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Should You Wear Jeans For a Job Interview? [Best Practices]

Job interviews Apr 29, 2021

Many people struggle with choosing a decent outfit to wear for an interview. As easy as it sounds, it can be a lot tricky putting together an outfit that is appropriate for an interview. You want to give a good first impression to the employer when they see you for the first time, and what you wear is very important for that.

It is the details that will make the difference.

When the employer will look you up and down, you want them to think that you are organised and hard-working but also energetic and optimistic.

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The employer needs to know that you care about the interview and the job.

Jeans are a clothing item that is safe for many situations. When you don't want to be overdressed but not underdressed either, jeans are a reasonable choice.

But is that true when it comes to job interviews?

Are jeans the right choice, when you want to impress an employer?

In this article, you will find answers to these questions and by the time you are done reading it, you will know whether or not to wear jeans for a job interview.

Search to see what the company's dress code is

casual work jeans to job interview

The best thing you can do to see what you should and should not wear to a job interview, is to seach online about the company.

See if there are any pictures of the staff. If there are, you can see what outfits they wear and whether or not they are wearing jeans.

See the colours of their clothes, the style and their general appearance. That will help you know exactly what kind of clothes to wear.

And if they do wear jeans, you should see what kind of jeans they wear.

Know what clothing style the position you applied to requires

dress code is important for job interview

Apart from the company's dress code, it is very important that you choose an outfit that is appropriate for the position you applied to.

If you are interested in a serious position, with many duties and responsibilities, you should definitely avoid jeans. Jobs such as a manager, or an employee at a law or political office, are definitely not the right place to wear jeans.

Interviews for jobs like these require serious and disciplined outfits.

You need to show the employer that you are a responsible and hardworking person, and jeans don't show that.

The first impression is very important so you need to take good care of your outfit, but be careful not to stand out.

Your employer doesn't care so much if you are fashionable and know how to dress, as much as they care if you are serious and organized.

On the other hand, if it is a modern company you don't need to be so strict with your outfit choice. You can look professional, but also fun and relaxed.

Find the correct type of jeans

correct types of jeans to a job interview

Now that you've read all the above, and figured out wether or not you should wear jeans to your job interview, it is time to find what type of jeans you should wear.

If you are being interviewed to work for a modern company, for example in fashion, sales, graphic arts, or computer programming, 90s style baggy jeans are a great option. They are very comfortable, casual, but also stylish and chic.

Another excellent option are dark blue jeans.

They are flattering and professional-looking!

If you want to learn more tips about jeans and fashion, you can check related trends.

Be careful!

No matter which jeans you choose to wear, here are some things you must never forget! Before you start getting ready for your interview, iron your jeans, as you will be ironing the rest of your outfit. People sometimes tend to skip on ironing their jeans, because jeans don't get wrinkly as easy as shirts do.

However, it is important to carefully iron them, even if they seem unwrinkled. Another thing you have to pay attention to, is that your jeans don't have any stains. You definitely don't want to go to your interview with stained jeans!

Even if you just got them out of the washing machine, check for possible stains that might give your employer a bad first impression of you. They need to know that you are a clean, disciplined person, who takes care of themselves.

Types of jeans to avoid

ripped jeans are inappropriate for a job interview

Apart from the jeans that are okay to wear for your interview, when you finish reading this article, you will also know what types of jeans to avoid wearing.

The worst jeans you could possibly wear to a job interview, are skinny jeans.

They are too casual, even for a fun and modern company.

They don't show that you are responsible and respectable, instead, they show that you don't pay much attention to what you wear, and that you don't care so much about the interview.

Second, and not less important type of jeans that are inappropriate for an interview, are ripped jeans.

Ripped jeans are for walks with friends, not for job interviews!

They make you seem like a teenager who is out with their friends and not someone who cares about the interview and the job.

In addition, colorful jeans are not appropriate for a job interview.

Pink, purple, green jeans, might be cute when you're hanging out with your friends, but not for an interview. Avoid jeans with vivid colors, because they might make you look childish. It is also not good to stand out so much.

You don't want people to turn their heads when you walk into a room because of the color of your jeans! That's why it is better for you to keep the colors neutral (blue, white, black, gray).

Finally, stripped or spotted jeans, and generally jeans with any design on them are not proper for an interview. Just like colorful jeans, they make you look childish and irresponsible. I know that jeans with cartoons or pearls on them are in style right now, but forget wearing them to your job interview.

What to wear your jeans with

Now that you know which jeans to wear, and which to avoid, it is time to figure out the rest of the outfit. Probably the most usual clothing item that people wear to job interviews, is a blazer. And even though it is a "safe choice" for many people, that doesn't stop it from being perfect for an interview.

Plus, if you wear a blazer with jeans, your outfit will not be considered "too casual", since blazers make any outfit look professional.

A navy blue, black, or gray blazer would be great to wear with your jeans. Make sure that you are also wearing conservative shoes, very few jewelry, you have a professional hairstyle, light make-up and limited amount of perfume.

Originally published 29 Apr 2021

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