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Can I get a job with a Coursera certificate?

Job search Oct 7, 2022

The sort answer is that yes, they can get you a job. But, only if you have other skills as well, and you can promote yourself accordingly!

Certifications may not be widely recognized, but the skills you acquire can be very useful in your career. Even the strictest recruiters would agree on this!

If you complete a course in Coursera and you get the certification, this alone doesn't mean that you will get a job just like that. If it was so easy, not many would acquire their bachelor's, master's and PHDs!

Find out more information and tips on how you can take advantage of your certifications and how you can capitalize, actually Coursera, as a booster of answers to your job search!

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Table of contents

Are Coursera certificates worth it?


Coursera's certificates are a great way to prove your knowledge and skills to employers. In today's job market, employers are more interested in what you can do rather than how long you've been doing it.

Coursera certification

If you have a certificate from an accredited e-learning platform like Coursera, then you're basically guaranteed that potential employers will take notice of the fact that you know what you're talking about when it comes to the topic at hand.

Best Coursera certificates to get a job.

The best way to get a job with a Coursera certificate is by finding one that's from an elite university and/or employer and that is also in demand on the market.

Below, are some of the top universities with online courses on offer, including their respective certificates.

Can Coursera certificates be added to resume?

Yes, of course, you can add Coursera certificates to your resume and to your LinkedIn profile.

It is a great way to showcase your skills and show that you are open to learning new things. Lifetime learning is a personal characteristic that recruiters and employers appreciate very much in our days.

So check below the way that you can interpret your online courses and certifications in the correct way!

How to list online courses on resume examples?

Coursera new career courses and certifications

In order to list online courses on resume examples, you will need to include the following information:

  • The name of the course
  • Start and end dates of the course
  • Your grade in the course (if applicable)
  • Any certificates that were awarded through completion of the course

How to add webinar certificate in resume?

If you’re looking for a way to add a Coursera certificate to your resume, but don’t want to include the entire certificate in order to save space, there are several ways you can go about it.

One option is adding a link instead of the full certification itself. You can do this by typing out the URL of your certificate on its own line, then putting an anchor tag around it with href= and then (replace “your-certificate-id” with your actual Coursera ID).

This will show up as a clickable link that takes viewers directly to their certificates page, where they can view them and download them if they want.

Another option is including just an image file or icon representing your certification in your resume or CV. This way people know what kind of credentials you have without having access to every single one at once!

Can I use Udemy certificate in my resume?

Udemy website

As with Coursera, Udemy certificates are not fully recognized by employers as much as the university degrees. But, one plus reason that Udemy is not so recognized is that everyone can upload it their courses for sale in this platform.

The courses on Udemy are not as rigorous as they are on Coursera or EdX, for example, platforms that promote online university and companies courses.

While you may be able to complete a course in a shorter amount of time because it's less rigorous, this will not help you land a job because employers expect their employees to be experts in what they do and have been through an extensive training program before they can apply for the position.

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In conclusion

If you're looking for a job, you should consider enrolling in a course on Coursera, yes. You can use these certificates to get hired by the best companies in the world.

They will be, an addition, to your already hard and soft skills and to your previous degrees. This way, you will become much more competitive!

You will have access to thousands of different courses and lessons that help improve your skills and give employers more confidence when hiring new employees!

You can also read our article:

8 Important Things to Include on Your CV That Could Give You the Edge Over Other Candidates
You already know what basic information you should include on your CV. So, consider adding these 8 important things to your CV to stand out from the crowd.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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