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How to deal with job change stress

Career change Jun 26, 2022

At some point in our lives, most of us have been in the position of transitioning to a new job. Now whether that means taking on a completely new role in a new company, or simply just the same role, it still carries its respective challenges, as is the case with all new experiences; change is not always easy.

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Have you been dealing with the stress that engulfs this hectic period in your life? Well here are a few tips that can help you cope a bit better.

1.     Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance

It’s important to communicate how you feel. Keep in mind that asking questions is far from a sign of weakness and rather shows your ambition to learn more and understand how things flow within your new environment. Not only will this contribute positively to your reputation, but it will also broaden your knowledge of how the company functions and enable you to be more efficient in what you do. Through simply speaking to someone, you are able to gain more insight and identify any concerns you may have, which would ultimately help in relieving your stressful thoughts.

2.     Be patient with yourself

Give yourself a chance to adapt. All fresh experiences bring about their respective challenges, particularly at the beginning stages. It is only natural for it to take some time to get used to a new mode of working, however, through some practice you will get the hang of things and they will eventually turn into a routine.

Keep in mind that a certain amount of anxiety is also fine to have, it shows you care about your new chapter, and hey, research has also shown that a certain level of stress can help you perform better at work. Although it is understandable that all this brings about an overwhelming wave of emotions, sit tight, know that it will get easier and things will fall into place in due course.

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3.     Manage your time well

Already stressed? Avoid adding more stress due to poor time management. Make sure you are well prepared in advance, whether it be picking an outfit the night before work, or ensuring the gas in your car is full- these little things help to save time amidst the jitters.

You can also reach out to your new manager for any advice that would help your first days go by smoothly, this can mean brushing up on particular skills or preparing certain documents, for instance. Although it is easy to push things towards the eleventh hour as the tasks themselves might not be too consuming- do not underestimate them, even little moments add up.

4.     Set realistic expectations

Do not be too self-critical. Things take time to get used to, so give yourself a chance to take the necessary days to learn what needs to be learned. Mistakes are normal and are there to learn from, it would simply be unnatural if you were to master everything at one go, so it’s important to keep reasonable expectations and not beat yourself up over things that are naturally carved to take time. Getting acclimated to your new job is not rocket science-it will happen.

5.     Be Social

You might think that being social will only enhance your stress levels, but that is not fully correct. Although it is indeed normal to have cold feet among a group of new people, keep in mind that a healthy work environment will promote a sense of unity rather than a sense of competition, so go there with an open mind and connect. This in no way means that you have to start big and automatically put yourself out there to everyone, you can simply start by finding one or two colleagues you feel comfortable with and who can provide you with the necessary guidance, support and positive energy.

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6.     Stay positive

Easier said than done, right? It can often be difficult to see the positive side of things when diving into the unknown. Try to remember that you are not the only one feeling clouded with thoughts and everyone there has at one point or another been through those exact feelings- and guess what? They are temporary.

You are in control of your emotions and oftentimes it’s simply a matter of perception. Why not view this change as an opportunity rather than an obstacle? By altering your perception, you will alter the emotions that come your way, so go ahead and embrace the challenge of new beginnings.

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George Lambdus

Head of Partnerships - Loopcv

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