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Loopcv and InterviewBoss Form a New, Exciting Partnership

loopcv Aug 6, 2024

New day, new partnership arises!

This is a collaboration between Loopcv’s innovative job application automation platform and InterviewBoss’s advanced AI-driven interview preparation platform.

Together, we want to provide job seekers a solution that makes easier & faster their job application process, improves their interview skills & increases their chances of landing their dream jobs!

The Key Highlights of Our Collaboration

Users of InterviewBoss will now have access to Loopcv’s automated job search and application tools.

  • Users will receive expert guidance on interview techniques and will manage efficiently their job applications and follow-ups, all in one place.
  • Loopcv will provide support to InterviewBoss users, to navigate successfully the job search process.

This partnership offers a unique advantage

Users can now practice their interview skills through InterviewBoss’s customised mock interviews, while Loopcv automates the difficult part of job applications.

This approach ensures that candidates are well-prepared and confident throughout their job search journey!

CEO’s Statements

"We are incredibly excited about our partnership with Loopcv," said Alex, CEO of InterviewBoss.

"Our mission has always been to empower job seekers with the skills and confidence they need to succeed in interviews. By joining forces with Loopcv, we can now offer a complete job search solution that covers everything from skill acquisition to application automation. This collaboration is a major step forward in helping our users achieve their career aspirations."

George, CEO of Loopcv, added, "Our goal at Loopcv is to simplify the job search process for candidates and help them secure employment by automating the application process.

Partnering with InterviewBoss allow us to further improve our services by offering to our users a dedicated interview preparation platform. Together, we provide an easier and effective way for job seekers to not only find jobs, but also to excel in interviews and secure good offers."

How Does it Work?

To get started, users simply need to register on either platform.

They can then create a profile, specifying their desired roles, locations, and preferences.

Loopcv User Profile Dashboard

Loopcv's automated system takes over from there, identifying relevant job listings, submitting applications, and managing follow-ups with potential employers.

On the same time, InterviewBoss offers customised mock interviews and feedback, preparing users to impress during the actual interviews.

Personalised Mock Interviews Example - InterviewBoss
AI Mock Interview Example - InterviewBoss

With Loopcv and InterviewBoss, job seekers are equipped with the tools and skills needed to navigate the competitive job market and achieve their career goals!


Zoi Kotsou

Copywriter - Content writer - Content Strategist

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