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4 Tips for Building Your Career as a Marketing Specialist

Career development Aug 26, 2022

Businesses understand that qualitative promotion is essential for thriving. That’s why marketing is one of the most sought-after occupations in the labour market.

Marketing is appealing to jobseekers not only due to its prospects and salaries. You’ll never get bored in this ever-advanced world of trends, channels of interaction, tools, and strategies!

Professionals have a wide range of options in marketing and digital marketing. You may become a marketing manager (CMO) and coordinate the work of a team or focus on a narrow niche, such as social media or SEO promotion.

This job is challenging but rewarding at the same time. The best part is that marketing is essential for any business portfolio, be it an online store, Magento eCommerce development agency, industrial enterprise, or bank. So it’s easier to find your place.

Do bounce rate, analytics, and SEO optimization sound intriguing to you? Do you want to move into marketing from your existing position or move up the marketing career ladder?

Further, I’ll give you several actionable recommendations on job search and how to become a digital marketer.

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1. Learn Non-Stop

A woman working on the computer

The first step in making a marketing career is to learn the fundamentals. Typically, marketers need a bachelor’s degree in that or a related discipline.

You should understand math, computer science, and statistics. Other relevant degrees include communications, the social sciences, and business administration.

Some positions as market research analysts call for a master’s degree. While many universities offer graduate programs in marketing research, many analysts also complete degrees in statistics and marketing or obtain a master’s in business administration (MBA). It’s often necessary for leadership or more technical positions.

However, the lack of relevant educational background isn’t a problem. One of the best things about marketing is that it constantly evolves.

So, the knowledge of recent trends and software may mean more than a college degree in marketing. Dedicate time to books, blogs, YouTube videos, TED presentations, lectures, workshops, and more.

Online courses and certifications are one of the best ways to know more specific and contemporary areas of marketing. They also look nice on your CV or resume, so why wait?

Yes, courses and their quality vary. But you don’t have to spend a fortune to get a well-known certification in the industry. Most renowned companies and universities share their materials at a reasonable price or for free, such as:

  • HubSpot Academy;
  • Google Analytics;
  • Google Ads
  • Canva Design School;
  • Facebook Blueprint.

Pro-tip: don’t stop learning, even after getting your first job as a marketer.

2. Create a Portfolio

A laptop and papers with graphs

Now you know how to enrich your CV if you lack the necessary skills, education, and experience. But do you have a portfolio? A portfolio may also improve your chances of succeeding in a marketing career.

How does it differ from a CV? A CV is an overview of your education and professional experience. A portfolio demonstrates what you know and how you do it.

The next step is to develop your skills further and gain relevant skills for your CV and portfolio. How can you do it? Practice. Employers will choose a candidate based on a hands-on experience over one with courses alone.

If taking on even the smallest task lets you acquire a new skill or use one, demonstrate that you are willing to do so. Apply for various jobs or unpaid internships, or help friends with projects.

Consider volunteering for a non-profit organization. It will give you a head start in your career among other professionals, boost a portfolio, and help with networking (further on that later).

Job search automation platforms like Loopcv can streamline this process. You develop your CV, specify job search criteria, and wait. The program shows suitable offers for you to decide or responds to job openings without human intervention.

Loopcv dashboard

3. Networking Is a Must

Networking (or communicating with people in your industry) is essential for any career. According to statistics, recruiters fill 85% of positions with the help of networking. Most of these job openings never get published.

These facts attest to the value of fostering strong relationships. How can you connect with a professional community? The great idea is to use social media, especially LinkedIn.

They allow you to connect with experts in your industry and get advice. Attend information sessions to deepen your knowledge of analytics, social media, and other facets of digital marketing. Visit events and meetups or register for webinars.

Are you employed now? Use your workplace to expand your network. Offer a quick lunch or a cup of coffee with your colleagues. Take advantage of the chance to get to know them and begin a mutually beneficial connection.

The same applies to co-workers from your previous jobs. Keep in touch with them to back up your chances of getting recommendations for potential job openings.

4. Develop a Personal Brand

The fourth tip to move up the career ladder in marketing revolves around a solid online presence. Employers consider social media, websites, and other resources. That’s why you need a powerful personal brand. What does a personal brand entail? It covers who you are, what values you share, and how you express yourself.

Everything counts when developing your social presence:

  • Profile photos.
  • Posts.
  • Activities.

Strive to be more than someone who frequently publishes on social media. Make sure to present yourself as a professional and demonstrate achievements. Note that the profile reflects how you want to be perceived in real life. Here are some branding strategies to consider:

  1. List your goals (at least 3 – 5 ones) to plan content and stay motivated when you don’t feel like blogging.
  2. Create a consistent theme by choosing the same fonts, logos, colors, images, and messaging across all channels.
  3. Employ storytelling, tell personal stories, and add a human touch.

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A woman working on her laptop

Wrapping Up

Lastly, you gain value by getting out of your comfort zone. Take risks and face challenges head-on. Yes, tackling complex issues can be intimidating, but doing so allows you to advance and achieve where others fall short.

Keep in mind that the only thing to regret is not doing anything. So, employ your motivation, creativity, and dedication to succeed in a marketing career.

Do you like the dynamics of social media and collaboration with opinion leaders? Try SMM (social media marketing).

Do you want to focus on website promotion and help online entrepreneurs reach the highest positions in search results?

Do SEO (search engine optimization). Marketing is such a broad sphere that you can find a perfect niche to align with your skills and personality. So, good luck with landing your dream job!


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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