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Step by step guide on how to get a job after a coding Bootcamp

job Mar 4, 2022

The mission of LoopCV is to help people find a job after coding Bootcamp. The company is constantly working to ensure that the recruitment process is as comfortable and fast as possible. LoopCV is an automated unique Jobs service that gives you the opportunity to find a job with just a few steps.

Follow these 7 quick steps in order to help you get a job after coding Bootcamp:


Create a professional and complete resume that includes all your skills, degrees, your education as well as some facts about yourself. If you have a complete resume it is much more likely that you will be selected for the job,after coding Bootcamp.


Developed a good and complete profile by selecting the appropriate profile image and matching the backdrop image

Make your title more than just a job title.

Turn your summary into a story.

Develop your network.Record your relevant skills.Emphasize the services you offer.Your credibility as a trustworthy potential employee will be enhanced by a well-written LinkedIn profile. Every time a recruiter calls, you can be sure they've gone over your profile


Why should you create a Loopcv account?

We do not have bureaucracy, a boring dress code, a complex hierarchy, tight controls, or other issues. We have an open-minded management team that is willing to engage in our users professional development and comfort, as well as a variety of difficulties that need to be addressed. LoopCV is a completely free website. You can easily create an account from your phone or computer, avoiding the time-consuming process of traditional job searching.

In the following link you can create your account on LoopCV with simple steps to help you find a job after coding bootcamp:


Write your resume and upload it. If you haven’t done it yet, or you don’t know how to create your ideal CV do not worry. In the past it was not possible to create free CVs. Professional resume designers and makers charge a lot for a specialist resume level template.

However, with the help of a resume builder, this can now be done online. To get started, pick a free resume program. Choose your CV's category and level. Look through the templates and pick the one that's best for you. Make your resume unique by adding personal information. After you've downloaded it, you'll have the résumé you need to find work. LoopCV also provides additional services like CV revision and interview preparation. With our tool, we can help you optimize your keywords so that you receive even better results.

STEP 5: Add a job title and a location

Choose the job titles you prefer, the locations, the level of your experience in the profession you are looking for as well as the job type that you want, for example a part time job etc.

STEP 6: Create the text of the email to be sent

First select your email template from a variety of our popular templates or you can create your own email template if you want. After that, name your email template to help you distinguish the templates. Write the subject of the email. Finally write your email, fill in the link where you learned about the job. Then express your interest in the title of the position you want as well as the name of the company. Remember to write your last and first name, at the end of the email. Send the email!

What is also very important is to not forget to write follow-up emails to ensure that you stay in the top of the mind of any company ;)


Οnce you have finished the coding bootcamp and the above steps (in order to create a FREE Loopcv account), simply press start, and Loopcv take care of the rest.


George Lambdus

Head of Partnerships - Loopcv

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