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The Best Recruiting Practices [2023 updated]

Best of Mar 27, 2022

Your recruiting strategy is the plan on how you're going to accomplish all these recruiting needs.

The way you recruit is the way you will hire a candidate. The purpose of an effective recruiting strategy is to improve your hiring process and tactics.

Recruiting, or recruiting in masses, can seem like a tough job if you don't know what your strategy will be. In this article, we are going to show you a few things that every recruiter should have in his or her recruiting process and how to optimize it for being effective specifically in 2023.

Table of contents:

What is a recruitment strategy?

Let's start from the basics.

A simple question with a simple explanation. A recruitment strategy is a plan of action for identifying the best candidates for open positions at your company.

A strong recruitment strategy identifies the people you want to recruit, explains why you're seeking for them, and explains how you plan to bring them on board. Simple or complicated strategies are possible.

However, they should always be attainable, simple to articulate, and focused on attaining your organisation's key objectives. Every successful hiring strategy is built on those three key ideas.

You can accomplish 4 recruiting goals like:

  1. Attract better profiles, better fits for your job openings
  2. Increase your applicant to hired candidate conversion rate
  3. Reduce the amount of candidates that turn down an offer / withdraw from the process
  4. Optimize your job offer process

A recruitment strategy in your hiring process to accomplish recruiting goals

As the world of work shifts, so to do recruiting practices and the strategies that support them.

While the goal of attracting top talent remains the same, how you're doing it is changing over time. The HR industry is still relatively young and as a result, recruitment strategies are still evolving.

So what does best practice in recruitment look like? Here's an overview of some of the best approaches that have been developed in recent years:

Increasingly, companies are using internal networks to find new employees. This approach allows employers to leverage their existing connections and relationships with current employees, who can refer them to potential candidates or colleagues they know who might be interested in the open position.

Companies are also focusing on candidate experience by creating a positive one from start to finish during their recruitment process.

This includes everything from providing clear communication throughout every stage of interviews through onboarding day and beyond. So there are no surprises when someone accepts an offer at your company.

Recruiters should think about how they can use technology more effectively. For example, by looking into applicant tracking systems, the so-called ATS.

12 recruitment strategies for a better recruiting process

Let's check 12 practices to help you improve your recruiting process!

1. Write down your ideal vision for a recruiting process

The most important part in a strategy is, first and foremost, to visualize how would an ideal process be like.

Take some inputs from your employees, as they are the ones that have experienced your process. Check what the best companies in terms of HR are doing. And finally, write down a realistic final image of the strategy.

2. Set recruiting goals

The second most important part in a strategy, is to set goals. The way to convert your vision into reality is by having specific and measurable goals.

There are numerous goals you can set, like: Experiment with new job board platforms or create a hiring event. If it's taking months to fill a position, try reaching out to alternative networks or offering a bigger employee referral bonus to your staff.

There are many tactics you may use, but you want to make sure you're getting the most out of them by defining goals and figuring out how to get there.

3. Improve your career page

Your career page should not be the last thing to care about in your website. It is a page that attracts a lot of traffic. Many people are searching on it, so having an updated and well functioning page is a must.

It's an excellent tool for promoting vacant positions, sharing content, and providing details about the company's mission, culture, and benefits. Take an example from other companies in your niece. Last tip, make sure that your page is mobile friendly!

4. Use employee testimonials

Maybe you know this already. If you don't, then learn that testimonials are one of the most important convincing tools you can use in every occasion. So, in a recruiting process, it can boost your company's image and attract more applicants.

You can gather small and clear texts from your employees stating what it's like working in your company. Or you can have videos or audio of them by using tools like boast alternatives. That way, the tone and their emotions will be more easily provable.

5. Include FAQs in your website

In order to decrease the number of questions, you will be receiving in your inbox from possible candidates.

You can create a FAQ space with the most asked questions and with detailed answers, because each organisation's application process is unique, put prospects at ease by letting them know when they can expect to hear back from the company and where they can learn more about certain opportunities.

Responding to such inquiries also saves time for both recruiters and candidates by reducing the amount of time spent discussing information that could be explained on the website.

6. Upscale your website with a chatbot

The chatbot appears when you first arrive at the page and asks candidates if they have any queries about the organization as a possible applicant.

Candidates receive customized responses based on the questions they ask the bot, including further information on culture, benefits, and their unique recruiting procedure. You can modify the answers as you wish!

7. Capitalize social media & share company culture

Instagram and TikTok are leading the social media as trending apps at the moment. Many companies have gained or increased their image and brand for good because of the exposure with relevant content for the targeted audience.

That way you can receive awareness and attract more applicants! Social media enlisting is still exceptionally much lively. Check some companies that have utilized social media as a way to draw in passive candidates on the stages they spend the foremost time on.

8. Create an employee referral program

A few of the most excellent candidates are waiting inside your employee’s systems. To incentivize your group to reach into their systems, make an employee referral program, like a referral program that provides payouts to anybody who eludes a candidate that's enlisted.

9. Provide to recent graduates an early-career opportunity

You can communicate and cooperate with universities in order to create a pool of good fit possible candidates as soon as they will graduate from the university. Also, you can have a representative from the company in career fairs.

The job positions can be either an internship program or a junior-entry level experience. Students or graduates early in their careers can gain their first working experience, and companies can build a whole organization of youthful experts who may be a fit for full-time employment in the future.

The larger part of job posts start on Google, requiring the stage to be an imperative portion of your enrolment methodology.

Google’s device may be a great way to induce your work posting before candidates press through to a website or work board. When candidates seek for a particular work title, Google will showcase in their region that coordinate their request.

11. Make alluring job descriptions

Last, but certainly not least, is to optimize your job descriptions and generally your job posts. When composing work portrayals, you have to guarantee that they are particular, and dodge language wherever conceivable.

Job titles have to be free of buzzwords, and the rundown of the part ought to be as it were one or two of brief sentences long, at most.

The bulk of the work depiction ought to be made up of bulleted records, counting the difficult and delicate abilities of a perfect candidate, their past encounter and key work obligations and obligations of the open position.

The job post is incorporated at your company and its work culture, as well as key points of interest how to continue with the work application.

12. Build A Talent Community

The more general term for this strategy is "pipe lining," that is, building a pool of potential candidates before the need arrives.

However, the resume database is just the beginning. An effective talent community needs to resemble a social media platform that attracts and attracts prospects. This is a continuous process.


Recruiters are the lifeblood of most organizations. They are the ones who make the connections that attract top talent to a particular business. They cater to the needs of clients, candidates, and organizational goals.

Given this scope, it's hardly surprising that recruiting can sometimes seem like a nightmare. You can follow these best practices to help eliminate some of the frustration from your job as a recruiter!

Need help with your recruitment process?

At Loopcv we help world-class businesses to find the best talent and create the best recruitment practices for their new vacancies.

We use Machine Learning and cutting edge technology to match candidates with your job descriptions and skills. We also provide reports and data to help you improve your job descriptions and attract more candidates faster.

Book a call with us in this link


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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