn, explore and get entertained.

So make sure you post relevant and creative posts highlighting your company values and work environment as well as what makes you and your service or product special.

6. Recruit on LinkedIn using ads

You can set up your recruitment goals and targets if you have the budget to have ads that can bring fast results. You need to make sure that you don’t spend all your budget there and that you use the ads mainly at the beginning of your recruitment season.

Also read about: How to get leads as a recruiter

7. Reach out personally

All the add-ons and applications work wonders, but when you want a specific profile and go headhunting, a one-on-one approach can go a long way. Avoid sending the same mass messages but customize your messages after checking out the potential candidates’ profiles. You can use InMail for that.

While a customized approach is beneficial, you could also consider the use of LinkedIn automated messages, which allow you to schedule outreach in advance, pull in key characteristics like name, job title, or company, and send targeted messages to more people.

8. Give candidates the option to apply via LinkedIn

In our days efficiency and fast pacing processes are essential. Anything that makes the process easier and faster is better, make sure thought that you don’t make the candidates fill again information that you can find on their LinkedIn profile.

9. Post jobs on your LinkedIn company page

A cost-free way for you is to post directly in your company’s page post openings links directly from your career websites.

This can help enhance the company page as well and is a no budget option. As we mentioned above making sure that your company page is up-to-date is crucial in order to attract potentials candidates.

10. Invest in a strong employer branding

As we already mentioned above, people get convinced from referrals more than anything else. So there is no better way to recruit people from having happy already happy employees.

Make sure that everyone has aligned branding of the company in their profile and that they also post in their personal profiles in order to capitalize their own networks.

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In conclusion

Recruiting on LinkedIn can come with a lot of huddles, but it’s for sure worth it. Remember that recruiting through LinkedIn as any other kind needs consistency.

If you work properly, and effectively you will be amazed with the talent you will find so make sure that working towards it is an ongoing process and not just a rush of the moment.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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