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How much to charge for resume writing?

resume writer Dec 11, 2022

The cost of resume writing services can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the writer's experience and expertise, the complexity of the project, and the specific services provided. In general, professional resume writers may charge anywhere from $100 to $2000 or more for their services (check below the types of services that exist and how each service is charged).

It is important to carefully evaluate the cost of resume writing services and compare prices from multiple providers to ensure that you are getting a fair price. It is also a good idea to discuss the cost with the writer upfront to ensure that there are no surprises and that you are getting value for your money.

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Types of resume writing services and their typical cost

  1. Basic resume writing ($100-200): Basic resume writing services typically involve the creation of a simple, straightforward resume that highlights the job seeker's skills, experience, and education. These services may include a consultation with the writer to discuss the job seeker's goals and background, and may include a draft and one or more revisions.
  2. Comprehensive resume writing ($300-600): Comprehensive resume writing services typically involve a more in-depth and personalized approach to resume writing. These services may include a consultation with the writer to discuss the job seeker's goals and background in detail, and may include a review of the job seeker's existing resume to identify areas for improvement. Comprehensive resume writing services may also include assistance with cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and other job search materials.
  3. Executive resume writing ($500-2000): Executive resume writing services are designed for high-level executives and other top-level professionals who are seeking senior-level positions. These services may involve a more strategic and personalized approach to resume writing, and may include a consultation with the writer to discuss the job seeker's career goals and accomplishments. Executive resume writing services may also include assistance with networking and job search strategies, and may include additional services such as interview coaching and career counseling.
  4. Federal resume writing ($500-2000): Federal resume writing services are designed for job seekers who are applying for positions with the federal government. These resumes typically have specific requirements and formatting guidelines that must be followed. Federal resume writing services may include assistance with tailoring the resume to meet the specific requirements of the job, and may include additional services such as writing specialized federal application forms.
  5. Technical resume writing: Technical resume writing services are designed for job seekers who have specialized technical skills and experience. These services may involve a more in-depth and personalized approach to resume writing, and may include a consultation with the writer to discuss the job seeker's technical background and expertise. Technical resume writing services may also include assistance with highlighting the job seeker's technical skills and experience in a way that

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Types of resume writer professionals

There are several different types of professionals who offer resume writing services. Some of the most common types of resume writer professionals include:

  1. Professional resume writers: Professional resume writers are individuals who have training and experience in writing resumes. They may have a background in writing, communications, or human resources, and may have specialized expertise in a particular industry or job field. Professional resume writers typically offer a range of resume writing services, including basic, comprehensive, and executive level resumes.
  2. Career coaches: Career coaches are professionals who help individuals with their career development. They may offer a range of services, including resume writing, job search strategies, and interview coaching. Career coaches may have a background in counseling, coaching, or human resources, and may have specialized expertise in a particular industry or job field.
  3. HR professionals: HR professionals are individuals who work in the field of human resources. They may have a background in business, management, or a related field, and may have expertise in recruiting, hiring, and employee relations. Some HR professionals may offer resume writing services as part of their broader HR services.
  4. Executive resume writers: Executive resume writers are professionals who specialize in writing resumes for high-level executives and other top-level professionals. They may have a background in writing, communications, or a related field, and may have specialized expertise in writing resumes for senior-level positions. Executive resume writers may offer a range of services, including resume writing, networking and job search strategies, and interview coaching.
  5. Federal resume writers: Federal resume writers are professionals who specialize in writing resumes for federal government jobs. They are familiar with the specific requirements and formatting guidelines for federal resumes, and can help job seekers tailor their resumes to meet these requirements. Federal resume writers may have a background

?? Want to make extra revenue as a resume writer? Try the white label product of Loopcv to create an additional revenue stream for your business

Which resume writer service to start?

The type of resume writer service that you should start will depend on a variety of factors, such as your skills and experience, your target market, and the demand for resume writing services in your area. Some potential options to consider include:

  1. Basic resume writing: If you have strong writing skills and a good understanding of the job market, you may want to start by offering basic resume writing services. This can involve creating straightforward, professional resumes that highlight the job seeker's skills, experience, and education. You can target a wide range of job seekers, including entry-level and mid-level professionals, and offer competitive prices to attract clients.
  2. Comprehensive resume writing: If you have more advanced writing skills and experience, you may want to offer comprehensive resume writing services. This can involve a more in-depth and personalized approach to resume writing, and can include assistance with cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and other job search materials. You can target a wider range of job seekers, including executives and other top-level professionals, and offer higher prices for your services.
  3. Executive resume writing: If you have extensive experience writing resumes for senior-level positions, you may want to focus on offering executive resume writing services. This can involve a more strategic and personalized approach to resume writing, and can include additional services such as networking and job search strategies, and interview coaching. You can target high-level executives

?? Want to make extra revenue as a resume writer? Try the white label product of Loopcv to create an additional revenue stream for your business

[BONUS] How to make more money as a resume writer?

There are several ways that you can make more money as a resume writer. Some potential strategies to consider include:

  1. Offer a range of services: By offering a range of resume writing services, such as basic, comprehensive, and executive level resumes, you can increase your potential income. You can also offer additional services, such as cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and job search strategies, to increase the value of your services and charge higher prices.
  2. Target higher-paying clients: By targeting higher-paying clients, such as executives and other top-level professionals, you can increase your income as a resume writer. These clients may be willing to pay more for high-quality resume writing services, and may also be interested in additional services such as networking and job search strategies.
  3. Increase your rates: As you gain experience and expertise as a resume writer, you can increase your rates to reflect the value of your services. By charging higher prices for your services, you can increase your income without necessarily increasing the number of clients you work with. However, it is important to be mindful of market rates and the value that your clients perceive in your services when setting your rates.
  4. Expand your business: By expanding your business and taking on additional clients, you can increase your income as a resume writer. This can involve building a network of referrals, partnering with other businesses, or using marketing and advertising strategies to reach a wider audience of potential clients.
  5. Continuously improve your skills: By continuously improving your skills and knowledge as a resume writer, you can increase the value of your services and charge higher prices. This can involve staying up to date with the latest trends and developments in the job market, and seeking out training and education opportunities to enhance your expertise. By continuously improving your skills, you can differentiate yourself from other resume writers and increase your income.

?? Want to make extra revenue as a resume writer? Try the white label product of Loopcv to create an additional revenue stream for your business


George Avgenakis

CEO @ Loopcv

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