5 Intelligent Practices for Better Digital Job Hunting

The job market of today is a far cry from what it was just a decade ago.

With the rapid development of communications technologies, wider access to high-speed Internet access, and the rapid increase in remote digital jobs, we are no longer limited to job opportunities within our immediate reach. We can instead pursue careers in other countries and even continents, and even travel while working.

Of course, with all of this new freedom, there also come some challenges.

With the job market gone global, there are more postings than ever to parse, and with digitally oriented companies receiving higher volumes of applications from around the world, competition for the positions that we want is growing fiercer all the time.

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To stay ahead of the game and achieve success in the digital job market, you need to be proactive and make the most of the tools available to you to optimize your job hunt.

In this piece, we'll discuss five ways to do just that.

1. Streamline your searches with automation

There is such a vast array of job boards available on the Internet nowadays, and with companies all posting on different ones, things can get messy quickly.

Because of this, finding and applying for the kind of jobs you want often isn’t as simple as it ought to be.

What’s more, between browsing all these sites or inputting your personal information time and time again, online job hunting can become really laborious and time-consuming. That’s why it pays to streamline the process with an automated search platform like LoopCV.

With an automated search platform, job hunting becomes a lot easier. All you need to do is upload your CV, set preferences for variables like job title, location, and salary, and then allow the tool to do the work.

It will then automatically search online job boards for you on a daily basis, assessing new postings and applying automatically to those that meet your criteria.

This removes the need for you to personally scour job sites and fill out repetitive forms to apply for jobs you're interested in. That means you can stay focused on more critical aspects that need your attention, such as interview prep.

With a job search automation platform, you can cast a wider net to find opportunities you otherwise wouldn’t and apply more quickly to new postings.

What's more, these platforms can even track responses to your applications and offer insights into the performance of your CV.

2. Ensure privacy and flexibility with a VPN

When searching for jobs online, and especially when using automated tools, you're sharing your personal information, so data privacy and security are definitely something to keep in mind.

This goes double if you're a remote professional and often find yourself using public Wi-Fi networks to conduct searches and submit applications.

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a solid option to help enhance your security when job hunting online. With a free VPN app like 1Click, for example, you conceal your IP address, hide your activities, and apply robust encryption protocols to all of your data.

All of this will allow you to create a secure connection with just the touch of a button. That will ensure that you cannot be tracked online and, most importantly, that your personal private information is safe in transit and visible only to recipients.

Aside from the extra layer of security that it will add to your connection, a VPN will also provide the additional benefit of locational flexibility.

For instance, if there are certain job sites or forums that you want to visit but are blocked in your region, a VPN will allow you to gain access by diverting your connection, effectively changing your display location online.

This will allow you to browse a wider range of sites to find more potential opportunities – something which can be invaluable if you work as a digital nomad, for instance.

3. Refine your CV with an optimization tool

While search platforms can help you to increase the volume and frequency of your applications, it may also be worth your while to acquire a tool that can help you enhance the quality of your CV or resumé.

These days, more and more organizations are using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to process applications, especially when dealing with large numbers of candidates, and these systems often filter out those whose CVs don't explicitly match their predetermined criteria.

This means that tailoring your CV to specific positions has never been more important, even when you are the best-qualified candidate for a particular role.

A résumé optimization tool can analyze your CV, comparing it with specific job descriptions to determine how closely it aligns with what the employer is looking for.

It can then suggest areas for improvement, as well as terminology and keywords to include to make your CV congruent with the description of the role you want.

With an optimization tool at your disposal, you can guarantee that your applications always pass the scrutiny of applicant tracking systems, allowing your CV to find its way into the hands of real hiring professionals who are better qualified to understand the value you bring. That means more interviews and a better chance of getting your ideal role.

4. Hone your interview skills on a practice platform

Once you've optimized your CV and have a system in place to submit applications efficiently, you're likely to be landing a lot more interviews than you otherwise would have. So, the obvious next step is to perfect your interview skills, right?

Of course, experience is the best teacher, so doing real interviews will always be the most effective way to develop your technique, but online practice platforms can be a helpful way to get work on your responses in a no-stakes, no-pressure environment.

This can be particularly important if you're doing a digital interview for the first time, as interviewing via video call will likely require you to adapt your communication style to some extent.

There is now a wide variety of AI-powered interview practice platforms that can simulate the experience of a job interview.

These can allow you to upload your CV and customize the experience to test specific aspects of interview performance, which the platform will then analyze and provide real-time feedback about. This is a useful jumping-off point when preparing for a particular interview.

Likewise, there are platforms where you can engage in mock interviews with real industry professionals.

Here, you can choose from a selection of interview types, such as role-specific, behavioral, or technical, and then be matched with an interviewer who will ask you questions and provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your responses.

Since these platforms will match you with real people, this is a great next step in your preparation, as it can help you sharpen your skills under more realistic conditions.

Once you've worked on your skills and are satisfied with your practice, you can go in with greater preparedness and a sense of confidence that will help you to wow prospective employers in interviews.

5. Boost your appeal with skill development platforms

As we've said already, participating in a global digital job market means facing fierce competition.

So, while streamlining your search, optimizing your CV, and sharpening your interview skills can make a huge difference, it never hurts to enhance your marketability by adding to your skill set.

Fortunately, there are a slew of skill development platforms out there to help you do this.

Platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, and Udemy all offer a variety of high-quality development courses.

Depending on the kind of positions you’re looking for, you can take courses to improve all manner of skills, from hard skills like computer programming to less-technical soft skills like organization, leadership, and communication.

It may take time for you to find the exact job you're looking for. Completing relevant courses is a great way to improve your knowledge and skills in the interim, and also demonstrate to potential employers that you are proactive about your own development.

When applying for roles in digital workplaces, this can actually be more important than you might think, as self-motivation is usually high on an employer's list of priorities when hiring staff remotely.

Wrapping up

In a global digital job market, being the most qualified person for the job is not always guaranteed to land you the role you're looking for.

To consistently improve your chances of success, you need to adopt smart strategies and technologies that will help you enhance your marketability, improve your skills, and optimize your search and application process.

By embracing these five practices, you can stay ahead of the competition and always put your best foot forward to ensure the best possible chance of landing the job of your dreams.