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How Much Your First Job Out of College Really Matters?

Best Practices Apr 26, 2022

As your graduation draws near, you might experience some anxiety in regard to looking for your first job. Being a college graduate is an exciting time in your life, and you shouldn’t spend it stressing over finding your first job. Many graduates have gone through the motions of finding a job straight out of college, and it all turns out okay in the end. Let’s take a look at how to get your job after graduation with the least amount of headache and sleep lost over it.

How important is your first job out of college?

Your first job out of college is very important for various reasons, but you’re probably not thinking of them right now. When you find a job, nothing is stopping you from leaving it for a better professional opportunity. You will always come across amazing job opportunities, both locally and abroad, which offer different perks and growth opportunities.

Your first job is important because it will help you get accustomed to working in an office environment, with other people, and on real-world projects with tangible results and consequences. You’ll learn a lot from simply being employed and working a day job, regardless of whether you go for an entry-level job or look for opportunities in the field you studied.

How important is your first job out of college? Very, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a be-all, end-all situation. Instead of fretting over it, here are some job search tips and advice on how you can nail your job applications right
out of the gate.

Preparing your CV as a college graduate

Writing a CV is challenging for many college graduates because it inherently means that you’re done with school and ready to apply for jobs. But, without any professional experience yet, writing a CV can seem somewhat redundant – don’t look at it that way.

You have plenty to offer to prospective employers who are looking for young, energetic, and knowledgeable professionals to join their teams. Annunciate your soft skills, volunteering experience, and any courses, projects, or causes you’ve worked with. Make sure to include any language proficiency and other certification you’ve obtained over the years.

Many employers also ask for cover letters or motivational essays from college graduates to gauge their professional competencies and interests. You can use a reliable paper writing service to spruce up your motivational essay or cover letter before you apply for jobs. Go over your CV again to ensure that your contact info
is correct and that there aren’t any spelling mistakes present. They aren’t a deal-breaker, but you should be mindful of how you apply for jobs from now on to shape how employers perceive you.

Tips for a successful interview

As you apply for your first jobs, employers will reach out to you to arrange interviews – don’t panic. Job interviews are a normal part of a job application, and you’ll have to talk to your potential employer, so you can assess one another. Job interviewers will often take the fact that you’re a recent graduate into consideration during job interviews – they’ll likely cut you some slack.

However, you should still dress properly, show up on time, and show some interest in their company beyond the job position you applied for. Ask about what their ideal candidate should look like, what they expect from the person, and whether you’d work with a lot of people in the office.

You should also ask for a follow-up call or an email with their feedback on how you did during the interview. Be polite, reserved, and act like a professional – every job employer will appreciate it. Don’t feel discouraged when some employers get back to you with negative answers – that will always happen. The right employer will reach out to you with positive news sooner than you might expect.

Work on yourself while looking for jobs

Just because you’ve successfully graduated doesn’t mean that you’re done learning – quite the opposite. Many industries, such as IT, visual arts, or marketing, are in a constant state of flux. You’d be hard-pressed to find a writer, designer, or programmer who isn’t learning new skills and competencies constantly. As a college graduate, you can add extra things to your CV by learning while looking for jobs.

Using online learning platforms and looking for work simultaneously will fill up your time and give you something meaningful to work toward. Moreover, you’ll gain an upper hand compared to your graduate colleagues, who might be applying for their first jobs based on college diplomas alone. Show how committed you are to your profession by expanding your knowledge in the meantime, and you’ll never have issues finding great job opportunities.

Dominic Beaulieu, content writer, and editor at TrustMyPaper spoke on the topic: “Working on yourself is always rewarding, both in the short and long run. Pick up a career development book, look for online courses, or visit a local language school. Do anything that will make you happy about yourself and add those things to your CV – every employer will recognise passion when they see it.”

Landing your first job out of college

Your first job out of college is important, but it’s not going to affect the rest of your professional life. If you’re hurting for income or want to be more independent sooner, it’s okay to go for entry-level jobs for now and look for better opportunities later. Think about where you are in life right now and where you want to be 10 years down the line. Take your professional life one step at a time and don’t stress over the things you can’t control.

Some employers will pass on your CV the moment they see that you’re a college graduate with no experience. Others, however, will welcome the opportunity to hire someone young and full of potential to train them to become integral parts of their companies. Landing your first job out of college is all about patience and commitment – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and you’ll find yourself happily employed very quickly.

How to Land a Great First Job Out of College

Well, this is the first thing that we all have in mind after finishing our college! What kind of job should I get? How can I land a great first job? Let's check some additional tips to help you start your job search!

1) Use Loopcv to identify opportunities

Loopcv is one of the best platforms to automate your job search and start working more structurally in your daily job search. It helps you automate the job search and identify new opportunities every day!

» FREE TRIAL: Get Started with LoopCV & Send Out 100s of Highly-Targeted Job Applications in <10 Minutes

2) Start building your professional network

"Your network is your net worth" . This is a saying that has a lot of power! Building your online (or offline) network is one of the most important things that you have to do when starting. Start by reaching out to friends and family and then follow people that you admire or do cool stuff online! Your network will be one of the most important assets that you can build and it will be super helpful when you will decide that you want a job change or an advice for your career.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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