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A Guide To Seeing The World While Working Remotely

Remote Jobs Jan 24, 2024

Over the last couple of years, the world has moved towards more favorable hybrid working models, with more professionals than ever before working remotely some or all of the time.

This has led to better work-life balance, enhanced productivity and more flexibility, all with the added bonus of being able to work in your pajamas if you want to.

Another key benefit of working remotely is the ability to do this from whatever location you choose.

And we don’t just mean from your bed, sofa or home office.

In theory, you could go anywhere in the world. That could be a luxury hotel room overlooking the beautiful Kukio Beach or a quaint little café in Saint Peter's Square.

But working while travelling certainly isn’t for the disorganized.

So, if you're thinking about travelling, but you don’t want to risk your day job, you’re in the right place. Check out our guide to seeing the world while working remotely.

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Think about location and longevity

The first thing you need to think about is where you want to go and how long for.

For example, do you want to work remotely for six months, travelling to different locations around the globe?

Or perhaps you want to plan several different trips throughout the year, returning home for a brief period in between.

Whatever your preferred travelling style, our advice still applies, it’s more about choosing a travel and working style that best suits you and your employers (if you’re not self-employed, that is).

You should also think about which countries or cities you really want to visit so you can work out the logistics of working from that location.

Make sure your boss knows

So many modern employers are happy to let their teams work remotely, and many are even OK with them travelling at the same time.

However, we do not advise trying to deceive your boss if you are worried about their reaction.

This is because, unless you're never going to talk to anyone about your trip, share your location or post pictures online, the likelihood is they are going to find out at some point anyway.

So, if you’re not a self-employed or contract worker, it’s a good idea that you let your employer know your plans, where you’ll be and how you intend to manage your workload from different locations.

Be smart about packing

At the very least, you’re going to need a laptop to allow you to work. You might also have other equipment that you need to take with you such as headsets, work phones, chargers and other devices.

With that in mind, you need to be smart with your packing.

It’s a good idea to have your work stuff stored neatly in a carry-on bag so that you can keep an eye on it and ensure it doesn't get lost in transit.

There are loads of great bags out there with padded laptop sleeves and different compartments so you can store and protect your tech.

Plan your itinerary around work

Sure, while you're travelling, your working hours and style might be a little different. However, you still have a job to do, so it’s a good idea to plan your travel itinerary around work as much as possible.

To do this, you need to think about when you've got deadlines and make sure you’re somewhere you can comfortably work and meet those deadlines.

You might also want to use your downtime to catch up on work. This could be when you’re actually travelling, whether that’s by plane, bus or train.

Alternatively, you might choose to do this when you’re relaxing by the pool at lunchtime or sitting in a local café for your morning coffee.

Another good way to manage your workload is to set aside certain hours of the day when you’ll be attached to your keyboard and then plan your trips, tours and other activities around these hours.

This will help you to get the balance right between working and exploring.

Make sure you've got access to the internet

Before you book or travel anywhere, it’s a good idea to check that you will have access to the internet.

It’s fair to say that most places you go to nowadays will have Wi-Fi or, at the very least, a phone signal. However, if you’ve chosen to travel to some far-flung island off the coast of Chile, you might find yourself without access.

Keeping that in mind, it’s a good idea to check ahead and make sure that you will have access to the internet during your dedicated working hours.

Usually, a quick Google search or a look at the hotel’s website will give you the answers you need.

Think about time differences

Another important consideration is the time difference. This is going to be crucial if you’re expected to take calls, join video conferences or reply to emails in a timely manner.

Therefore, you need to think about the different time zones and how this will affect your ability to do your job. You might need to consider this earlier on in the planning process, opting for locations that aren’t too far out of your local time zone.

Either that, or you might need to change your 9 to 5 hours to meet the needs of your colleagues and customers.

This could mean working earlier in the morning or later in the evening to align with business hours or deadlines.

Make use of working spaces

The final suggestion in this guide is to make the most of remote working spaces in your chosen location. This might be a computer suite in your luxury hotel or a local café that welcomes digital nomads.

Not only can these spaces make working far easier, offering plugs and a good internet connection, but they can also be a great way to meet other remote workers and like-minded travelers.

You should do your research before you arrive or ask around when you get there to find these working spaces. There are also lots of social media groups out there dedicated to digital nomads and shared working spaces.

So do your research beforehand, and you can continue to earn whilst exploring the world.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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