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The 5+1 best websites to find an Internship (that you don't use)

Internships Nov 10, 2020

Finding and internship is not an easy process.A lot of people try to find internships on platforms only for internships, but internships are everywhere...Here we give you the top 5+1 websites that you can start searching today!

1. LinkedIn (Of course)

Sure it is the dominant platform but for Jobs right? Wost of people believe that, but there are a lot of posts about internship.You just have to search the term "internship" and select your desired filters. Check the screenshot bellow where I found 2,336 results! You can apply filters based on your preferences like location, Company etc. Give it a try!

Loopcv - Linkedin to find jobs

2. Wellfound (previously

Many startups and investors use AngeList but did you know that has a lot of internships? Many new startups try to find people to work on their projects so apply on any open role or send an email to a company listed on AngeList to let them know that you interested in an internship! You can use the job search page and use the existing filters in order to find exactly what you are interested! Check the screenshot bellow!

Wellfound - find startups jobs - Loopcv


The mainstream website for searching part time or full time jobs. Includes Local and remote jobs as well as part time and full time ones. You can also subscribe in any search term in order to get opportunities directly to your email. Here you can see a search of developer internship:

Instatask - Find part time jobs

4. Ratemyplacement

It s one of the UK's leading job website for undergraduates seeking placements and internships. You can even select your desired duration of the internship in the filters section. It's definitely worth a try, especially if you want an internship in UK

Ratemyplacement - Loopcv find a job


Probably one of the biggest platforms out there for jobs and internships. You can select salary expectations, location and many more! You can subscribe to get emails for relative jobs and internships!

Indeed - Find a job

In the post above, we mentioned 5 websites to help you find your internship. Did we forget to mention an important one?

Well, Loopcv is the first platform that helps jobseekers find a job faster by automating the job search and job application process. How? Check more bellow:

Did you ever dream of clicking a button, sending hundreds of job applications and landing interviews ? Well, now you don't have to just dream of it.

Loopcv - find jobs online

Loopcv is the first platform in the market, that collects job postings from popular platforms like Linkedin, Indeed, Glassdoor and more, matching your profile with relevant opportunities and automatically submit your resume either by email or by applying

If you found the post interesting and you know someone who is looking for an internship feel free to share :)

And by the way, we are also looking for great interns to join our team! Feel free to send us your cv ( here => jobs at describing in a few sentences what is the ideal role for you!


George Avgenakis

CEO @ Loopcv

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