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5 Low-Cost And Effective Fundraising Courses For Non-profits

NGO May 25, 2023

Fundraising courses are available to help fundraisers learn certain things that will impact the outcomes of their campaigns.

These courses are designed to teach knowledge to you and your employees in the most simplistic way.

Though fundraising courses abound, the focus here is on the low-cost ones. These courses are quite effective and will not add to the financial burden of your non-profit.

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Asks That Engage By Donorbox

A critical part of every fundraising communication is to ask. This is where you have to let prospective donors know the next line of action to take after going through the opening conversation.

But this is not something you can do haphazardly or tactlessly. You have to be strategic about making your ask – soliciting funds. This is what contributes to the success of the fundraising campaign.

The ability to ask right is not necessarily innate; it can be learned. This is why you should enrol for a course like “Asks that Engage” by Donorbox Academy.

The course is taken by some of the most revered experts in the Academy – and the fundraising community as a whole. As such, you should be ready to acquire some top-quality information while taking the course.

This course teaches you how to effectively engage prospective donors through persuasive writing – without sounding desperate. This is the end of having them commit to your cause.

More so, you will be taught how to relate with donors through social media and email to encourage more impactful (fundraising) outcomes. It's also good to note that this course can boost your public relations as a non-profit executive.

Fundraising: Ask And Raise Contributions For Your Charity

Still on making an ask the right way; you can also add to learning by taking the “Ask and Raise Contributions for your Charity” course.

This is one of the best and cheap – not in quality, though – courses you will find on Udemy. It is designed to help fundraisers garner the knowledge and skills about fundraising to help the growth and sustainability of their non-profits.

To be more specific, individuals will learn about developing an efficient process of raising funds and the act of raising money – as some sort of concept.

Furthermore, you will be taught how to develop an effective checklist for creating a donor base that works. And just like the previously discussed course, the instructors here will be taking through the process of communicating with donors – the already-existing and prospective ones.

Fundraising From Scratch: Complete Guide On Growing Income

Have you struggled with raising funds despite being in the industry for some time? If so, there may be an issue with the foundation, and you may need to revisit it.

In the light of this, you may have to take some foundational courses – going back to the basics. A great way to do this is to sign up for "Fundraising from Scratch: Complete Guide to Growing Income".

Simon Scriver, a fundraising professional with fundraising Everywhere, created the course. Your non-profit revenue base is likely blossoming as you complete this course, provided you make the most of what you'll be learning.

Getting into the thick of things, the course will help you understand fundraising principles and the different fundraising methods available to fundraisers.

It guides you on how to build an effective fundraising system as you grasp "what works and what does not". Beyond this, the course will teach you how to manage relationships with employees and board members of your non-profit organization.

You will also learn effective time management skills from the training. All these skills can impact the outcome of your fundraising campaigns to some extent.

Managing Donor Relationships

Everything about fundraising revolving around your donor base and maintaining a good relationship with the donors will be quintessential to your (fundraising) cause.

You must learn how to manage donor relationships effectively and strategically. And it's very good to know that you could take a cue from fundraising specialists on how to do this.

In view of the foregoing, the “Managing Donor Relationships” course will be very valuable to you and your non-profit organization. This course is prepared and taught by Fundraising Training Ltd.

It aims to unravel everything about donor stewardship and the steps to drive better donor commitment as you plan your fundraising drives.

The course will enable fundraisers to become well-versed in their profession as they learn how to build rapport with prospective grantors or donors.

And in case you don't know what it takes to negotiate your way through a fundraising discourse to make an ask, this is the course for you.

The journey towards building a network of loyal donors can begin with completing this particular course. Additionally, investing in the course will return a good value for your time and money.

In combination with knowing and implementing the key features of effective nonprofit CRMs as part of an effective approach to donor stewardship, working on relationship-building skills in a formal way will serve any fundraiser well.

Fundraising 101: Learn the Essentials of Fundraising

You can’t really hit the ground running in the fundraising sector without learning or knowing the basics. It’s not just that; you’ve got to apply what you know.

Let’s place a hold on that, and talk about the learning aspect by taking the “Fundraising 101: Learn the Essentials of fundraising” course. Amy Eisenstein, an Advanced Certified Fundraising Executive, created this course.

This course is designed to help you kickstart fundraising greatly, even as you create a viable plan of action. It also touches on how you can involve your board members in different fundraising projects and work towards sustaining a good tempo all year round.

Additionally, you will learn about grant writing and event planning for fundraising purposes and how to prospect for big donors.

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Your account doesn’t have to bleed because you want to learn how to raise more funds. This explains why we have taken it upon ourselves to share these low-cost and effective courses with you.

It would be nice if you and your employees could devote time – and of course, a few bucks – to sign up for them. It’s all for the advancement of your non-profit organization!


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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