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Automated creative Jobs service

Job applications Feb 28, 2022

As the world is going digital jobs for human labor are becoming more and more competitive. If we go back a decade, we would barely find computer science or software experts but as of today, we have a huge number of software developers, CS experts in the market. Due to this competition finding jobs is not an easy thing to do. On the opening of even a single job companies receive thousands of entries and student-level resumes.

But one thing is for sure at the end of the day only one person is selected for the position. But ever wondered who is this one person? Well, one would say he would be more qualified or would have more experience than us but that’s not the case every single time. Applying to a position that exactly matches your credential as soon as the job opens is the key to successful job hiring. But how would we find the latest job posting on the other side of the world that matches our knowledge and credentials and as we would be busy in our studies or current job, would we be able to apply in time?  

There are several solutions to this you can search jobs on different websites and enable notifications to your email but still, you have to take time out of your schedule to fill every single application form by yourself. Similarly in manual working, it is difficult to find skilled jobs postings that match your credentials.  

On the other hand, recruiters can increase their market reputation by helping their clients grow more. This problem can be solved manually by searching jobs on different platforms and then finding ones that match your client’s credentials These solutions come with different costs these include labor, time, etc.  

A creative Job service however can solve the problem of both the recruitment agency and individual or Bootcamps/educational institutions. This creative jobs service is very unique and customized, it offers both full automation and semi-automation packages that are quite affordable as well. They automatically search for jobs that match your credentials and apply. Once you signup you simply have nothing to manage. But the creative jobs software will manage itself and apply to job positions that are relevant to your skills. is among the creative jobs services that work with an automated job searching software perfectly manages the resumes of its clients and constantly looks for latest job postings in the market. offers a resume service that keeping in mind all your educational certifications and skills finds a job posting that perfectly matches your profile. And then automatically sends the application to the recruiter with the CV. In this way, these creative jobs service software gets the best job offering and applies at the position well within time.

It's kind of an online resume manager just like LinkedIn but it’s unique in a way that it automatically sends your resume to the employer on your behalf and you can very easily in the automated software dashboard check the progress on your applications sent. for Bootcamps

In today’s world of digital marketing, it’s difficult for you to capture your target audience. If you build up a good reputation for yourself you can get a thousand hits on your website or social media pages. But how can you increase the reputation for your boot camps? Most of the students in Bootcamps are there so they can learn practical skills that can help build their CV. And the best Bootcamps would be who’s graduates get more and better jobs in the market.

But Bootcamps cannot invest resources in creative job searching software, resume management, and consultancy. however is a creative jobs service that has B2B packages that offer Bootcamps to enhance their graduate’s employment rate and help their clients discover new opportunities. helps Bootcamps invite their candidates to Loopcv’s platform and then keep a check on what kind of jobs they are into or what jobs are best for them. Similarly, offers statistics to Bootcamps through which they can understand which category of the market is

offering the highest jobs to their graduates and thus then focus on that particular field’s courses. for Recruitment Agencies is a creative jobs service that makes the job of recruitment agencies much easier. It allows them to save time by using these automated jobs searching software who takes the work of finding a job and at the mean time applying for them. This helps recruitment agencies find relevant jobs for their clients that match their client’s skills in much lesser time.


Automation has become a necessity for us if we want to stay ahead of the world. In every aspect of our professional life, we require digital working and technological advancement. gives the automated & creative job searing solution to the modern-day problem of finding jobs and helps in saving your time, promoting your business and opens a door to new opportunities well within your budget.


George Lambdus

Head of Partnerships - Loopcv

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