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How to Start a Career for a Student After Receiving an Education Management Degree

Career Jan 10, 2023

Many students end up working in the education industry and may want a career in an education management role. Education management is a career devoted to helping with the smooth running of any educational institution.

Many career options are available in education management. Education managers must help to create and maintain an efficient environment. This enables effective teaching and learning.

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Common education management careers

A Master’s degree in Education Management prepares students for management and leadership in various settings.

Pre-school director

Pre-school directors keep a hand on office staff, payroll, budgeting, student records, etc. They also ensure that schools follow safety procedures, licensing requirements, the program curriculum, etc.

School principals

Every school needs a principal to hire staff and coordinate school administrators and teachers. They manage all daily school operations, such as scheduling and discipline. Schools also need assistant principals to support the school principal.

Management analyst

Management analysts assess the efficiency of an organization to identify where improvements can be made. They will track workflow data and analyze it to advise administrators to optimize management.

Chief academic officer

These officers evaluate academic programs to make sure they meet regulations. They will introduce new curriculums and assessments to drive improvements. They may serve on a board of directors for a college and present educational trends at conferences.

Human resources manager

Human resources managers will handle a school’s hiring process. Employee relations, compensation, training, and benefits all fall within their role.


They are responsible for the management of the whole school district. They will hire, manage and supervise principals. They are accountable to the district’s school board.


Deans at colleges or universities may specialize in different areas, such as faculty or student affairs. A focus on faculty means they handle hiring and determining tenure. A focus on student affairs means an emphasis on student discipline and performance.

A career in private organizations

Many education management jobs are also available in private education. Many private tutoring companies offer supplemental support for school children. They need education managers to help them grow their programs and find new clients.

Students who are trained in early childhood development can immediately put their skills to work as directors of a private daycare center. They can put their training in areas such as management, finance etc., into use.

Education is increasingly using technological solutions. Companies that develop technological resources for schools need employees trained in education management. This is because they have a good understanding of the needs of educators and students. Cutting-edge technology can help students to learn more efficiently.

Students have developed research and writing skills that can help them thrive in a private organization that creates school curricula.

Students may work in private organizations and do an online education management master’s degree. A well-known service offers help with Project Management assignment if they find they don’t have enough time to work and study.

A career at public schools

Teaching in a public school can provide opportunities to develop a career in education management. Most state-level schools need managers to have a master’s degree, practical experience, and certification.

One focus of a master’s degree in education management is leadership in the classroom. Students need to learn best practices in managing the concerns of students and parents.

Today, some of the best principals managing public schools got their start in a school classroom. They understand teachers' struggles, so they can build good relationships with staff.

At a secondary level, school counselors can help with conflict resolution. They can assist students in many ways and direct them to find a college after graduation.

A career in higher education

A career in education management at a college or university is well respected and can be lucrative. These institutions often have large budgets, many staff members, and billions of dollars in assets to manage. Deans and provosts usually need a doctorate. A degree in education management is often the first step to becoming a higher-level manager.

Managers in higher education often play a role in many different areas. They may manage admissions and enrollment. They may deal with financial procedures, examinations, and quality assurance. Others may manage schedules etc. The responsibilities vary depending upon the size and kind of institution they work for.

A career in government

Students interested in developing policies and social reform may decide to pursue a career in government. Those who enroll in a graduate program will learn more about the development of regulations at the state and federal levels.

They learn how to implement them best and achieve compliance. They will learn about leadership and how to work with colleagues. They need to develop new standards to enhance student achievement.

Students will often start with a job at the local level. They may progress to working at the state or even federal level. Those who work at the state or federal level may find that they have to travel quite extensively as part of their jobs.

Pay for managers

As the role of education manager comes with much responsibility, the pay is usually good. It will largely depend on the size of an institution and the extent of the work. The top 10% of education managers make over $131,000 per year.

An average education manager’s salary is about $76,000 per year. It is worthwhile for students to determine what various states pay education managers. Some of them, like New Hampshire, pay education managers more than others.

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A degree in education management is broad by design. It provides the foundation educators need to evaluate a career in management.

They may choose a career in private institutions, public schools, higher education, or the government. Education managers work with teams to develop resources, technologies, policies, and curricula.

This means they play a role in the smooth flow of operations. They ensure that students have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

Author’s Bio

John Marlow possesses great writing skills and an amazing versatility to switch from one subject to another based on client demand. He writes for premium clients on various freelancer sites. He also provides academic assistance to students in writing and editing essays, research papers, corporate presentations, and resumes for students and professionals.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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