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How Do You Ask a Recruiter When a Hiring Decision is made?

Recruiters Mar 14, 2021

The limbo period after you leave a job interview can be stressful. You'll probably feel unsure of yourself until the hiring manager's answer comes, even if you had a great interview.

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Keep in mind that the interview process often takes a long time, so silence doesn't always mean rejection.

Even if the hiring manager gave you a specific hiring timeline, you might wait for a call far longer than that. The fact is that this can be a slow process.

Is It OK To Follow-up with a Recruiter?

Being proactive and reaching out is more than just ok; you have a right to know whether you got the job, or at least where they are in the process.

Nevertheless, in order not to hurt your chances of getting hired, you should follow up professionally. Of course, you don't wish to seem desperate or pushy.

If your approach is appropriate and pleasant, you will provide the hiring manager with another positive example of your attitude.

Instead of overthinking what you may have done wrong when the employer's call doesn't come, follow our tips along with examples on how to ask a recruiter when a hiring decision is made.

When To Follow-up About the Hiring Decision

Before leaving the interview, make sure to ask the hiring personnel when they expect to make a decision.

You can show interest in the timeline by asking:

  • "How long the post-interview process might take?", or;
  • "When do you anticipate making a hiring decision and extending an offer?"

If they give you a specific day, wait a few days after that day to follow up.

The hiring timelines they offer are usually optimistic, since many times the people scheduling them trying to coordinate this process with their everyday duties.

Therefore, if they give you an actual date, for example:

"We'll be making a decision by next Monday" patient and don't contact them before the said day is over.

But also keep in mind that you may seem to lack interest if you wait too long.

In case you leave the interview without asking about the hiring timeline, or the employer doesn't give you one, then it's safe to send a follow-up email a week and a half to two weeks after your interview day.

Asking for Follow-up Contact Information

It is also an excellent time to prepare your follow-up contact at the end of your interview.

For instance, ask the hiring manager about who you should contact unless they get back to you with a job offer or rejection by the end of the given timeline.

You can ask:

  • "Would it be ok to call and check on the status of the hiring process if I don't hear soon? If so, who could I contact?", or;
  • "When can I expect to hear feedback, and who will be in touch?"

Planning ahead shows your interest in the job position.

You could also send a thank you note by the end of the interview.

It is an indirect way to keep you in the mind of the hiring manager. Although this is not straight related to asking if you got the job, it helps you prepare your follow-up process.

In your note, don't ask about the decision.

Only use it to remind the hiring manager of who you are and thank them for interviewing you. To give you an idea, you can write something like:

"Dear Mr. Ghetz, I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to interview for the accounting clerk position. I really enjoyed the interview, and I'm so motivated by the innovative plans of the company!"

It's often how you handle details that set you apart from the rest.

How Should You Ask About the Decision?

When the hiring timeline expires, wait a few more days and then send a "check-in" email to the person with whom you interviewed.

Keep in mind that you can try over the phone or email.

However, email might work better, especially if the recruiting contact is very busy.

Start your email reminding them of who you are, the position you applied for, and the exact date of your interview.

At this point, you also have to mention that you're still interested in the job. Your check-in email should be formal, prompt, and courteous too.

Follow-up Email Example #1:

"Dear Mr. Ghetz, this is Dany Mitchell. I interviewed for your accounting clerk position on July 15, and I really enjoyed meeting you and hearing about your plans. I'd like to inquire about my application status. Have you made the hiring decision? I am very eager to work with you. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional references that would help you in the process. Thanks in advance for your time. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Sincerely, Dany Mitchell"

Follow-up Email Example #2:

"Dear Mr. Ghetz, this is Dany Mitchell. Following up on the accounting clerk position, I'd like to inquire about the progress of your hiring decision and the status of my job application. You interviewed me about two weeks ago, and hopefully, I still remain very interested in joining your organization. I greatly appreciate the time and consideration in interviewing me for this position. I await your feedback. Best regards, Dany Mitchell"

In case you've had other job offers within the given hiring timeline, you should let the employer know about them.

While you're in the middle of a job search, it is probably to receive another offer. This is a good reason for you to ask whether your application is still under consideration.

For example, you could say:

"Dear Mr. Ghetz, I hope you're doing well. I wanted to check on the hiring process of the accounting clerk position I interviewed for on July 15. I've also received two offers from other companies I applied for, but I remain very interested in joining your company. Would it be possible to offer me an update on my application status? Thanks for your time and consideration."

In case you don't get a response within a couple of days, you can send one more email as a kind reminder. If they still don't get back to you, it's time to make a call.

The preparation of the calling is similar to sending an email.

Before you call, make sure of what you want to say. It would also help you note down the most important "key messages" you desire to get across.

Your notes might also be useful in case you get a voicemail.

In this way, you won't forget to mention anything important. Assure that the environment is quiet enough and have a list of questions ready for the employer.

When you call, ask to speak with the hiring manager who interviewed you, not the front desk of the human resources department. Once you have the right person on the phone, start introducing yourself by saying, for example:

"Hi, this is Dany Mitchell, calling to check in about the status of your hiring for the accounting clerk position."

Try to remind the hiring manager who you are the better you can, but don't take it personally if they didn't recognize you immediately.

Many managers interview hundreds of candidates.

Even if you make a call, it is probably not to take any answer about the hiring decision. There are a lot of reasons for this delay.

Some of them are the lack of time, other more pressing matters, or just that you are the first person interviewed among a long list of candidates.

If so, the hiring manager will probably want to interview more candidates before making a decision. Furthermore, sometimes, recruiters possibly think you'd fit better in a different position within the company, and they plan to contact you when the decision is made.

Make a Plan Before You Contact a Recruiter

It is important that you limit your check-ins.

By setting a schedule of calls and emails, you avoid becoming both annoying and desperate. Make a plan of no more than three follow-up emails/ calls.

Even if the hiring manager encourages you to continue contacting them and asking about your application status, when they don't get feedback after three attempts, you have to move on!

The delay doesn't necessarily mean you didn't get the job. But your energy could be spending more productively on working on following up on other leads.

Use This Experience to Learn About the Company

After an interview, the way you're treated by a company is as important as after-sale services. It doesn't always indicate the corporate culture, but it can.

In other words, the post-interview process can be one more data point of how you would be managed once on the job. You might consider the lack of action as a sign of unpleasant workplace culture and exclude this company from your list.

To sum up, in today's market, taking some proactive steps gives you an advantage over the rest of the candidates.

Always keep in mind that you have a right to know whether you got the job. If there is no feedback while you have tried enough, lift yourself into the next step of the process.

Move on to the other positions.


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