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How to find a job when you're not good at anything

Job search Oct 3, 2022

If you feel as if you're not fitting into the system, if you’re struggling with job search after university, or with your current job, then keep reading. So many people feel the same way and are struggling to find pleasure in what they're doing and to actually find a job in general.

In this blog article, I'm sharing 5 reasons you're not fitting into this system structure, and what alternatives you can choose from. Perhaps you have been through experiences and events that have diminished your joy, your development, growth, and your ability to keep up with job searches and applications.

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Let's start first from the basics. Let's see what options you can have in general if you feel that you are not good at anything. I have the word "feel" in bold, because you can only feel bad or not good at something. It really doesn't mean that you are, in fact. We are all good at something, we just need to find it out!

What should I major in if I'm not good at anything?

Sometimes, finding a job is harder than it should be. If you don't know what to major in, or if the idea of college scares you, don't worry! You can still get a great job without going to school. You can check the second paragraph.

Some proposals though would be the following Social sciences, such as:

  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • History
  • Political Science

These are good for people who aren’t sure what they want to specialize in, or they have general interests. The level of difficulty is not that huge as in the sciences that require good maths and calculations. They also serve as a springboard to graduate school.

Good jobs if you're not smart.

You don't need to be smart to get a job. It is possible to find success without being smart, but you will have to work harder at it. You can do this by being inventive and making the most of your skills and education.

A few examples of jobs that don't require intelligence:

  • Waiter or waitress (you will have to learn how to serve people, though)
  • Cashier (simple transactions)
  • Shop assistant (similar tasks as cashiering)

How to get a job without any skills.

When looking for a job, the best places to start are online. There are plenty of websites that offer information about what's out there and how you can get it. A quick search on Google might give you some ideas of companies or industries that would be a good fit for your interests.

You can also check out local newspapers, or ask friends and family if they know of anything worth applying to.

One thing that may help is if you can narrow down what sort of jobs interests you first before going ahead and applying everywhere blindly.

This isn't always possible, though. Sometimes it takes doing everything else before finally realizing which direction feels right for you, especially when trying something completely new without any previous experience whatsoever.

What to do if you feel like you're not good at anything.

If you're struggling with this feeling, it's okay. You are not alone.

If you have been trying and nothing seems to be working, don't give up hope. Once you have that steady income, then work on finding something else that you would like to do.

Keep in mind, being paid for what may seem like an unrelated skill set today could be very valuable 20 years from now when technology changes or people's needs change with new innovations.

Check out all the 5 ways that can help you find your ideal job, even if you don't have all the necessary skills!

1. Think about what you don't want to do, and start working backward from there.

Let's say you're not good at anything. You've got no natural talents. You don't have any desire to go back to school or get any training in a field that might be more applicable for your future career goals. You just want to find a job, so you can pay rent and buy groceries.

In this scenario, the first step is always going to be thinking about what kind of work doesn't sound appealing to you. Maybe it's manual labor. Maybe it's working with people who are rude. Maybe it's sitting in front of a computer all day.

If there’s something about the job description that makes your skin crawl, start looking for jobs that match up with those strengths instead! After all, why would anyone want to do something they hate when there are so many other options out there?

2. Look for job opportunities that are a good fit for your strengths and interests.

If you have a hard time finding work, it may be because the jobs available don't align with your strengths, interests and skills. It's important to look for jobs that are a good fit for your personality. And if there aren't any positions available that match those qualities well enough?

Try looking into other positions where those attributes might make you better than average. Like retail positions that require an outgoing personality or customer service jobs that emphasize empathy and patience.

Your education is another factor in whether a job will be challenging but rewarding for you. While some people can take on challenges even if they lack an advanced degree, others find it very difficult to thrive outside their comfort zone once they're out of school full-time.

If this sounds like what's happening to you right now, start looking at apprenticeship programs so that your experience level can catch up with all the knowledge gained during school years!

3. Make sure you're not being too picky about the kind of jobs you're looking at.

It's easy to get stuck on wanting a certain kind of job, but you should be willing to make some sacrifices and explore opportunities that aren't exactly what you imagined.

You never know when someone might offer something better than you ever dreamed of, so don't be afraid to try something new or even slightly outside your comfort zone. It could be exactly what gets you out of the rut that your career has fallen into! For those unsure whether a traditional college degree suits them, exploring vocational and trade skills can be an excellent alternative. Programs at Miller-Motte focus on training individuals for specific careers that match their interests and strengths, like healthcare or technology fields. This approach might allow you to find success without feeling overwhelmed by abstract academic paths.

4. Consider if it's time to continue your education in something that would be a better fit for you.

If your job search has been unsuccessful, and you're at a loss for what to do next, it's time to consider if it's time to continue your education in something that would be a better fit for you.

  • A degree or diploma. Some employers are more likely to hire someone who has completed university, even if their major doesn’t directly relate to the position they're applying for.
  • Certifications and diplomas from specific courses or programs offered at community colleges and trade schools, which can help improve employment prospects with less commitment than earning an undergraduate degree.
  • A relevant degree or certificate program from a university, where students will gain foundational knowledge about the industry of their choice while gaining hands-on experience through internships or volunteering opportunities in the field (and hopefully securing some recommendations from professors).

5. Decide if it's time to expand the geographic area in which you're looking for work.

If your current area is not yielding job opportunities, consider expanding the geographic area in which you're looking for work. It's possible that there are jobs available elsewhere that may be a better fit for your skill set.

A higher cost of living can often be offset by a lower cost of living if one is willing to relocate to an area where the cost of living is lower than it would be at home.


When you're not good at anything, it can be scary to think about where your future lies. But if you keep at it and search for jobs that are a good fit for your strengths and interests, then there's no reason why you can't find some work!

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You can also read our article:

How To Find A Career When Nothing Interests You
In this blog post, we are analysing how you can find a career when nothing interests you.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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