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Best Link Building Jobs Online

jobs Mar 16, 2023

Working online is the trend that started in 2020 together with COVID-19 and still remains popular in 2023.

Getting online jobs such as SEO link builder or link building specialist is an excellent option for those who prefer remote work.

Even though some companies tend to turn to the offline environment and work from the office again, the role of a link building expert is associated with remote work even in such companies.

Therefore, working as a link building consultant opens horizons for those who want to become digital nomads and those who already enjoy that.

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Find some tips on how to find suitable jobs in link building and what to expect from it.

The daily work of each link builder includes a number of tasks that may vary from company to company.

However, any activity that a link building expert carries out refers to the gaining of backlinks from other online resources. Sometimes, link builders also buy backlinks from $9/link to increase the incoming traffic.

In general, a typical job description of a link building expert includes the daily tasks to work on. Some job descriptions also include the strategic goals of the company a link builder would be trying to achieve.

Such details as the place of the company’s base, working schedule, and other organizational details are included in the link building specialist job description.

A link building specialist works with a website together with the SEO department as a rule. A link building specialist usually works online rather than in the office environment.

The typical tasks of a link building specialist range from email outreach campaigns to buying backlinks from official providers.

The most common tasks of a link builder job include keyword research, link building strategy development, backlinks monitoring, and others.

Depending on the industry, the tasks may vary. For SaaS link building, additional tasks may include competitor analysis, outreach to industry influencers, content promotion, and tracking conversion rates.

Even though backlink building makes a part of the off-page SEO strategy, there are specific link building campaigns generated within the overall SEO plan.

Link builder experts collaborate with off-page and SEO teams for the sake of the development of deliberate link building campaigns. Their main goal is to improve the website’s domain authority and rating.

Once a link building campaign is designed and implemented, the link builder has to monitor the ongoing results. Based on the analysis and audit, it would be possible to define whether the link building campaign meets the objectives.

If not, some optimization of a link building campaign would be required through interlinking approaches, on-page SEO, etc.


One of the core tasks of each link builder specialist is developing and implementing the outreach campaigns. A link building specialist has to contact other resources and websites of interest via phone or email to get a desired backlink for them.

Another approach of the outreach campaigns is to target those websites of interest in inserting backlinks to them from the company website. Those outreach strategies might refer to global resources or local ones. If you aim to develop local SEO, see for the best link building practices for that.

In large corporations, there could be a number of link building experts that perform outreach campaigns for different market sectors in various countries.

Thus, a German link building consultant will occupy the outreach strategies for Germany and Austria, for instance. While other link building consultants might work with the English-language website of interest.

The list of tasks of a link building consultant often includes finding broken links. What does that mean, and why is it needed? The answer is simple: finding broken links provides a great opportunity to get a backlink from the website where a broken link was found.

A link building consultant contacts a webmaster reporting a broken link and suggests linking to the company website. When doing that, a link building consultant also pays attention to the type, domain authority, and sphere of the website where a broken link was detected.

Gaining backlinks is important but analyzing their performance and impact on the website’s optimization success is inevitable.

A link building specialist usually uses a dedicated backlink profile monitoring tool for that. Sometimes, sharing complex SEO tools with other SEO specialists is an option for analyzing the backlink profile.

As a rule, the do-follow links are analyzed as those are visible to the search engines. However, no-follow links should also be paid attention to even though they do not play a great role in search engine rankings.

Check more info about no-follow and do-follow incoming and outgoing links, and their significance.

Keyword Research

Even though link builder specialists are not directly involved in keyword research, they also participate in it.

While other SEO professionals perform detailed keyword research, finding the best phrases for better rankings, link builders use those word combinations for anchor texts.

The importance of selecting the right anchor texts to insert the backlink plays a great role in the entire backlink-building strategy and SEO in general. A properly chosen anchor text determines how users will react to it and whether they would want to proceed with that link.

As a result, the traffic to your website might greatly depend on the selection of backlinks and their corresponding word combinations as anchors.

As we already have an idea of what a typical link building expert takes care of in their professional activity, it is the right time to explore what a link building manager does. This role does not exist in every company, however, it could be encountered frequently in large corporations and SEO agencies.

Very often the role of the link building manager is included in the responsibilities of the SEO team manager. Sometimes, when there is a separate off-page team or link building team, a link building manager must be present.

The main tasks of a link building manager include the same as those of a conventional link building expert.

However, management and planning tasks are usually added to the list of responsibilities for such an expert. A link building manager is responsible for crafting link building campaigns and verifying whether the result of the link building activities matches the objective.

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Working online is an attractive opportunity for those who value flexibility and innovative technologies. The job of a link building specialist is often associated with online work with the website, so it would be ideal for remote working.

A typical set of tasks of link building experts includes elaboration on the SEO and back linking campaigns. Also, such professionals are usually involved in outreach activities, finding broken links, and monitoring the overall backlink profile.

In large corporations or SEO agencies, a link building manager role is also present. Similar to a link building expert, this person is responsible for the reputation of a website via link building.

The difference is that a link building manager develops link building campaigns and drives out further actions based on the analysis of the backlink performance monitoring.


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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