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Loopcv offers free premium account to all the refugees searching for a new job

job Mar 23, 2022

Loopcv announced the #westandwithukraine program, providing full access to all the premium job search features of the matchmaking platform of Loopcv to help immigrants or refugees find a job in Europe or any place in the world.

We want to help anyone being in this hard situation, so don't hesitate to contact us if you need help with your job search.

How can you get a free premium account

Send us an email to and our support team will send you a coupon code FREE of charge for your premium account.

How To Get A Full-Time Job As An Immigrant

You can use the Loopcv product FREE OF CHARGE to start finding jobs in any location globally

To signup click here:

Job opportunities for new immigrants

There are multiple opportunities that you can find as an immigrant. We know that it is hard but we are here to help you find a job that you like.


George Lambdus

Head of Partnerships - Loopcv

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