How to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn (Guide)

LinkedIn has been dominating the market as the world’s largest professional social network.

So it will not come as a surprise if you find yourself trying to connect with recruiters in search of the perfect job.

Trust me - you are not alone; there are 875 million users on LinkedIn and more than 52 million users looking for jobs on LinkedIn on a weekly basis.

We created the following guide to increase your chances of connecting with influencing recruiters in your industries.

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How to get started (5 steps)

1. Getting your profile in tip-top shape

Before you reach out to any recruiters, you need to make sure that your profile is clean, neat, and witty. Recruiters get contented by hundreds of people on a daily basis, so your profile needs to catch their attention.

Make sure you optimize your profile by adding a professional headshot and banner, have an updated history of your previous work experiences, and highlight your achievements in each role with small descriptions of the critical areas of responsibilities you managed.

Another key element can be your recommendations section; nothing speaks better to recruiters than some referrals. Having a short, sweet, and targeted summary is also key as it’s the first thing they will see that needs to capture in simple and short words who you are; check out here How To Write a Good LinkedIn Summary

2. Make sure you reach out to the right people

When looking for the ideal job, you need to narrow down your research in your preferred field.

By making a list of companies that fit your desired job, you can ensure that your job search will be more customized and targeted.

By using the LinkedIn search box to find the companies’ pages you can find a list of all the employees that work there and have a LinkedIn profile, from there on you can find the recruiters and the hiring managers, and you are one step closer to your first contact.

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3. Start with ease with the first approach

After finding your desired companies’ employee list and tracking the recruiters, you can move on to the first approach.

This is nothing more than connecting with them. It’s crucial that you don’t just connect with them, but add a small personalized note to the invitation.

Open the profile of the recruiter, click to Connect, then click on Add note, a message box will pop up, and there is where you will write your personalized message for the recruiter. The more you personalize the message, the more chances of acceptance. Things to have in mind for the message:

  • Explain the reason why you are trying to connect and show your interest
  • You can directly ask if ether is still actively recruiting
  • Keep it short and to the point

Some examples of these messages can be found below:

Hello [Name of the recruiter],

Your profile has been popping up in my feed lately. I am quite impressed with the work you do with your company, and I’d love to add you to my network.


Here is another example:

Hello [Name of the recruiter],

I am quite interested in your company and would love to connect and get to know more.


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4. Follow up after the acceptance

So now you have made your requests to all your preferred recruiters, and some of them are actively accepting your connection invite; now it’s your time to make your move.

Don’t hesitate to send a thank-you message, this can go a long way for a recruiter since they probably connect with many people on a weekly basis. Sending a thank-you note can differentiate you and show the recruiter that the opportunities they offer are important to you and of high priority.  

When sending the thank-you message, have in mind to:

  • Thank the recruiter for the connection
  • Explicitly demonstrate your interest in a specific opening
  • Highlight some of your assets and experience; you can even add your resume
  • Pro-tip: Make sure you check if the company needs you to apply through an online portal before you message them

Check out some examples of messages below:

Hello [Name of the recruiter],

Thank you for connecting with me. I am very interested in the opportunities [name of company/hiring agency] offers, I would love to have a talk to see if we are a fit.



Here’s another example:

Hello [Name of the recruiter],

Thank you for connecting, I have been eager to talk with you about [specific job posting], and I think I could be a great fit since I [explain a bit of your experience]. Hope to hear from you soon. Have a great day ahead.

5. Reaching out to the recruiter after you have applied for the job posting

So now you have applied to one of your dream jobs, be quick to cache the attention of the recruiter with a message that makes sure to mention the following:

  • Inform them that you have applied for the role and that you are excited to hear back from them
  • List down 2–3 reasons why you think you are a good fit for the role
  • Ask them about the possibility of discussing further details about the role

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Check out an example here:

Hi [name of the recruiter], I was so excited to see that you have an opening for [role you applied for]. I am very interested in the file, and having [x years of experience] I think it would be a great fit for the company and me. I believe my skill set and past experiences can help [name of the company] grow. I would be excited to chat a bit more about the role and talk a bit more about my experience to see if we are a match. Let me know if a chat would be feasible for you. Thanks in advance.


Check here for more on How to message a hiring manager

5 tips on what to do while reaching out to a recruiter

  • Personalize the messages you send and give them a unique vibe
  • Try avoiding long texts since recruiters usually skim through messages
  • Avoid very small texts with short CTAs like “Hey, could you please help me find a job.”
  • Try to avoid sounding demanding or rude
  • Always proofread your messages before you hit the send button

How to respond to recruiters

Yes, we analyzed how to reach out to recruiters, but what happens when they reach out to you, let’s check out possible scenarios below.

If you are not interested in the job

It’s possible for someone to contact you for a job that might not be the best fit for you; in this case, replying in a polite and direct manner it’s your best move since keeping in touch and having a recruiter in your network can always come in handy in the future.

Here is an example of a response for that scenario:

Hey [name of recruiter], thank you so much for considering me for [the role proposal] I am flattered. Right now, I am looking for something different, and I don’t think this is the best fit for me. Let’s keep in touch.


If you are interested in the job

If you are interested in the job, this is your chance to ask for more details and information about the role, benefits, company culture, etc. You can even ask for a video call or a one-on-one meeting to ask further questions.

Here is an example of a response for that scenario:

Hey [name of recruiter], thank you so much for considering me for [the role proposal] I am flattered, and I think this could be a good fit for me. Could we possibly hop on a phone call or video call for me to ask you some questions? I would need some additional information before making a final decision. Let me know when it is more convenient for you.


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The bottom line

Finding a job and reaching out to recruiters via linked in can be stressful as it is, but keep in mind that it’s also one of the most efficient ways to land a job in our days.

You need to be careful, authentic, and cautious while reaching out. Don’t forget that we are talking about your future here, so the more effort you put in during this period, the more you are going to get out of it as well in the end.

Don’t hesitate to apply and reach out to people with exciting opportunities because, for sure, event rejection can be an important asset for you for the learning that comes with it.

Go out there and take risks, best of luck!

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