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AI Effect in ATS: Six Pros and Cons of Using Artificial Intelligence for Recruitment

AI Mar 22, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the game in many industries, and the recruiting sector is no exception. AI is currently being used by applicant tracking systems (ATS) to assist in expediting and improving hiring procedures.

Nonetheless, the possibility of job loss and issues with prejudice and fairness have been brought up because of the use of AI in hiring.

In this blog, we will explore the effect AI has on ATS and examine the pros and cons of using AI for recruitment.

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Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems

Have you ever heard of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)? or wondered what is ATS? If not in short an applicant tracking system (ATS) is a software program that aids businesses in managing their hiring procedures.

ATS streamlines the resume collection, storage, and analysis process, enabling recruiters to find the most qualified applicants for open positions.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) may differ from country to country, or even within regions of the same country. For example, Applicant Tracking Systems used in the UK(known as ATS UK) may have different functionalities, features, and even formats compared to those used in the US or other countries.

It is because different countries have different hiring practices, regulations, and legal requirements, which affect the design and use of Applicant Tracking Systems.

Therefore, it's important for recruiters and hiring managers to be aware of the specific Applicant Tracking System UK that they are using and ensure that it aligns with their specific needs and hiring processes.

Features of ATS

The following are some of the features commonly found in Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS):

  • Job posting and applicant portals
  • Resume/CV storage and management
  • Automated resume screening and filtering
  • Candidate communication and email templates
  • Interview scheduling and management
  • Customized hiring workflows and pipeline management
  • Reporting and analytics on recruitment metrics
  • Integrations with other HR tools and software
  • Compliance with data privacy regulations
  • Mobile accessibility for recruiters and candidates

Uses of ATS

  • Automate and streamline recruitment processes, saving time and effort for recruiters and hiring managers
  • Manage large volumes of job applications and resumes more efficiently
  • Identify qualified candidates and filter out unqualified candidates using predefined criteria
  • Enhance the candidate experience by providing a user-friendly application process and timely communication
  • Ensure compliance with hiring regulations and avoid discrimination and bias in the recruitment process
  • Improve collaboration and communication among recruiters and hiring managers
  • Track recruitment metrics and generate reports to optimize recruitment strategies and measure performance
  • Maintain a talent pool of qualified candidates for future job openings
  • Integrate with other HR tools such as payroll, performance management, and onboarding systems

Role and Effect of AI in ATS

The importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in applicant tracking systems is rising (ATS). The followings are some of the applications of AI in ATS and their results:

Role of AI In ATS

  • AI-powered screening and filtering of resumes and CVs: An applicant tracking system (ATS) may use AI to scan applications to find pertinent education, training, and experience that adhere to job specifications.
  • ATS can employ AI algorithms to rank and grade candidates according to how well they suit the position.
  • ATS may analyze matching jobs with AI Job descriptions to find the best applicants in the database.
  • An ATS can utilize AI to plan candidate interviews depending on the candidates' availability and the recruiter's schedule.
  • ATS can also use AI-powered chatbots to interact with candidates and answer their questions.

Effects of AI in ATS

  • AI-powered ATS may automate mundane activities, saving recruiters and hiring managers time and energy.
  • ATS enabled by AI may offer a more customized applicant experience, including prompt answers to their questions and recommendations for jobs that are more appropriate for them.
  • By evaluating candidates based on objective criteria and excluding variables like gender, color, and ethnicity, AI can aid in reducing human bias and discrimination in the recruiting process.
  • AI-powered applicant tracking systems (ATS) may increase the dependability and accuracy of candidate screening and rating, lowering the chance of passing up on outstanding talent through AI.
  • AI can identify patterns in candidate data, such as education, experience, and skills, to identify suitable matches for job openings and predict which candidates are likely to succeed in the position.
  • With natural language processing (NLP), AI-powered ATS can scan resumes and cover letters, extract essential information, and match candidates to job openings with greater accuracy.
  • AI-powered ATS can analyze video interviews and facial expressions, tone of voice, and other non-verbal cues to assess candidate suitability and fit.

Types of AI Tools Used in ATS

There are several types of AI tools used in Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), including:

  1. Resume parsing: This tool uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to extract information from resumes, such as work experience, education, and skills.
  2. Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots can assist candidates in the application process, answering common questions and providing feedback.
  3. Matching algorithms: These algorithms use machine learning to match job descriptions with resumes, identifying the best candidates for a particular role.
  4. Predictive analytics: By analyzing data from past hiring processes, predictive analytics tools can help predict which candidates are most likely to succeed in a given role.
  5. Interview scheduling: AI-powered interview scheduling tools can automate the interview scheduling process, reducing the administrative burden on recruiters.
  6. Video interviewing: Video interviewing tools use AI to analyze candidates' body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions, providing insights to recruiters.
  7. Diversity and inclusion tools: These tools use AI to remove unconscious bias from the hiring process and increase diversity in the candidate pool.

Artificial Intelligence for Recruitment: Pros and Cons

Image Source: Freepik

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used for recruitment, including in Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

AI can help organizations automate and streamline the recruitment process, improve candidate experience, reduce bias, and enhance the accuracy and reliability of candidate screening and ranking.


  • Increased Productivity

AI-powered recruiting solutions may automate tedious operations like resume screening and filtering, freeing recruiters and hiring managers to concentrate on more important duties like applicant interaction and interviews.

This may save a lot of time and work, especially for businesses that receive a lot of employment applications.

  • Improved Applicant Experience

AI may contribute to a more customized candidate experience, including quicker inquiry responses and more accurate job suggestions. This may enhance applicant satisfaction and engagement, eventually enhancing the company brand.

  • Reduced Bias

By evaluating candidates in light of objective criteria like job credentials, abilities, and experience, AI can assist in reducing human bias in the recruiting process.

This may result in a more equitable and varied pool of candidates, assisting businesses in creating a more inclusive workforce.

  • Increased Accuracy

AI algorithms may aid in enhancing the dependability and accuracy of applicant screening and rating, lowering the chance of passing up on outstanding talent.

A more diverse applicant pool can result from using AI to uncover individuals who would have gone unnoticed by conventional recruitment techniques.


  • Cost

Using AI-powered recruiting tools might be pricey, especially for smaller businesses that might not have the funds to purchase this equipment. The price of acquiring and maintaining the technology, as well as the price of instructing staff members in its usage, might be high.

  • Lack of Transparency

Because AI algorithms may be complicated and tricky to comprehend, it can be challenging to spot and correct possible biases in the hiring process.

Explaining hiring decisions to prospects may be challenging due to this lack of openness, which might be detrimental to the company brand.

  • Risk of Discrimination

Because AI systems can only be as good as the data they are trained on, biased data might cause prejudice in the hiring process. In professions or sectors where prejudice has historically been a problem, this danger may be especially present.

  • Job displacement

When AI is used more often in recruiting, certain jobs—like those of human recruiters in charge of manual activities that AI can automate—may become obsolete. If not managed properly, this might have detrimental effects on the workforce and damage the employer's brand.

Future of AI In Recruitment

  • AI-powered recruitment tools will continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, with increased automation and personalization of the hiring process.
  • Recruitment chatbots and virtual assistants will become more common, providing 24/7 support to candidates and improving the overall candidate experience.
  • AI will help recruiters to sift through large volumes of resumes and identify the best-fit candidates for a particular role, reducing the time and effort required for manual screening.
  • AI can be used to conduct initial screening interviews, using natural language processing to ask candidates relevant questions and provide real-time feedback.
  • Predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze hiring data and identify patterns, helping to make more data-driven hiring decisions and reducing bias in the hiring process.
  • AI can assist in the onboarding process, providing personalized training and support to new hires, and improving retention rates.
  • The use of AI-powered recruitment tools will become increasingly important in a competitive job market, where employers need to attract and retain the best talent quickly and efficiently.
  • While there are concerns about the potential for AI to perpetuate bias in hiring, with proper oversight and training, AI can help to reduce bias and increase diversity in the workplace.

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The use of AI in ATS may prove to be a valuable asset in the recruitment process. AI can streamline and speed up recruitment procedures, enhance the candidate experience, reduce bias, and increase accuracy and reliability.

However, organizations must also consider the cost, lack of transparency, risk of discrimination, and potential job displacement associated with using AI in recruitment.

It is up to the organization to weigh these pros and cons and decide if AI is the right choice for their recruitment needs.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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