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Unemployment Benefits: Can You Claim Unemployment Until Your First Paycheck?

Unemployment Jun 16, 2022

Unemployment benefits are payments offered to citizens who are laid off in situations where they are not at fault. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, several federal government programs have been instituted, including Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).

In this article, we’ll discuss eligibility and more details. We will examine whether you can claim unemployment until your first paycheck and other common doubts regarding unemployment benefits.

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Claiming unemployment benefits in the United States

If you're unemployed and looking for a job, there are several ways to apply for unemployment benefits.

You can apply online or by phone. You may also be able to go into your local state employment office to apply in person. If you're out of the country, you'll need to mail a completed application form back to your state's department of labor.

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Can you claim unemployment until your first paycheck in the US?

As far as unemployment benefits go, the answer is no.

You can't keep receiving unemployment benefits after you begin working in the United States. Once you start working, you become ineligible for unemployment benefits.

Emily Jordan, the financial expert that speaks frequently about payday loans from ASCIN, says, “the reason why this happens is that your income from employment will be enough to support yourself and your family. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, if you are married and your spouse does not have a job or is not making enough money to support the family, you may still be eligible for unemployment benefits.”

Eligibility for Unemployment benefits in the United States

To be eligible for unemployment in the US, you must have been laid off or had your job terminated involuntarily.

You must also be actively seeking employment. This includes applying for jobs, attending interviews, sending resumes, and calling prospective employers. You must also participate in special programs or activities that your state may require as part of its unemployment benefits program.

You must be:

  1. Not receiving unemployment benefits from any other state or country.
  2. Not receiving other income that could disqualify you (such as Social Security).

When to apply for benefits under Unemployment

When deciding whether to stop claiming unemployment benefits, it's essential to consider both the financial and mental aspects of the decision. You might be tempted to stop claiming benefits as soon as possible, but there are a few things you need to think through before doing so.

1.     The first thing you want to think about is how long your benefits will last. In many cases, your state's unemployment office will offer up to six months of regular benefits and an additional 26 weeks of extended benefits if the economy remains weak, or you lose your job due to circumstances beyond your control. Suppose your state has a waiting period before you can begin collecting unemployment benefits (usually around one week). In that case, that time needs to be factored into the total amount of time available for you to receive payments from the state.

2.     The second thing to consider when deciding whether or not to quit receiving unemployment payments is whether or not you have other sources of money coming in during this period—whether it be savings accounts, investments, or other income streams like alimony or child support payments from previous marriages/relationships).

What documents are needed to apply?

To apply for Unemployment benefits, you will need to provide the following documentation:

  1. Your Social Security number
  2. Your current address (with proof of residency)
  3. Your phone number (with a proof of residence)
  4. Driver's license number (if applicable)
  5. Birth certificate, passport, or naturalization documents if a non-US citizen
  6. Pay stubs from the last three months showing your income (if currently employed)
  7. Bank statements from last month show available funds in your account. If unemployed, the bank statement should have been issued less than three months back.

If you do not have these documents to hand, you will need to source them swiftly from the correct authorities, or create them yourself.

For instance, you can generate your pay stubs online if you’ve misplaced them and your current or previous employer is unable to supply the original copies.

What is the duration of unemployment benefits?

In most states, you can receive up to 26 weeks of unemployment benefits. This is the maximum number allowed by law, but some states offer more extended periods than others.

How much money will you get from unemployment benefits?

You can receive up to $450 per week in unemployment benefits. Your weekly benefit amount depends on your previous earnings, the type of work you were doing, and how long you have been employed.

The amount of money you will get from unemployment benefits depends on several factors, including but not limited to:

  1. Your salary before you were laid off
  2. How long you have been unemployed, and how many months have you worked before being laid off
  3. Whether or not you have previously received unemployment benefits
  4. Whether or not you are eligible for other forms of government assistance (such as food stamps)

Is receiving Unemployment benefits taxable?

If you receive unemployment benefits, those benefits are considered taxable income. Each state has its rules about how the taxes are calculated and paid, but the general rule is that your unemployment benefits are taxed at the same rate as your other income.

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The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Program

For people who are not eligible for regular unemployment insurance benefits, the PUA program provides up to 26 weeks of benefits.

This means that you may be able to claim PUA if:

  1. You are unable to work because you have been infected with a pandemic illness
  2. Your employer has laid you off due to the pandemic outbreak and consequently lost your source of income.

FAQs regarding Unemployment Benefits

1. How does unemployment know when you are working?

The state will have a record of your unemployment claim each time you file for new benefits. They also keep a record of work, earnings, and hours that you report each week.

In addition to this, they will also have any records of employment that are available to them through the employer or through their own investigations.

If you are subject to an audit by the state, it is possible that they could request copies of records from any employers who were involved in issuing paychecks during any period when you received the unemployment insurance benefits in question.

2. What happens if I get caught working while on unemployment?

If you are caught working while on unemployment and your employment was not approved in writing by the state workforce agency, you will be required to repay all of your benefits.

If the state agency determines that your violation was willful or fraudulent, it may refer your case to a law enforcement agency for criminal prosecution.

●   You could also face fines up to $1,000.

●      Be charged with misdemeanor theft by deception.

●   Be charged with felony fraud in connection with claims against third parties.

3. How long do you have to file for unemployment after losing your job?

You have a short window to file for unemployment after losing your job. Generally, you must file within 30 days of being fired or leaving your job.

The time limit varies in some states and may be different depending on whether you worked part-time or full-time.

4. Can you go to jail for collecting unemployment while working?

The Department of Labor (DOL) has a rule that prevents individuals from collecting unemployment benefits while they're working. If you're caught violating this rule, You could face fines of up to $1,000 and even jail time.

It is considered insurance fraud.


George Lambdus

Head of Partnerships - Loopcv

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