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Why Do I Get Bored With Jobs So Easily?

job Jun 22, 2022

I'm sure you've been there. You get a new job, and you're excited to start. You're ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Then you start looking for something else.

You start excited and motivated, but a few weeks in, it's like you've lost your mojo. You're not enjoying the work anymore, and your boss seems to be getting on your nerves. At the end, you just start searching for a new job.

It's not that the job is terrible—it's just that you're bored with it. You've done it enough times to know how to do it, and there's no more challenge or excitement in doing what you've always done.

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Why do you get bored so quickly with jobs?

The first step to figuring out why you get bored so quickly is to understand why you're bored in the first place. Many people, especially younger ones, have trouble understanding that there are reasons for their boredom, and it's not just an excuse for laziness or procrastination.

So what are these reasons? A variety of reasons also causes people to get bored at work and they will vary from person to person. Let's explore more.

  1. Your ability to handle stress and anxiety (if you're nervous about something all the time). The company culture isn't right for you. The needs and demands of the job might weigh heavily on you making you feel out of placed and disinterested.
  2. Your self-esteem (how much confidence do you have in yourself and others). You don’t feel like you fit in with your coworkers.
  3. Your need for variety or stimulation (do you like lots of new experiences?). You’re not learning anything or doing anything challenging. Your job has become routine.
  4. The job itself is not a good fit for your skills, abilities and interests.
  5. You have too much idle time on your hands. There is not much work to be done in the office and you are unable to engage yourself.

Many people get bored with jobs and that's okay as long as it doesn't prevent you from being productive at work. But if this boredom is interfering with your work, knowing why you get bored at work can help you find a job that is a better fit for you.

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Ask yourself the following questions.

1. Are you treating your job like a checklist?

If you want to stay engaged with your job, don't treat it like a checklist. Tasks are only one part of the whole picture and can't be approached in isolation. Here's what you should do instead:

1. Focus on the task at hand. Don't get distracted by anything else around you or think about what's next or what happened before this project started.

2. Do not let other people distract you from focusing on the task. They might be interested in talking about something else, but if they seem to be trying too hard to get your attention, politely tell them no thanks and get back to work.

2. Do you have a lack of self-awareness?

The first step towards getting a job you love is to understand yourself.

What do you want in your career? Is it money? Do you prefer to work with people, or do you want something more solitary? Do you enjoy controlling your schedule and workload, or would that feel too stressful for you?

A lack of self-awareness will also make it harder for you to motivate yourself because if what motivates you isn't clear, how can you expect anyone else to know?

If this sounds like something that might apply in your case, consider working on developing greater awareness of who you are as an individual with thoughts and feelings that matter just as much as anyone else's around you (you're not alone).

3. Is the position aligned with your goals?

Once you know what makes your heart sing, it's time to figure out how to achieve those goals.

  • If making money is essential to you, look for jobs at companies that prioritize financial growth over everything else.
  • If working in an office environment doesn't fit well with your personality traits and life goals (e.g., introverted), try looking into remote positions where there isn't as much face-to-face contact with colleagues daily. (e.g., freelance writing).

By being honest with oneself about one's strengths and weaknesses—and then acting accordingly—it becomes possible to find jobs where one can thrive and create careers that are fulfilling long-term goals.

4. Does negativity surround you?

In the workplace, you need to surround yourself with positive people. Having a negative person in your life can do a lot of damage.

It is vital to ensure that the people around you are not constantly bringing down their surroundings and putting everyone in a bad mood. The best way to deal with this situation would be to simply avoid them as much as possible until they learn not to be so negative all the time!

5. Are you constantly hitting dead ends?

If the answer is yes, it might not be the job boring you. It could signify stagnation or indicate that it's time to look elsewhere for a new challenge. If your performance reviews keep getting worse each time and there doesn't seem to be any improvement in sight, then something else may need reviewing—like whether this position is right for you after all!

6. Are you passionate about your job?

It can be tough to stay interested if you are not doing what you are passionate about. Such a job will feel like a chore and could cause burnout.

The best way to avoid this is by making sure the job aligns well with your strengths and interests.

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Things To Do when Bored at Work

There are many things you can do when bored at work:

  • Take a walk around the office or outside if weather permits;
  • Make a pot of coffee or tea, and enjoy it;
  • Visit another part of your building or go into another department;
  • Ask a coworker if they'd like some help with anything or discuss their project;
  • Go online and do research on an interesting topic.


So, to recap, the most important thing to do if you're wondering why you get bored at your job is to figure out what's causing it. Ask yourself questions that help you understand the root of your boredom—it could be as simple as needing a change or something more severe like burnout.

I hope this article has helped figure out why boredom happens so quickly and how to deal with it.


George Lambdus

Head of Partnerships - Loopcv

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