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4 Ways HR Leaders Should Be Using Tech and Currency

Best of Aug 9, 2022

HR leaders have had the headache of using many technology devices and platforms to ensure that they are about to carry out their jobs, such as assessing employees, automating workers, and rationalizing the support processes of employees. Technology has indeed brought a lot of positive impact into the world.

Still, HR leaders always have to put it in their mind that choosing the right technology tool can only work well if the employees can embrace it. This is to say that although HR technology is excellent, if employees do not adopt and work with it, it might turn out to be a huge problem.

However, HR technology and currency application can be the answer to many of your challenges because it helps organizations to always abide by the changing rules and regulations of businesses, resolving employees' payments on time, and preventing any issues that may surface along the line.

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Benefits of Using HR Technology and Currency

Most companies do try to weigh their options on whether to put their resources into HR technology or not, because some may still believe it's costly and pointless. Having the right HR technology tools and application of virtual currencies can be an incredible advantage for a company if the devices can satisfy their particular requirement. The benefits of using HR technology and currency include:

  • Effective and centered mindset channeled towards recruitment
  • Fewer delays in payment of employees with the use of virtual currencies
  • Contributes to more development of employees
  • It saves time, which leaders can use for more HR planning.
  • Enables HR leaders to manage documents safely.
  • Through blockchain technology which supports virtual currencies, smarter contracts help leaders pay their employees through an automatic code without any fear of fraud

4 Ways HR Leaders Should Be Using Tech and Currency

HR leaders can use technology so that digital tools got are useful and employees get to adopt them. HR technology implementation can be very instrumental to the success of a company, depending on how it is deployed for use. Here are the four ways HR leaders should be using tech and currency.

1. Training Multi-Generational Employees

It's important to train every age person in the best way. Older people may not be so great with tech. At the same time, millenials thrive on it, which means there are methods through which the training should be carried out to ensure effectiveness.

Training more seasoned employees with tech can be done by deploying different learning methods such as listening to the audio, watching videos, and practicing on the job. Cross-generational knowledge can also aid older people in boosting their confidence and acquiring new skills.

Training millenials is not hard compared to other agr groups because of the relative pace they can put into learning, along with other simple methods they can easily follow without complications along the way. HR leaders can use technology to train millennials through watching videos, mobile tools like Zoom for meeting and learning, and the usage of smartphones for just about everything.

This way, HR leaders can develop the most effective multi-generational workplace training, which is a great way to improve productivity.

2. Hiring the Right Team Members

Organizations that can achieve results can do that by ensuring that they hire the right team members. Technology can help HR leaders employ the team members they need, including an integrator. Before knowing about hiring integrators and other employees, one must understand what being an integrator truly means.

  • What Is an Integrator in Business?

The term "integrator" was coined by Gino Wickman in his best-selling business books Traction and Rocketfuel. You typically learn about integrators when implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) as a management practice for your company.

"An Integrator is a person who is the tie-breaker for the leadership team, is the glue for the organization, holds everything together, beats the drum (provides cadence), is accountable for the P&L results, executes the business plan, holds the Leadership Team accountable, and is the steady force in the organization." (EOS Worldwide). Plus, every business implementing the EOS management system needs an integrator.

Integrators and intrapreneurs are great for companies because they have the necessary knowledge and ideas through which organizations can rapidly progress. When visionaries and integrators work together in a company, there is an excellent chance that productivity and efficiency will be at the topmost level. Hiring integrators and intrapreneurs through technology will help HR leaders cut costs and cause positive organizational changes.

3. Attracting Talent With High-Tech Tools

Technology can be a tremendous advantage to an organization if the correct tools are used, effectively making jobs more manageable. Through high-tech tools like ECM application, VOIP and CRM options, employees find it very easy to carry out their jobs, which ultimately influences people's choice of working in such organizations.

Examples of high-tech tools include marketing tools for companies like Zapier, SEMrush, MobileMonkey, Iconosquare and Teamwork. There’s also software for online safety businesses such as Intruder, Vipre, LifeLock, Malwarebytes, Mimecast and Acunetix.

And let’s not forget top app for construction companies such as ClockShark, PlanGrid, iNeoSyte, Hubstaff, SoloCator and FingerCad. These tools help attract talent to companies and improve employee productivity in such organizations.

4. Paying With Virtual Currency

HR leaders can use technology by paying their employees with virtual currency. Virtual currencies are values represented digitally and accessible only in electronic structures. According to SoFi, 36% of employees in an organization want to be paid through cryptocurrency. In contrast, some organizations like Fairlay, GMO Group and Bitwage pay their employees through Bitcoin.

Paying with virtual currency is advantageous because it helps increase the speed of payment, pay higher amounts to employees than when they are paid with cash due to the possible appreciation of cryptocurrency, and boost employee morale, especially for tech-savvy workers.

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Using tech tools can help HR leaders accelerate positive organizational changes. HR leaders can resolve issues like policy for code of conduct, on-boarding systems, and training periods by using tech tools. Using the right tool is essential if good results want to be achieved.

Most businesses can keep running successfully because the HR leaders have integrated the right tech tools into the company. Getting a suitable high-tech device that will boost the chances of growth in your organization is essential. If you have been looking for ways to use these tools, you can consider the points in this article to help you out.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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