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How to Find the Best Candidates on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Mar 5, 2022

Looking for ways to find the best candidates? LinkedIn is on of the best platforms to start with. If you are a company hiring or a recruitment agency contact our team at Loopcv to help you find the best candidate and improve your efficiency with our automated tools.

Let's talk Linkedin.

LinkedIn is becoming the biggest and most trustworthy source on how to find the best candidates for a job, new job opportunities or for useful and educational content about the labor market. LinkedIn, unlike the other social media platforms, has a professional tone, content and interaction between the users. So, in a few words, it’s a place where almost everything is about jobs, the labor market, ideas, opinions, careers and development.

HR recruiters have entered into the “game” of candidates chasing in LinkedIn, and we are here for it. Why? Because this platform has a lot of features that make it easy for candidates to showcase 100% of their education and career path. And for recruiters to find the best candidates for their job openings.

How to find the best candidates

Are you searching for a new job? Are you searching for the next top talent? Whichever side you belong to, the following tips will help you understand how LinkedIn works for this. And also how to put in place the advice given with an example. Below are the top 5 steps you can use immediately:

1. Candidates based on keywords

First of all, as it happens with all the platforms, Linkedin is also using a keyword-based algorithm. So, searching with a certain amount and relevant keywords, results will come up faster. More specifically, think of keywords strategically. The role in the job description could be your first one to use. Including the location option as a keyword if you prefer a specific location the candidate to be from, helps as well. This tip will save you time if your directions are to find a local profile. Another piece of advice is to search with keywords related to an educational level and level of experience, always according to the job requirements.

2. Find the best candidates with “people also viewed”

Another clever way to find possible candidates is to navigate on the right side of your company’s profile and click on the feature. It’s a whole new world into stocking people for a good purpose though. So, on “people also viewed” there will be listed all of the profiles that visited and interacted with your company. This means that they are interested in your company, the mission, the jobs, location, and so on. So, for you, it’s already a 2 to 1 situation as they might be motivated to apply and come with relevant backgrounds as well. Of course, don’t take it for granted, it’s just one of the conclusions made.

3. Sharing is caring in LinkedIn

You might not know this yet, but the best candidates and usually employees are coming from your own employees. Think about it. It’s a win-win situation for the employees and the company. The first ones can leverage and expand their own professional network. And the company can benefit from good and more trustworthy candidates. Encourage all the company employees, no matter their position, to share and highlight the content with their network. Other than that, sharing the new job openings are the posts that will bring targeted people to apply.

4. “Open to work” feature on LinkedIn

By clicking on the “open to new opportunities” feature, a whole list of possible candidates will appear. Usually, the ones that use it, have also displayed some other information as well. For example, for which job they are interested in. Or for their preferable experience level, job type. And finally, for their location!

5. Job title hashtags for the win

Try to click on a hashtag and you will see all the posts with this specific hashtag displaying. So, when you are creating a post for the company account keep in mind to use relevant hashtags. Because it will be much easier for the candidates to find you and engage with your content. Long-term relationship goals! In the same way, if you search these hashtags people that use them will come to the surface.

Example of finding a candidate

Let’s say that you want to find a person for your project manager position. You can start from typing in the guided search the job title of the description. Then some options will appear, so choose the right one. Select the people button. Afterwards, you have the option of selecting the preferred location. And finally, you can select all the skills that are matching the job position, so you can come across the most relevant profiles.

Another useful way is to use an ideal candidate for the job. He/She might be a person you know, an employee that used to work in the company or an employee of another company. Type his/her name on the guide search, (you can type up until 4 names), and click enter. The results will display profiles that are similar with the skills and experience of your ideal candidate.

All these require practice, a lot of research and of course time.

So we have created a platform that will crack the case for you in less time and effort!

How can Loopcv help you?

Loopcv collects millions of job postings on LinkedIn and has a huge database (from developers, engineers to marketers and more experienced profiles) of potential candidates to help you recruit faster. Contact us here to schedule a demo of our tool.

Conclusion and next steps

Our advice for you is to save the tips above and implement them, not only when you are in search of the best candidate. But, quite more consistently and often. So, you can create a known, searchable, and up-to-date company. As a result you will be attracting more followers, critics, engagement and popularity of course. This will make your life much easier as a recruiter by having more prospective candidates and better fits that get along well with the company’s mission.

For more success in your search of the best candidates take a look at our platform here.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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