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How to conduct a job search

Job search Jun 9, 2022

If you are wondering how to conduct a job search, you are not the only one! Millions of people are in the process of searching for a job.

Not only does this include people who are currently unemployed, but anyone looking to change careers or move up within their company.

In fact, how to find a job has become so important that even universities and community colleges have started programs and materials all about how to get hired. Check our article to find out more!

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A notepad for resume and a laptop

Apply to jobs online

To apply for a job online, you will need to have the following information available:

  • A resume that has been updated recently. You should also make sure that it is well-formatted and easy to read. Remember that recruiters have only some seconds in order to scan your resume and continue with the rest hundreds of them.
  • References (it is optional). If you have references to look upon, be sure they are ready and willing to give you a positive reference.
  • Cover letter. This is also optional because not all companies and organizations ask for it. Though, stating the reason you are applying and your motivation to get the job will give you some additional advantages and will set you apart from the competition!

After applying for a job online, follow up with an employer in one of two ways:

  • Send an email thanking them for their time (if they responded) or letting them know what happened if they didn't respond (if no response).
  • Follow up after an interview by sending thank-you notes to anyone who interviewed you or stuck around for part of your interview process.

Where to search for jobs

The most important places to find a job are the above:

Job boards

The most common place to find job openings is through online job boards. The best-known sites are Monster, Indeed, LinkedIn, and of course, but there are many others that can be useful depending on your industry or location.

Career sites

Online career sites such as Dice and SimplyHired act as job search engines for a variety of industries/locations/skill sets. They allow you to narrow down your search results by keywords and also display a number of listings from multiple sources at once.

If you're not already using them in your job search efforts, now's the time to start! In addition to connecting with potential employers through social media channels like Twitter or LinkedIn groups, these platforms also have plenty of great resources for learning how to conduct an effective job hunt.

And even some tools for making it easier than ever before!

How To Fill Out A Job Application

  • Make sure you have all the information you need before you start.
  • Have an up-to-date resume.
  • Have a pen and paper handy in order to make useful notes.
  • Find a quiet place to fill out the application. It’s easy for distractions to get in your way when you’re filling out applications, so it's best if people don’t hear your conversation or see what questions are being asked on the form (unless they're job related).
  • Give yourself enough time to fill out all relevant sections of an application before submitting it. That may mean taking breaks for meals, etc., or filling them out over multiple days if necessary!

What information should you have with you before filling out an application?

Your resume should be your most comprehensive document. It's your opportunity to put the best foot forward and explain who you are, what you've done, and why an employer would want to hire you.

Because resumes are so important, it's essential that they be well-written and free of errors or mistakes. You'll also want to make sure your resume has the right format for your field: If you're applying for a job as an entry-level IT technician, don't use an academic CV (curriculum vitae).

How to follow up after an interview if there's no response

If you haven't heard from the company after your interview, don't worry.

It's not personal. There could be any number of reasons why they haven't got back to you yet. They may still be interviewing other candidates or trying to figure out if there are budget and timeline issues with hiring someone new. You can take a few steps to avoid getting lost in their shuffle:

  • Send a thank-you note after your interview. This will show that you're excited about the position and want it as much as they do!
  • Follow up with a phone call after two weeks. If they still don't get back to you, send another email saying how much respect and admiration for the work done at said organization and hope that this is not just another rejection letter from an HR team.


Loopcv is the first matchmaking platform that offers fully automation on the job search and job application. Loopcv can help you apply to hundreds of jobs every day automatically, and the best part is that you don't have to spend time doing all the manual steps that you would normally do in order to apply.

  • Create your profile and upload your CV. Provide Loopcv with your cv and the personal details required by job applications.
  • Select your desired job titles, locations and many other optional settings. Give Loopcv the requirements of the jobs you're applying for, e.g., what industry or company you want to work in.
  • Loopcv will search for jobs and either apply on your behalf or give you total control of your applications. Tell Loopcv where to search for jobs that meet these requirements, e.g., LinkedIn. Loopcv will then automatically apply to all jobs that match your criteria.
Loopcv dashboard

To signup, click here:

There are more ways to find a job than just looking on job search sites and applying on company websites:

  • Local job boards
  • Employers' career sites
  • Employers' social media accounts
  • Employers' websites (with or without a careers section)
  • Employers' job fairs and networking events (you can just go for the free food, too)


The job search is a continuous process. In other words, it doesn't end once you have secured an interview. It continues until you are hired by your new company and have started to settle in at your new job.

It is important that you continue to follow-up with your contacts, as well as stay up-to-date on the latest job openings mentioned above.

Good luck in your job search!

You can also check one of our latest articles in order to be proactive!

Hiring Process After Interview
In today’s blog post, we are listing the steps you can typically expect to take at every stage of the hiring process. Take a look!


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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