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How to manage the time during your studies?

time management Sep 5, 2023

You need to understand that time management is a complete science and critical for college students. The difference between the distinct and average students is time management.

You can observe students doing and studying according to a fixed timetable, able to complete the task before the time.

When you use the time duration calculator, then you can divide the time for your particular subject. It can be a good way to decide your schedule for a month's time. Try to implement it for a certain period, then improve it by using the same tool. It is critical to spare time for your sports and refreshments.

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In this article, we are discussing various tips for time management and leading a perfect life:

1.  Identify time distracting activities:

Identify the time-distracting activities, and what is the most-wasting activity for you.

These distracting activities can take hours of your productive time, you can think, you are just typing a message for five to six minutes, but when you use a time difference calculator to convert these minutes into hours, you can find it is taking around 1 to 2 hours daily on average to type a message to your friend on your personal mobile phones or on social media.

Students usually waste a lot of time on social media and on their mobile phones. Try to avoid such distracting activities during your study hours.

When you randomly waste 40 to 50 minutes every day, browsing needlessly, it can be damaging to your productive time management. When you enter your average loss of minutes, in a time duration calculator, you would be amazed to find you have wasted hours during a month.

2.  Plan ahead and assign tasks:

It is best to plan ahead of your tasks, for example, if you need to prepare for your midterm exams, and you feel a lot of courses have to cover, you plan ahead what is your priority.

It is good to start your preparation from a topic on which you have a perfect grip, this would help to make a mood of yours. When you come in rhythm, you can even prepare your topics, that you have found difficult.

3.  Group study is best:

Group study is best for college students, as it helps them to focus on their studies. There are many benefits of group study for students. This helps them to manage their time. The time between two times can be assessed by a time duration calculator.

Sometimes when you are solving mathematics questions you can even forget simple math conversions, Your friend can help in this situation, or you can simply use the unit converter to solve the problem.

Studies have revealed, that group study usually keeps students focused, and they can study for longer hours, as they can exchange notes with each other.

4.  Establish small routines and timetables:

Try to establish a small routine in your timetable, for example, what you need to do in the early morning, try to do some sort of exercise when you are getting up, use a time schedule, and how much you need for your morning exercise.

You can manage your refreshments schedule, and a time duration calculator can be good for managing your early hours routine. It is best to relax a bit during morning hours and then repeat your topics for an hour before going to college.

Then after the college hours, try to rest for 1 hour to relax a bit, then after your shower, try to establish a routine of 2 hours of intensive study.

If you can arrange a group study, it is the best. Then go out and play with your friends for 1 hour, after that take your dinner and repeat your coursework for 1 hour. Then it is best to take a quality lap of 8 hours. Try to make a schedule like that to be competitive in your studies.


When you plan ahead and study on a regular basis, you can complete your assignments and tasks well before the scheduled time.

A time to time calculator can be helpful in managing your schedule for the coming days in advance, it can be great for keeping pace with the tasks and assignments.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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