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Full-Stack vs MEAN Stack: Which is Best Tech Stack for You?

technology Apr 15, 2023

Web development has gotten increasingly sophisticated as technology advances, with new programming languages and frameworks appearing every year.

Full-Stack and MEAN Stack are two major solutions that many developers examine. While full-stack has been around for a long time, MEAN Stack has recently gained prominence.

We'll compare full-stack vs MEAN Stack in this post to help you determine which is best for your web development needs.

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What Exactly Is a MEAN Stack?

A JavaScript framework called MEAN stack is used to create web apps more quickly than previously. To get the required outcomes, each MEAN stack developer must have a solid understanding of these concepts.

The abbreviation MEAN stands for MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node, which make up the stack. There is not much of a connection between any two pieces of the stack. Its constancy and simplicity are what make it so attractive.

JavaScript is used everywhere, simplifying both coding for developers and debugging for app owners. You can hire a mean stack development company if you have no programming experience or consider freelance offers.

What Exactly Is a Full-Stack?

A web development strategy known as "full-stack development" entails creating both the front end and back end of a web application.

Full-stack developers are knowledgeable in a wide range of client- and server-side programming languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and many more. They may update already-existing programs or create new ones from scratch.

Several different businesses, including e-commerce, healthcare, and finance, to mention a few, employ full-stack development extensively.

Advantages of MEAN Stack Development


MEAN stack development is very adaptable, allowing developers to design highly customized web apps to match the unique demands of their clients. It also makes third-party libraries and tools easy to integrate, making it easier to add new features to the program.


MEAN stack development is extremely scalable, making it appropriate for real-time data processing and high-scalability applications. MongoDB, the database used in MEAN stack development, is well-known for its ability to manage enormous volumes of data while remaining fast.

Improved Job Prospects

MEAN stack development is becoming more popular in the employment market, with many firms searching for developers that are knowledgeable about this technological stack. MEAN stack developers will find it simpler to obtain jobs and demand greater pay.

Advantages of Full-Stack Development

More Visibility

By selecting a full-stack engineer over a medium-stack developer, you can be confident that your project will be led by an expert team member. They don't just think from one perspective; instead, they provide you a solution that works well on both the front and back ends.

It improves the developer experience by increasing the visibility of the ideas and code.

Timely and cost-effective

Full-stack development might save time and money over hiring many engineers with various skill sets.

You simply need to engage one full-stack developer to handle the complete project from start to end, minimizing the time and expense involved with managing several developers.

Full-Stack development VS MEAN stack development


Full-Stack Development

MEAN Stack Development

Programming Languages

Uses a combination of programming languages such as HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP, and others

Based entirely on JavaScript

Front-end Frameworks

May use AngularJS, ReactJS, VueJS, or other front-end frameworks

Uses AngularJS for front-end development

Back-end Frameworks

May use Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Django, or other back-end frameworks

Uses Node.js for server-side development


May use various databases, including SQL and NoSQL databases.

Uses MongoDB for database management.


Can be highly scalable but requires careful planning and management.

Highly scalable, thanks to MongoDB's ability to handle large amounts of data.

Learning Curve

Steep learning curve due to the need to learn multiple programming languages and frameworks.

It's quite simple to understand and utilize, especially for those who already know JavaScript.

Development Time

May take longer to develop a web application due to the need to manage multiple frameworks and programming languages.

Can reduce development time through code reuse and the use of a single programming language.

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The decision between the two is mostly determined by your development requirements, skill set, and work market expectations.

Regardless of which route you use, staying current with the newest technology and best practices in web development is critical to being competitive in the business.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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